“Old man, what’s going on! Didn’t you see that I’m tired? Ling Yan lazily lay on his back in his chair and said weakly.

“Ahem!” Seeing Ling Yan’s appearance, Makarov coughed a few times with some embarrassment, he also felt that Ling Yan’s state was a little bad at this time, and asked embarrassedly: “Where have you been during this time, without saying hello, it has been more than three months, and why is the spirit so weak now.” ”

Ling Yan heard Makarov’s question, and immediately gritted his teeth and said angrily: “It’s nothing, I was pitted by a dead fat profiteer, and I almost didn’t climb out, but I finally found some interesting returns!” Finally, Ling Yan said with some comfort.

“Well! That’s fine, uh. Makarov nodded, and then suddenly became a little embarrassed.

As soon as Ling Yan saw it, he knew that this old man had something to ask for himself, plus just now Ling Yan also noticed that Makarov’s state was a little wrong, and suddenly affirmed this speculation, so he said directly: “What’s the matter, say it!” ”

“So, with your current state, can you feel Macao’s current situation?” Although he was a little embarrassed, he still suppressed Makao’s worries, and immediately said with an old face.

“Oh! Macao, he didn’t have a big deal, he just seemed to have been forcibly accepted by some creature. Ling Yan was stunned, he also noticed a little about the things downstairs just now, obviously he didn’t expect this old man to look like he had nothing to do with me whether he died or not, and he was actually so worried about Macao.

“What, forcibly received by unknown creatures.” Makarov shouted instantly, fortunately the soundproofing of the study was good and did not reach the outside.

“…………。” Looking at Makarov, who was screaming, Ling Yan suddenly felt powerless, this old man, can’t he be mature? I said that I was fine, of course, it means that this matter has been controlled by myself within a safe range.

After all, after living for more than 80 years, Makarov still did not live in vain, seeing Ling Yan’s calm look, he knew that it should really be no big deal, and immediately asked embarrassedly, “That, cough, what happened.” ”

Speaking of which, Makarov is also depressed, and he is also the guild leader when he says so, you can’t explain it clearly, you always make yourself so embarrassed, maybe you will live a few years less.

“Well, he has already protected his consciousness, the rest depends on his own willpower, for this, you won’t worry!” And didn’t Natsu go too? It’s okay, I’ll go back first, ha!. With a punch, Ling Yan got up from the chair weakly, squinted and left.

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Location, Ling Yan’s house.

Back at home, Ling Yan did not go to rest, and walked to his secret warehouse, which was no longer a secret, why was it not a secret? Because not to mention Elusha and Mira, even the rest of the guild knew this place clearly.

“Yo! You’re finally back! Ling Yan. Walking into the secret warehouse, Ling Yan heard a voice with a somewhat weak heart.

Ling Yan turned his head and saw Loki sitting on the sofa with an elegant face, and his heart immediately jumped, and he did not pay attention to him, but scanned his eyes around.

Although the surroundings were very neat, Ling Yan could clearly feel that there was still a trace of discord here, and then thought of the somewhat weak voice before, and immediately angrily shouted at the man in front of him: “Loki, you bastard is rummaging things without my permission again!” ”

“Ah! It was found again, how did you notice it, I have obviously laid it out according to the original decoration! Although he was discovered, Loki didn’t panic, just asked Ling Yan in annoyance.

“Hmph! Who do you think you are! I’ll tell you such a secret thing! Ling Yan pouted arrogantly and disdainfully, and then said as if he had thought of something: “If you return the money you owe me, I may tell you.” ”

When Loki heard this, he couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart, and immediately shook his head without hesitation: “You know I don’t have any money, unless you directly drag it out and sell it, maybe you can make up a fraction.” ”

Hearing Loki’s words, Ling Yan was stunned, had an idea in his heart, and couldn’t help but say it: “Not necessarily!” With your appearance, although your appearance is not as elegant and handsome as mine, and the body is not as strong and sexy as mine, but it is also compared with me, if compared with others, it is absolutely first-class, plus you are also a very famous magic guide, and the superb puff girl technology, I believe that whether it is a man or a woman, there are many people who have sexual interest in you, if you go out to sell, you can sell it for a few years to pay back the money. ”

When Loki heard this, his tiger body was shocked and said, “I’ll go, you won’t really be so ruthless!” ”

“What do you say?” At this time, Ling Yan’s smile, in Loki’s opinion, it was called an eerie horror.

Seeing Ling Yan with a gloomy and terrifying face, Loki called a trembling! There is no way, I can’t fight and fight, and I owe people a huge amount of money.

Moreover, this is still Ling Yan’s home, if Ling Yan really does that, he will definitely call the sky and the earth unspirited, and the proper will not be chaste, and he will be pulled out and sold!

“I tell you, if that’s the case, I’ll be, I’ll . . .” I just sounded halfway, and Loki found that he really didn’t have anything to threaten the other party, and immediately he had a sad face, trying to play the emotional card, so that Ling Yan let himself go.

“Cut, don’t worry, I still have some restraint, but what are you doing here, didn’t I already help you suppress it once before?” It’s only been more than three months, and it’s been another seizure. Saying that, Ling Yan’s face also became solemn.

“Yes! I had a seizure half a month ago, it seems that I don’t have much time? That’s about half a year left! Look at the money I owe you for my already being so pitiful, forget it! Although he said that he still had about half a year to live, Loki still said with a giggle on his face and said without care.

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