"Arc of Time!"

At the moment when Zaruut used the magic, a divine light flashed in Charlotte's eyes, and the name of this magic emerged in his mind.

Wasn't the magic that Zaruut just used the time magic that he was most familiar with?

At this moment, Charlotte finally understood why this person had an aura that resonated with the 'Eye of Time'. If nothing unexpected happened, it was related to the 'Arc of Time' that he mastered.

Time is the most mysterious and supreme power.

There are only a handful of people who can master the power of time. Since Charlotte awakened the 'Eye of Time', this is the first time he has met a second person who has mastered the magic of time.

However, although the 'Arc of Time' belongs to the legendary lost magic, which can return the state of things to the past or push them to the future and change the time arc of objects, it also has a huge disadvantage, that is, it cannot be effective on creatures other than plants.

This alone is much weaker than Charlotte's 'Eye of Time'.���, Charlotte, who possesses the"Eye of Time", can apply the power of time to anything, but the effect will change according to the object he is applying it to. Everything depends on the strength of Charlotte, the owner of the"Eye of Time".

The stronger he is, the stronger the effect of the"Eye of Time", and vice versa!

Therefore, when Zarut used the"Arc of Time", Charlotte felt that the magic of time in the other party's body was too immature compared to his own.

However, Charlotte became more and more curious about this mysterious person who could manipulate time like himself.

At this time, the crystal balls that split into a row had already attacked him.

But a blue light suddenly flashed in Charlotte's eyes, shining on those crystals, and instantly freezing these crystal balls in the air. Seeing this scene, Zarut, who was always paying attention to Charlotte's actions, suddenly had his eyes shining, especially when he felt the magical power that erupted from Charlotte's eyes just now, his heart couldn't help but beat faster.

"There is no mistake, it is this power!" He shouted madly in his heart.

"Let me tell you what real time magic is!"

Charlotte smiled faintly, and then azure light began to flow in his eyes.

""Go back!"

Charlotte uttered two words lightly, and then saw that the row of crystal balls suddenly became transparent and disappeared at the moment the voice fell, leaving only the crystal ball thrown by Zarut at the beginning still frozen in the air.

But when all the other crystal balls were sent back to their original time by Charlotte, the only remaining crystal ball also exploded with a bang, turning into a group of transparent fragments, and turned into the appearance that would be shattered by Charlotte's finger.

""Arc of Time - Past!"

Zarut shouted softly, and began to use the power of time to manipulate the time of the crystal ball.

Seeing this, Charlotte smiled coldly and also manipulated the power of time.

Then, Zarut only felt an invisible wave passing by, and then he found that he could not find the timeline of the crystal ball at all when he used the ability of"Arc of Time", let alone change its time arc and return it to the past state.

This situation obviously means that his"Arc of Time" has been broken.

When Zarut felt this, he was obviously stunned at first, and then the light in his eyes became even brighter, and his eyes looking at Charlotte were even more scorching.

Although his"Arc of Time" was broken, he did not feel the slightest dissatisfaction, but became more excited.

Because this shows that the power of time mastered by Charlotte is far beyond his own, and this is exactly the result he needs.

Otherwise, if the other party's power of time is not even as good as his own, then he has spent so much energy to find him during this period of time, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

""The Arc of Time - Glory of All Gods!"

Zaruut threw out another crystal ball and shouted at the same time. He wanted to know to what extent Charlotte had mastered the power of time.

The crystal ball suddenly split apart like before, but the number of splits was much more terrifying than before. In just a moment, the surrounding space was filled with thousands of crystal balls, all of which were moved from the original crystal ball in different time periods.

Thousands of crystal balls were flashing with dazzling divine light, and with a sharp murderous intent, they fell one by one and shot towards Charlotte.

Since he had just broken the opponent's"Arc of Time", he saw that the opponent seemed excited. Seeing this expression, Charlotte was confused. What was there to be excited about when his magic was broken?

Moreover, he always had a feeling that this guy not only knew his identity very well, but also seemed to have known his magic for a long time. Moreover, he always felt that this guy's current attack seemed to be more like testing his time ability.

Thinking of this, Charlotte sneered in his heart. Since you want to test it, then let you test it enough, but I don't know if the price is something you can afford.

Facing the thousands of divine lights, Charlotte's expression did not change at all, and the azure light in his eyes continued to flow!

""Go back!"

The same two words came out of his mouth again, and invisible waves dissipated.

If I can break you once, I can break you a second time!.........


First update!!!

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