The next day, in an open space far from the town.

"Brother Zon, come on."

"Laxus, don't lose, haha"

"Oh oh oh oh" the guild members cheered and shouted in the distance.

"Boy, since you are asking for advice, you go first, let me see your strength" Laxus said to Zon confidently.

"Okay, I'll be more serious this time" Zon said, and took off the weighted magic equipment tied to his body and threw it aside.

"Bang~" The surroundings shook a few times like a small earthquake, and the place where it was thrown was instantly filled with a lot of smoke.

The guild members were instantly quiet, and their pupils shrank like the president, and they were extremely shocked.

"This kid, does he usually train himself like this? What on earth is he carrying?" The president looked shocked, but he was still worried about Zorn's condition.

"Brother Zorn is so amazing. Is this the fundamental reason why he is so powerful? I must learn from him well." Gray was shocked and thought silently in his heart.

"Yoshi, I'm excited. It's right to learn from Brother Zorn. Oh oh oh" After seeing this scene, Natsu also shouted excitedly.

"You kid, you are really good, hahaha, it seems that I can have fun this time, hahaha" Laxus laughed loudly and excitedly regardless of what the people around him thought. Then his expression became serious, and he waved his hand and said: "Come on."

"Holy Light Magic, Light Speed ​​Kick" Zorn flashed directly, and the original place instantly cracked. Just like the previous operation, Zorn had come above Laxus, and instantly materialized, and kicked from top to bottom.

Laxus crossed his hands upwards, and suddenly, his feet bent and sank, unloading the force on the ground. The ground between the two people broke and sank, the ground collapsed, and gravel flew everywhere. A shock wave also spread out in all directions, blowing the crowd back a few steps.

"Thunder Fist" Laxus pushed upwards, and his right fist was full of electricity and was about to hit Zorn, but Zorn dodged it by turning sideways. Seeing that he didn't hit Zorn, Laxus simply gathered magic power and electricity all over his body: "Lightning Suit"

Zorn looked at Laxus in front of him, which reminded him of the Raikage in another anime he watched in his previous life. By making the body alive, he can increase speed and combat effectiveness. Let me see how powerful it is.

Zorn thought about it, and mobilized the power of the armed color in his body. His hands and feet were instantly covered with purple, and then rushed towards Laxus. The two collided head-on, and instantly a stronger airflow hit them than before. Those in the guild who knew some defensive magic also opened their defense.

The president was amazed at the two men's physical fight. He also noticed the purple light covering the fists and feet of Zorn. Seeing Laxus gradually falling into disadvantage, he couldn't help but admire the new power that Zorn had mentioned.

Suddenly, a figure flew out at a very fast speed, hit the ground, and stirred up countless layers of dust.

"The physical skills are really good, but this is not over yet. Look at your feet." Laxus stood up and patted the dust on his body.

Zorn heard the words and saw a magic circle appear under his feet. A large amount of lightning and thunder filled out and trapped himself.

"This can't trap me, Laxus." Zorn said, using his magic power to break free.

"Of course I know that the lightning array can't trap you, but it can limit you a little bit."

"Thunder Pressure Rage-Heavenly Thunder" Laxus said, and gathered a lot of lightning on Zorn's head to form a lightning cloud. With his hands pressed, a lot of lightning fell from the sky in an instant.

"Boom, thunder and lightning instantly enveloped Zorn's figure"

"Brother Zorn." Gray shouted loudly and was about to run over.

"Gray, Zorn is fine." Erza stretched out her hand to stop Gray who wanted to move forward. Erza knew that Zorn had very strong defensive magic.

The smoke caused by the magic attack slowly dissipated, and a figure covered by a light shield appeared.

"Laxus, you are really gentle, you didn't use your full strength, did you?" Zorn, who was not injured, said with a faint smile.

"Tsk, defensive magic is so powerful, I'm just testing it, I won't stop this time." Laxus said, and then he summoned the remaining magic power in his body and gathered it in his palm.

Seeing this, Zorn also gathered magic power, and the same powerful light gathered in his hand.

"Thunder system

Magic-Thunder Explosion" Laxus was the first to release it, and a ball of terrifying energy shot straight in front of Zorn.

"Holy Light Magic-Yasakani no Magatama" Countless laser beams shot out from Zorn's hands, first detonating Laxus's magic, and the remaining beams also shot around Laxus.

Every time countless lasers touched the ground, they blasted huge holes in the ground. The detonated energy ball directly raised a mushroom-like gray layer. The aftermath of the two people's magic release made everyone unable to stand and was blown to the ground one after another.

When the aftermath passed, everyone could only see that the flat ground where the two people had fought before had disappeared, leaving only a huge deep pit and pits of all sizes around it, with nowhere to step.

"Okay, this competition ends here. "The president first called a halt to the competition, then looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes twitching. This was a huge repair cost. Although he had prepared himself mentally, he still felt a little pain in his heart.

But thinking back, the strength of Zorn and Laxus has indeed reached the S-level standard. Let them hone their skills first. This rule cannot be broken.

While Makarov was still thinking, Zorn and Laxus also heard the president's call to stop, and then they also put away their own magic fluctuations.

"Tsk, kid, you are quite strong, you are really a little monster. I know you still have hidden strength. Since the old man called a halt, let's fight again next time we have a chance. "Laxus said cheerfully with a little dissatisfaction with the president, and then he flashed and disappeared.

Zon looked at Laxus who came and went in a hurry, and he was more certain in his heart that Laxus at this time was a rebellious teenager.

In the Fairy Tail Guild...

After watching the battle, everyone returned to the guild and discussed the battle fiercely. The guild immediately returned to its original noisy appearance. Zon also sat in an empty seat and responded to the novel questions of Natsu and Gray over and over again, while Laxus lay on a sofa with his eyes closed.

"Kana, is there anything on your mind? Why are you here alone?" Erza asked Kana who was playing cards alone in front of her.

"I..." Kana was a little hesitant, not knowing what to say, but her eyes looked at Zon inadvertently.

"Zon, come, Kana has something to do with you. "After Erza noticed it, she shouted directly to Zon.

"Ah, no, Erza, you..." Kana was at a loss after hearing it.

"What's wrong, Kana, is there anything I can help you with?" Zon sat opposite Kana and asked gently.

"I... I want to learn magic and that kind of dark ability from you." Kana hesitated, but finally made up her mind and said it loudly.

"Of course, Kana, then come with Natsu and the others." Zon rubbed Kana's head and said.

"I know, don't touch my head, I'm an adult, and you're only a few years older than me, don't pretend to be an adult." Kana said with a little shyness and anger, slapping Zon's hand away.

"Okay, okay, go find Natsu and the others to play." Zon said, then turned around and continued to say to Erza: "If you don't have any tasks, you can also try to learn, just on the back mountain of the guild. "

"Okay, I understand." Erza nodded and replied.

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