After awakening the 'Eye of Time', Charlotte's practice is naturally mostly about understanding the power of time.’、‘ice’、‘Water' and other familiar forces in nature, time has always been an illusory existence. It cannot be seen or touched, but it is undeniable that it does exist.

Because all people and things in this world can be said to be dominated by time, because no matter how powerful you are, as long as you cannot live forever, one day you will be annihilated in the long river of time and turned into a handful of dust.

This is the power of time.

And Charlotte, who has the"Eye of Time", has initially mastered the medium of this power. What he has to do is to try his best to feel this magical power until he can control it, go against it, dominate time, and become the master of time.

However, as mentioned above, time is too illusory. Even if Charlotte awakens the"Eye of Time", it is not an easy task to comprehend the power of time. What's more, he has no guidance from his predecessors and can only rely on himself to explore everything.

In short, it's just one word, difficult!

And this has to mention the second function of the time space.

Charlotte discovered that in the space of time, meditating and practicing near the long river of time, he could feel the power of time much more easily than in the outside world, as if there was a force of energy leading him to feel the power of time.

Whenever he practiced here, he would have a clearer understanding of the word time and a more thorough use of the Eye of Time. In addition to the speed of time here, I believe it won't take long for him to be able to independently comprehend the various magical uses of time............

Beside the long river of time, Charlotte sat cross-legged, motionless, with a blue light film covering his body, like a dream, as if it were eternal.

Time passed by bit by bit......

At this moment, Charlotte's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes suddenly opened. At the same time, the blue light film covering his body also dissipated like bubbles at this moment.

A thoughtful expression flashed on Charlotte's face, and he stood up immediately.

He stretched out his right hand, and the blue light surged in his palm.

A samurai sword appeared out of thin air.

The style was exactly the same as that of the absolute sword.

After a slight glance at the samurai sword in his hand, Charlotte's eyes suddenly became sharp, and then his body moved, and the sword in his hand also moved.

Whoosh whoosh!!

The sword moves with the person.

Charlotte's swordsmanship seems to drift flexibly, but in fact there is no rule.

It is completely what he thinks about in his mind.

Because Charlotte also has no one to teach him in this regard, everything can only be understood by himself, and now Charlotte is not thinking about swordsmanship, but has other ideas.

At this moment- I saw Charlotte's speed suddenly increase, and the speed of swinging the sword in his hand also became faster, more than twice faster than before, and this increase in speed is still increasing.

Until a certain moment, Charlotte's speed seemed to reach a limit, and then he saw that his figure suddenly turned into a phantom, and his speed broke through this limit.

A brilliant knife light shone in the sky, flashed through the time and space, and left a series of afterimages formed by the extremely fast speed.

In the brilliant knife light just now, there was a mysterious charm, which was the charm of time that filled the entire time and space.

To be precise, it was - time acceleration!

Charlotte did not understand the sword techniques of the schools in this world, but he knew how to apply the power he mastered to the sword, that is, the power of time.

Speed is power, an eternal theory.

Using the power of time acceleration to bless himself and apply it to the sword technique, even if Charlotte did not understand any sword technique school, this speed that others could not reach was enough to kill everything, and through this method, his sword would also form a school that belonged to him and was unique.

The sword technique that contained the power of time was not something that everyone could master.


Time passed unknowingly while Charlotte was practicing his swordsmanship, and during this time, Charlotte's swordsmanship became more and more proficient......

Suddenly, Charlotte stopped swinging his sword, and the samurai sword in his hand flashed blue light, turned into bubbles and dissipated in this space. With a slight shake of his mind, Charlotte's consciousness disappeared from the space of time.

In the room.

Charlotte, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes, the blue light in his eyes faded, and there was a trace of fatigue between his eyebrows.

Outside the window, it was already pitch black, with only a full moon hanging high in the sky and a few stars dotting the night sky.

Charlotte sat up from the bed, looked at the situation outside the window, and then looked at the clock hanging on the wall. He calculated in his mind and then said to himself,"Sure enough, I have persisted a little longer than yesterday."

Just now in the space of time, Charlotte used his mind to mobilize the long river of time to roll, and the time flow rate he urged was five times the maximum time flow rate he could currently achieve. It was only when his mental power was exhausted that he was forcibly kicked out.

Although the time he persisted this time was still only slightly longer than yesterday, Charlotte was very satisfied, because according to this growth trend, it would not take long before his mental power would be enough to support his daily consumption of five times the flow rate in the time space, so that he would not be kicked out every time.

But by then, after his mental will became stronger, I wonder if he could mobilize a higher flow rate of time! ?

Charlotte did not think too much, and fell directly on the bed. After a while, he fell asleep, because he was really tired at this time............


Please collect flowers or something....

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