The police said that the police were busy, and the police were busy.

"Catch the thief! There's a thief! Come and catch the thief!"

"Huh? Brother Xi, someone seems to be shouting to catch the thief!" Wendy pointed to a guy in a big apron, dressed like a boss, chasing a thin figure and shouting loudly.

"Little ghost, stop right there!" Some passers-by were brave enough to reach out and catch him, but they were flexibly dodged, and then they ran away and disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Damn! It's that guy again!" The passers-by shouted helplessly.

Seeing this scene, Xi said, "You go and comfort that person first, I'll go chase the thief." After saying that, without waiting for a reply, he disappeared with a flash of golden light.

Not long after, in a remote alley, a small head appeared next to a trash can. Seeing that no one had found her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I found you, you are here!"

"Eh——!" She screamed in fear, but soon reacted and covered her mouth.

Turning around, she saw that the golden light in front of her gradually formed a human figure, and her face soon became clear. It was Xi who had just disappeared.

After Xi appeared, she looked at the other person carefully, and then she saw clearly that it was a little girl who was only thirteen or fourteen years old, with sky blue hair, a slightly immature but still relatively pretty face, but obviously her hair and face were not carefully taken care of, and she looked like a little beggar.

The little girl protected the food with both hands and looked at Xi nervously: "You... don't come over! If you come over again, I will call!"

Xi looked at the other person with an expression of looking at a fool. A thief actually said to call people?

The little girl also reacted, how could she say such a stupid thing!

Then, the little girl gave up struggling and cried: "Wow... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to steal. I was just too hungry, but I had no money to buy food, so I had to do this! But I will definitely pay the boss back in the future! Please, don't catch me..."

What Xi hated most was girls crying. In this scene, those who didn't know would think that he was bullying the little girl!

He slapped her forehead and said helplessly: "Where are your parents? You learned to steal at such a young age, and your parents don't care that you don't have money to eat?"

The little girl cried even louder after hearing this: "My parents are gone! My sister was also taken away by the bad guys! I'm the only one left!"

Hiss... Orphan! This is difficult! Xi thought painfully.

Then Xi looked at the little girl again and saw that she was not pretending, so stealing was also excusable: "What's your name?"

"My... My name is Yukino Agulia..." Yukino said sobbingly.

"Yukino?" Xi seemed to have heard this name somewhere before. Her mind was churning, and suddenly a white light flashed from the back of her head, "Yukino? Could it be the Celestial Mage of the Sword-biting Tiger?"

Looking more carefully, with the same hair color and similar face, they really look alike! There is also a missing sister, who should be the angel Angel. What was her original name... Oh, right, it was Sora.

Xi asked again: "Your name is Yukino, do you still have the golden and silver Celestial Keys?"

Yukino was very confused and said she didn't know what the other party was talking about: "I don't know what the Celestial Key you are talking about is, but if it's a strange key, I do have one, which I accidentally picked up before."

After that, he took out a golden key from his pocket. Xi looked carefully and it should be the Pisces of the zodiac.

Now it is confirmed, it is him without a doubt!

I really didn't expect that the famous Celestial Mage ten years later was actually a thief when he was a child, although he was forced.

At this time, Xi had another idea. Xueno had not yet joined the future Sword Bite Tiger, and she was even a newbie who didn't even know magic, but her potential was still very high.

Rather than letting her join the Sword Bite Tiger in the future, it would be better to lure her to their guild! After all, the former would expel her from the guild and make her humiliate herself by stripping naked.

Well, it's decided! She must be lured back to the guild! (Makarov gave a thumbs up)

Thinking of this, Xi pretended to cough: "Ahem, in that case, I'll let you go, but!"

Xueno was relieved after hearing the first half of the sentence, and Xi's "but" made her nervous again, "but what?"

"But stealing is still not good, you

You still have to come back with me to apologize to the boss. As for the food in your hand, I will pay for it for you first. "Xi said.

"Really? You really won't lie to me?" Xueno looked at Xi nervously and expectantly.


————Cut it————

"That's it, boss, I will pay for her. Forgive her for the sake of this girl who is so young!" At this time, the two had returned to the boss and explained the cause and process of the matter.

Xueno also bowed and apologized in time: "I'm really sorry! I will never steal again!"

The boss looked fierce, but he was a good person. He was kind and forgave Xueno immediately: "In this case, I won't pursue it. Children also have their own difficulties."

"Thank you, boss!"

"Thank you, uncle!"

Then, Xi took them to a restaurant for dinner.

At the dinner table, Xi: "What are you going to do next? Do you have any ideas? "

Yukino was eating voraciously. When she heard Xi's words, she was about to speak, but she was choked. Wendy, who was standing by, handed her a glass of water in time to let her breathe.

Yukino took a big sip of water, pounded her chest hard, and then said, "I don't know either. In fact, I have been looking for my sister, but I don't know where she is. I don't have any money, so I don't know what to do..."

Xi looked at Yukino who was depressed, and said at the right time: "So, do you want to go with us? Join our guild?"

"Go with you? What is a guild?" Yukino asked puzzledly.

"A guild is a place where a group of wizards are in one place and are specifically commissioned to accept tasks. There, we are all companions and family members. No one will bully you, and you can also take commissions to make money yourself."

"It sounds great! But I don't know magic, let alone a wizard. Can I join the guild?"

Xi comforted: "No problem! Although you are not a wizard now, you have the Star Spirit Key! With it, you can become a celestial wizard! "

Yukino was relieved and said happily: "Well, then I agree to go with you!"

Xi smiled, and saved (kidnapped) another girl! Great!

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