In Charlotte's eyes, everything about Urrutia's past was completely presented in them.

His eyes seemed to be full of magic. Urrutia, who was looking at him, stood stiffly in place at this time, his eyes were dull, and the whole person looked absent-minded.

The two stood face to face like this, the man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, especially under the purple moonlight, it was like a pair of immortal lovers.

At this time, there was a violent vibration in the Moon Temple, and several magical powers burst out in the temple at the same time. It should be that Natsu and his party had entered the Moon Temple and collided with the people in the temple.

But at this time, whether it was Charlotte or Urrutia, they had no time to take care of the situation over there.

I don't know how long it took.

The blue light in Charlotte's eyes dissipated, and at the same time, Urrutia's lifeless eyes also showed a lively light, and people gradually came back to their senses.

After the initial trance, Urrutia recovered instantly, and also understood what had just happened.

Her beautiful face looked a little pale, and her eyes were full of complexity when she looked at Charlotte. She knew that in his eyes, she had no secrets at all. Just now, when Charlotte's powerful mental power invaded her sea of consciousness, she was exposed to Charlotte as if she was naked, and he saw her from inside to outside. Perhaps

, Charlotte now knows her better than she does.

After Charlotte withdrew his mental power, he closed his eyes silently and did not speak at the first time. The two of them suddenly entered a state of silence.

After a while, Charlotte opened his eyes and looked at Urrutia with a little bit of disbelief,"I really didn't expect that you have so many secrets."

Urrutia heard this and smiled sadly,"No matter how many secrets you have, you will still see them all!"

Hearing this, Charlotte touched his nose awkwardly and said:

"But now I know why you are so eager to find me, and why you keep testing my time ability as soon as you see me.

You want to change the world, and go back to the days when you lived happily with your mother Uru!

That's why you study the 'Arc of Time' and collect various books on time magic!

" Listening to Charlotte's thoughts hidden in the deepest part of her heart, Urrutia's eyes suddenly soured and her eye sockets turned red, but she still tried hard not to let the tears that were about to burst out flow down, even though all the secrets of her body had been seen by Charlotte, she didn't want to show her most vulnerable side at this time.

At this moment, she seemed to think of something and said,"Aren't you the same? You want to use the power of time to resurrect your father and resurrect everyone in that Hualuo village!


When Charlotte used the power of time to check Urrutia's past, perhaps because this was the first time Charlotte had checked someone else's past in this way, in that moment, when he was relaxed, Urrutia actually checked back a little bit of his past. After all, although he was not as good as Charlotte, Urrutia was also a person who had dabbled in the power of time.

Although Charlotte noticed it at the first time and forcibly interrupted Urrutia's behavior, Urrutia still checked a part of his past, and it seemed to be the most important one.

Charlotte didn't care about Urrutia revealing his greatest wish, and continued to talk to himself:

"To be honest, I never thought that your mother Uru is actually Gray and Leon's master. So, you should be Gray's senior sister."

Through Urrutia's memory, Charlotte also knew the identity of the group of people who were staying in the Moon Temple at that time. The leader named Lingdi was actually Uru's eldest disciple Leon. Moreover, the purpose of their trip was to use the"Drop of the Moon" to dissolve the eternal ice that Uru had transformed into"Absolute Ice", release the demon Deliora from it, and then defeat it.

What Leon didn't know was that Urrutia was just using him.

Charlotte continued,"You are jealous of your two junior brothers, jealous that they can get the love of your mother Uru, and at the same time you are still resenting your mother Uru for abandoning you so cruelly."

"What do you want to say?"

Urutia looked at Charlotte with red eyes. She didn't think that Charlotte said so much just to expose her scars bit by bit.

"I just want to tell you....."

Charlotte's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she said word by word,"If you really use the Moon Drop to melt the eternal ice that your mother has turned into, then.....You will definitely regret it for the rest of your life!"

Urrutia's heart trembled slightly,"You said.....What do you mean!"

Charlotte said lightly,"I just want to tell you that sometimes what you see with your eyes is not always true, and I believe that every mother and father loves their children the most. Even if it means sacrificing their own lives, they will protect their children, let alone abandon them!"

Just as Urrutia had thought before, Charlotte now really understands her better than she does herself. When he used the power of time to invade Urrutia's sea of consciousness, what he saw was not only her past, but also much more!.........


Second update!!!......There were some problems with the update these two days, I will find time to make up for it later!!!

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