Looking at the already empty room, Ling Yan sighed faintly: “Forget it, let’s ignore that superb star spirit first, let’s see how my harvest is now!” ”

“Then again, I haven’t read a book in a long time?” Looking at the things in front of him, Ling Yan opened the book in front of him with great interest.

“This is…” Turning the page, Ling Yan saw something that shocked him, and exclaimed: “It is actually possible to modify the characteristics of forbidden magic, which is no less difficult than recreating forbidden magic!”

Then, the full mind is completely immersed in it.


Location: Inside a cave in Mount Hacquebay.

“Good!” Looking at Natsu, who appeared again in an extremely humiliating way, for a while, after experiencing big ups and downs, Lucy began to complain without hesitation, and then held his forehead with one hand, and said with a helpless look: “I said, can’t you appear in an ordinary way?” ”

“Monkey, where is Macao.” But in a way, the rather powerful Natsu completely ignored Lucy’s statement.

“You can understand people! Macao, is a human man. Ignoring Lucy Sauce running behind him again, Natsu said with an angry look.

“Man.” Fingers tapped his chin, and Wabakken looked like he was thinking about something.

“That’s right, where did you hide him.” Natsu seems to be incarnated as a righteous Superman at this time and is fighting evil.

“Ah! It has been determined to be hidden. However, Lucy hiding behind him did not save any face at all, and complained with black lines.

“Oh! Oh! At this time, Nazwabaken had a strange smile on his face, beckoned Natsu with one hand, and pointed the fingers of the other hand to the outside of the cave.

“Understood.” Natsu was also quite surprised, but he didn’t expect that the evil monster in front of him could really understand himself; Good words.

However, although it was very unexpected, the simple Natsu did not think too much at all, walked along the place where Wabakken’s finger pointed, supported his hands on the snow outside the cave entrance, and asked extremely innocently: “Where is it!” ”

“Yo huh!” But in response to the simple and naïve Natsu, it was Wabakken’s rather shameless and cruel kick, and triumphant shouts mixed with a trace of contempt.

“Monkey.” At this time, even Natsu reacted that he had been played, leaving a roar similar to that of Big Big Wolf.

Naz. Seeing that Natsu was actually deceived by the monkey all the time so simply, for a while, Lucy expressed considerable helplessness about teaming up with Natsu.

“Don’t want men, like women.” And Wabakken is cheerfully bouncing and jumping.

“Nasty.” For this monkey full of perverted thoughts, Lucy is quite annoying, “Wait a minute, this won’t die!” Naz. But suddenly thought of Naz’s situation at this time, and suddenly shouted worriedly.

“Woman, woman, woooo At this time, Wabakken was beating his chest with a sneer on his face to vent his excitement.

“You colored monkey, wait for me.” It seems that Lucy has completely lost confidence in Natsu and is ready to rely on herself: “Open it!” Gate of Taurus, Taros. ”

̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅

“What’s wrong.” Seeing that Wabakken, who had fainted, suddenly emitted a dazzling light, Natsu and the two were curious.

After a while, the light began to dissipate, revealing the figure within.

“Macao.” The pupils shrank sharply, and Natsu said in shock.

“Alas! Wasn’t this person a color monkey all the time just now? Lucy-chan, who lacked knowledge, also said that she was shocked that she could not accept it.

At the same time, Ling Yan, who was at home, seemed to feel something, smiled, and once again focused his attention on the book in his hand.

“Ahem, this, it’s really a shame, but it’s also too many, after hitting 19, I was accidentally invaded by the twentieth, and I was angry.” Macaou defended himself awkwardly, but finally wanted to say angrily.

“You’re okay with that, right?” Encroachment, what does that mean, although Lucy is still in the clouds, basically still does not understand anything, but seeing that even Natsu and Harpy are both clear, and she decisively ended the topic when she was unwilling to be as good as Natsu and the stupid cat Harpy.

“The body is nothing.” Makao also said a little incredulously, “If you are forcibly invaded by other creatures, there will be some side effects, and I remember that I seemed to have been seriously injured before being invaded, but I don’t know how, but now it seems to be completely healed.” ”

“Huh!” X3

“Damn, how can you have the face to see Romeo now!” Not caring about the surprise of the three, Macaou thought of chagrin instead.

“It’s not like that, it’s not easy to defeat so much.” Naz said admiringly.

“What, there’s not just one monkey! One person does this kind of work. Lucy looked admiringly at Macao, who had already stood up.

“Okay, let’s go back to Romeo!” Natsu said with a bright smile.

Macao nodded in thanksgiving.

Sure enough, it’s all powerful, and I’m really better than not… But Ling Yan, which guy didn’t say that I am also very powerful? Although it is only praising my star spirit, it should be similar to praising me! Lucy on the side was a little red and cranky.

“What is Lucy thinking? The face is so red, is it said that it is… The Harpy on the side seemed to have discovered something big.

“Watch me strip your beard, kitty.” Lucy said angrily with a dark face.

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