Facing Erza's strong question, Charlotte just shrugged, then waved a finger in the direction behind him and said:

"If you keep going forward from here, you will soon see a temple building. Natsu and the others are all inside. You will be able to see it when you get there."

"Thank you very much!"

Although Erza was a strong person, she was very polite. After Charlotte finished speaking, she nodded and thanked him.

""It's a small matter!" Charlotte smiled calmly. This island is so small. Even if he didn't tell her, Erza would find the Moon Temple quickly.

After learning the location of Natsu and others from Charlotte, Erza strode directly in the direction Charlotte pointed.

Whether it was this swift and decisive attitude or the deep fear of Erza shown by Natsu and others before, Charlotte knew that Natsu and others were going to be in big trouble this time......

However, although the person who came this time was Erza, whom Natsu feared the most, Charlotte knew that Natsu would not give up his S-level mission easily. This can be seen from the stubbornness Natsu showed when he was in Hargeon. He was very persistent about this private S-level mission.

What's more, there is Gray among them.

If it were a normal situation, Gray might choose to compromise with Erza, but this time it was different. This time the mission involved his most beloved master and his senior brother Leon, and what Leon was doing was something he would never allow! As long as he could stop Leon's actions, he would not hesitate even at the cost of his life. In this situation, would he still be afraid of Erza?......

Moreover, in Charlotte's opinion, Erza is an S-class wizard of Fairy Tail and a partner of Natsu and his friends. Even if Natsu and his friends were at fault in this matter, she will definitely have her own judgment and consideration, and will definitely not stop Natsu and his friends halfway.....Even secretly provide some help....

Of course, after the matter is over, it is inevitable to settle the accounts..............

Outside the village, Charlotte looked up at the sky. The purple moon was still hanging high in the night sky. He whispered to himself,"Although I may be strong enough, it is not so easy to complete an S-level mission. Natsu is still too young!"

After that, he stepped into the village. This time, the village guards did not stop him.

Time passed, and soon it was the second half of the night.

In the room, Charlotte, who was practicing with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes. There was a noisy sound outside, especially Natsu's iconic loud voice, which reached Charlotte's ears before he entered the village.

""It seems that the matter is over."

Charlotte whispered, and then he stood up and walked out of the room.

As soon as he went out, he heard Natsu's angry roar,"What the hell! Didn't we defeat those guys? There is no ceremony anymore! Why is the moon still purple, and why did Gray's master and Deliora disappear for no reason! What is going on!!"

Beside Natsu, Gray, who was covered in wounds, turned pale when he heard his words. He clenched his fists tightly, and was obviously in a bad mood.

As for Lucy, she followed Erza carefully.

Her heart was beating wildly when she saw her long crimson hair.

Her beautiful legs showed some signs of weakness.

Needless to say, she was frightened by Erza.

The kitten Habby flew beside Erza, trying to get her forgiveness by being cute.

However, her cold and pretty face never changed.

Facing such an iron-faced and selfless Queen, the cute kitten knew that his cute tricks that had always worked for other girls would be ineffective if nothing unexpected happened.

Thinking of the terrible punishment he would receive after returning this time, he felt bad for his entire cat life. His cute cat face was full of grievances!

"You guys are back! ?"

Charlotte leaned against the door, looked at the group of people coming in, and laughed out loud.

""Eh!?" Hearing the voice, Natsu and the others turned around and looked. After seeing Charlotte, Lucy immediately shouted,"Charlotte, when did you come back! ? By the way, where did you go before? We have been looking for you for a long time!"

"I just wandered around the island." Charlotte said lazily......

Hearing what Charlotte said, a frown appeared on everyone's head. They had all felt the terrible magic power that Charlotte had erupted before. Did he call it just a casual stroll?

Seeing that everyone showed such expressions of disbelief, Charlotte smiled helplessly, but he didn't care. Anyway, this was not the first time.

At this time, a short figure suddenly rushed in front of them. This person had a head like a devil. He came in front of Natsu and the others and roared at them,"Why haven't you destroyed the moon yet? Didn't I tell you to hurry up!? If you don't destroy the moon, how can we lift the curse on us!!!!"

"Village chief, how can you destroy the moon?" Hearing this man's words, Lucy couldn't help but complain again.

However, the S-level mission they accepted this time was to lift the curse of Karna Island. If they couldn't lift the curse on the island, even if they defeated Leon and his party in the Moon Temple, they would not have completed the mission.

But they originally believed that the curse of Karna Island was caused by the"Moon Drop" ceremony held in the Moon Temple. However, after they defeated Leon and stopped the Moon Drop ceremony, they found that the purple moon still hadn't recovered.

They also asked Leon, but the latter said that when they came to this island three years ago, the villagers on the island already looked like demons, and in the past three years, they also bathed in the purple moonlight every night, but there was no sign of turning into demons.

"What should I do?"Natsu grabbed his cherry-colored hair and yelled frantically. This was his first S-level mission. It was his mission to prove himself! Is he going to fail like this?!

As for Gray, he had been silent since he came in. It seemed that he didn't care whether this mission could be completed or not. His mind was full of the disappearance of his master and Deliora for no reason!

Erza, on the other hand, touched her chin and fell into deep thought when she heard the village chief shouting for them to destroy the moon, and her eyes looked at the purple moon in the night sky from time to time.

Seeing Erza's pensive look, Charlotte already knew that the former should have some clues about this mission.

Thinking about the time when Erza went to the island, Charlotte had to admire her.

She was worthy of being the Fairy Queen, an experienced and veteran S-level wizard.

Not only was she powerful, but her observation skills were also amazing.

No wonder she could make such a big name in the Kingdom of Fiore in a few years.

There is no gap without comparison.

In comparison, Natsu's performance.......

I can only say that he still has some distance to go on the road to S-level................


First update!!!

Regarding Chapter 71, it was reviewed before. I modified it and it is now available. If you haven’t seen it, you can go back and read it.....

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