On the snow, two lines of tears flowed from Urrutia's eyes. She looked at the wooden house with tearful eyes. Her eyes could see through the wooden house and see the scene inside.

In the wooden house, there were only some basic tables, chairs, beds and stools, and there were not many other decorations. It was very simple, which also showed some of Urrutia's personality.

At this time, little Tia was lying on the bed, and Urrutia sat beside her, gently telling her stories and coaxing her to sleep.

This scene perfectly overlapped with the memory in Urrutia's mind, because this was exactly what she had experienced when she was a child.

When she was a child, every time before she went to bed, her favorite thing was to pester Urrutia to tell her stories, and then listen to the stories and fall asleep in Urrutia's gentle eyes.

But since she was sent to the Magic Research Bureau, she has never experienced this warm scene before going to bed again.

At this time, in the wooden house, under Urrutia's gentle voice, little Tia finally couldn't stand the torment of sleepiness, her eyes slowly closed, and fell asleep.

Uru sat on the bed, looking at the sweet and lovely face of little Tia, and a happy smile appeared unconsciously at the corner of his mouth.

But this happy smile did not last long on her face and disappeared. She seemed to think of something that made her very painful. After the smile on her face disappeared, it was replaced by a sad face, and her eyes looking at little Tia were even more reluctant.

Outside the house, seeing this scene, Urrutia's heart ached inexplicably. Through her own memory, she knew why Uru had such an expression, because soon, Uru would send little Tia to the Magic Research Bureau because of her physical condition, and that would be the last time the mother and daughter met.

Little Tia, who was in her sleep, could not see Uru's painful expression after she fell asleep, which meant that this was not a fragment of Urrutia's memory, but after Charlotte took her back to her past through time, she saw a scene she had never seen before from this third-person perspective.

Seeing his mother sitting beside the bed in grief, Urrutia couldn't help but ask himself, would such a mother really be so cruel as to abandon him?....

Her heart, at this moment, began to waver......

Urrutia wiped the tears from her face and turned to look at Charlotte,"Can I go in and talk to her?"....."

When she talked about"her", her voice was obviously trembling, showing her inner restlessness.

Moreover, when she asked Charlotte this question, she already knew that there was a 90% chance that Charlotte would reject her.

Because even though Charlotte's mastery of the power of time had far exceeded her imagination, and he could even do this kind of time travel, she could feel that although Charlotte took her back to"her past", he still could not break the rules of time. It was like they were in her past time at this moment, but they could not integrate into the world of this time, and could only observe her past from the perspective of an observer.

Therefore, when she asked this question, she was already prepared to be rejected.

However, the result of the matter was somewhat beyond her expectations. After hearing her words, Charlotte was only slightly silent for a while, and then nodded,"Okay!"

Urrutia widened her eyes, as if she did not expect Charlotte to nod, which made her, who was already prepared to be rejected, a little surprised.

At the same time, she thought in disbelief,"Could it be that Charlotte's understanding of 'time' has reached a level that is enough to break the rules!?"

"This is for you."

Charlotte flipped her right hand, and a small, exquisite hourglass appeared in her hand. One end of the hourglass was filled with sand that was flashing with blue light:

"This is a time hourglass. I will let you really enter this"past time" in a while, and then, this hourglass will start to flow. As long as the time sand in the hourglass has flowed away, you can exist in this"past time". Similarly, after the time sand has flowed away, you will come out again! So, you have to grasp the time well!"

Listening carefully to Charlotte's words, Urrutia nodded and took the time hourglass. Looking at the beautiful time sand inside that was flashing with blue light, he felt like he had found a treasure and couldn't let it go.

"There is one more thing!"

Charlotte spoke again, and this time his tone was extremely serious, causing Urrutia to quickly turn his eyes away from the hourglass and look at Charlotte with a focused and serious expression.

Charlotte said,"Because the person you are going to meet is your mother, you can't meet her in your current state. Not only that, in the content of your conversation with her, you must not reveal anything about the future, otherwise, not only you, but also me, will be directly and forcibly sent back to the real time.’"

After hearing what Charlotte said, Urrutia was stunned, but she soon understood the reason. It seemed that Charlotte was not yet able to completely break the rules. But if he had been able to do this, he would have gone back two years ago and changed the history of the destruction of Hualuo Village.

However, Urrutia was not disappointed. She was very satisfied that Charlotte could do this.

"Thank you!"

Urrutia bowed sincerely to Charlotte, and then she touched her body with her jade hand. With a flash of light, she changed her appearance - a little girl with twin ponytails. She looked as cute and sweet as Little Tia, but there was no trace of Urrutia's original shadow.

Charlotte nodded lightly, raised her hand and pointed at Urrutia. A blue light flew out from her fingertips and fell on Urrutia.

Urrutia only felt her whole body tremble, and then she found that the special gap between herself and this world disappeared. Now she seemed to be a real person in this time period.

She first glanced at the hourglass in her hand. Sure enough, the time sand inside had begun to flow to the other end. This flow was real time. Judging from the total amount of sand and its flow speed, Urrutia estimated that she should only exist in this world for about half an hour.

For her, this time is not long......

Thinking of this, Urrutia stopped wasting time and walked forward with trepidation, knocking on the door of the wooden house..............


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