After a week, he recovered from his injury and sat at the guild bar with Wendy, drinking juice while watching the lively guild in front of him, and constantly encouraging the quarreling people.

Wendy became particularly clingy because of Xi's injury and because she hadn't been alone with Xi for a long time.

Suddenly Xi saw a yellow figure, his eyes lit up, and he shouted, "Oh! Laxus! Come over and have a drink together!"

Hearing this, a yellow-haired boy wearing headphones turned his head and saw that it was Xi who called him, and walked over indifferently.

Although Laxus at this time was not the radical and childish person he would be in the future, he looked like the strongest and was very disdainful of the people in the guild. But he still doesn't like to talk much, let alone get together with the people in the guild.

As for how the two of them met, it was because he happened to be the guild that Xi returned to when she just recovered, and he just saw Xi after completing the task and met him.

Laxus still recognized Xi's strength, and he also learned about Xi's deeds from everyone in the guild.

Xi was also interested in the current Laxus, and wanted to change Laxus's ideas. He always pulled Laxus to chat and drink (although he drank juice), so the relationship between the two was pretty good.

"Why, isn't your body healed? Why are you still drinking juice? You can't do it~" Laxus teased.

Xi was instantly unhappy: "Go, how can a man say no! Do you think I don't want to? Isn't it that the old man always says that I am still young and my body has just recovered, and he insists on not letting me drink! What's more hateful is that he actually brought Wendy with him!" At the end, Xi also gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Makarov, who was sitting at the bar, also heard Xi's words, "Hey, you little brat, it's too early for you to drink!"

Wendy also turned around and said cutely, "What the hell! Brother Xi, listen to Grandpa Makarov!"

Although Laxus had an opinion about Makarov who drove his father out, he would still listen to him. In this regard, he didn't say anything else, and calmly clinked glasses with Xi and drank.

Xi was also unhappy when he saw the wine in Laxus's hand: "So, why can you drink! Damn it, hey! Old man, I want to drink too!"

Laxus laughed, "So you can't!"

"Tsk!" Seeing that Makarov didn't reply, Xi drank the juice sullenly.

Suddenly, the door of the guild was opened, and a crimson girl in armor stood at the door, "I'm back!"

Xi greeted: "Hey, Erza is back!"

Erza chuckled and nodded, then turned serious and looked at everyone and scolded: "Kana, why are you drinking in this posture again? Didn't I say that girls should be more ladylike!"

Kana smiled awkwardly: "That... It's not your turn to say that..."

"Wakaba! You are teasing girls again! And your cigarette ash fell to the ground again!"

"Nob! Why are you still hanging around the commission board? Go and work for me!"

"Vigitta! If you want to dance, go outside!"




"Say something!" Macao complained.

"Really... a bunch of troublesome guys, I don't want to say anything."

Xi complained: "No, you've said a lot."

Speaking of Erza, since her injury healed a few days ago, Erza has realized her lack of strength in her eyes, and she is no longer sitting alone in the corner eating cakes like before.

Then she would run out to do tasks every day, and once she returned to the guild, she would become a member of the discipline committee again. Even Makarov would be lectured by her, so the people in the guild were also very afraid of her.

Only Natsu and Gray, the two young men, would always provoke her, then challenge her to a duel, and then be defeated.

But the two still enjoy it, just like now:

"Erza, you are finally back! Duel with me!" Natsu and Gray shouted.

Erza refused: "No, I'm tired!" Then she sat at a table and ate the strawberry cake she bought.

Natsu and Gray ignored Erza's words and said, "I'm going to fight!"

They rushed towards Erza and attacked her. Erza sighed and punched Natsu and the other two in the stomach, knocking them out instantly.

Erza stood up and said, "Okay, I accept your challenge."

Xi said awkwardly

Said: "They have been defeated by you..."

Then he smiled and said: "Eluza has become stronger again, how did the mission go?"

"Completed successfully!"

"As expected of Erza!"

At this time, Natsu and the other two who had fainted on the ground woke up and immediately became lively again. After provoking Erza, they provoked Xi again, "Brother Xi, let's duel!"

The people in the guild were also very happy to see that Natsu dared to challenge Xi.

Xi was also bored, and did not refuse the "seasoning" that was delivered to the door: "Okay, come on!" Then he hooked his finger at Natsu.

"Hehe, I'm going to go! Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Seeing Xi agreed, Natsu rushed over excitedly.

Gray did not follow this time. Knowing that he could not beat Xi, he did not go up like Natsu.

When Natsu's fist was about to hit Xi, Xi didn't even put Wendy down, and didn't even use magic, and punched Natsu away.

"Hahaha, Natsu, you are so weak, you are defeated again!"

"As expected, Xi's strength is still very strong, and he knocked Natsu down so easily!"

Everyone laughed at Natsu.

Natsu shouted angrily: "Damn it, I will definitely win next time!"

Xi didn't laugh at him, but encouraged him: "Well, come on, Natsu! You are still far away now!"

Laxus on the side suddenly said to Xi: "Xi, it seems that we have never fought each other, how about we compete to see who is the strongest wizard in the guild besides Gildarts!"

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