After the wedding, the couple had a good time.

After Xi brought Xueno home, she immediately introduced each room to her.

"This is the hall!"

"This is the balcony!"

"This is the gym!"

"This is the bathroom! There's a bathtub inside!"

"This is the swimming pool!"

(The above are definitely not my exaggerated numbers! In fact, I am paying tribute to an anime: The Delusion Student Council. I wonder if anyone has seen it!)

After spending ten minutes introducing the situation of each room to Xueno, I took Xueno out to buy daily necessities and caught Kat who wanted to escape.

Kat: I want to escape~

Xi: No, you don't!

Kat: You dog!

———— Cut Kat————

Soon, it was night.

At this time, all the residents in Xi's house were there.

Xi: "To celebrate the arrival of another resident, Yukino! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Everyone raised their glasses to show their respect, even though there was no wine in them.

After finishing the glass, Xi coughed: "Um... I'll say a few words..."

Before she finished, she was suppressed by Erza: "What are you talking about? Yukino should say it!"

Then she said to Yukino: "Yukino, you can live here in peace from now on. If someone bullies you, I will help you beat him up!" After saying that, she raised her fist threateningly and looked at Xi and Natsu "kindly".

Xi whispered, "I told Yukino to say it, why did you say it yourself! Also, who would bully her? Am I such a person?"

Natsu didn't care, and excitedly shouted to Yukino, "Your name is Yukino, right? What kind of magic do you use? Otherwise, let's just have a fight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Erza teleported to Natsu and punched him hard, "Idiot! I just told you not to bully newcomers! You still want to fight with others!"

Xi also said, "That's right, Natsu, and Yukino doesn't know magic yet!"

Wendy also said at this time, "Sister Yukino, my name is Wendy! Don't look at me as a small child, I can do healing magic! If you get hurt in the future, I can help you heal!"

After hearing this, Yukino exclaimed, "Hey, so amazing! Wendy, you can actually do healing magic! Are you a healing wizard?" Even though Yukino doesn't know magic now, she knows how precious a healing wizard is in the magic world!

Wendy shook her head: "No, I'm the Dragon Slayer, the Dragon Slayer of the sky! By the way, this is Xia Lulu, my family and partner!"

Xia Lulu raised her hand and said: "Hello!"

Kate also jumped out: "And me! My name is Kate Fix! It was Xi who gave me the name!"

Yukino: "Really? Great! A nice name!"

Yukino looked at the people playing around, and for the first time felt that she was lucky to be here.



"Life is fading, and death is born because of it. It is the end and the beginning..."

"Darkness covers the earth, and the creatures on the earth are crying. Light...Hope..."

"You are the light...and hope..."

"Come on...Time is running out..."

After the celebration, everyone returned to their rooms, including Xi.

Because I was too tired, I didn't wash up, and fell asleep directly.

Then Xi dreamed of the same scene again. Xi shouted at the darkness in front of him: "Who are you? What do you mean? Where am I going!"

Unfortunately, there was no response, only darkness in front of him.

Xi had no choice but to keep running, running without a purpose, because he didn't know where to run, where the exit was...

Finally, after running for an unknown period of time, Xi vaguely saw a white light in front of him.

When he wanted to continue running towards the light, the sky was bright...

"Hmm..." Xi opened his eyes, looked out the window and saw that it was already daytime, and struggled to get up.

"Who is it... What does he (she) mean by what he (she) said?" Xi was still thinking about what he heard in the dream, recalling whether he had heard this voice before.

Kat also woke up and rubbed his heavy eyelids: "Xi, what's wrong with you? You look so ugly. Did you have a nightmare?"

Xi thought to himself that it would be better not to tell Kat about this matter, so as not to worry him: "I'm fine Kat, you continue to sleep, it's still early!"

Hearing this, Carter said "hmm" and fell asleep again, while Xi was still thinking.

Xi thought for an hour but still had no clue, so he had no choice but to get up and prepare to go to the guild.

In this way, Xi had the same dream every day, seeing the light spot and running over, then waking up, getting up and going to the guild, and this situation has been going on for a month.

The only comfort was that in the dream, Xi saw the light spot getting bigger and closer to him, and his intuition told him that there must be something behind the light spot.

That night, Xi really dreamed of the same scene again. He numbly ran towards the light spot again, and he didn't know how long he ran.

Finally, Xi, who had been running for an unknown period of time, finally came to the light spot. No, it was no longer a light spot.

What caught Xi's eyes was a golden door emitting white light. He felt that there seemed to be something calling him behind the door.

Without much hesitation, Xi took a step forward and stepped into the door decisively.

A dazzling white light flashed, Xi opened his eyes, seemed to see some incredible scene, and looked ahead in shock.

Blood-red sky...broken earth...volcanoes that keep erupting magma...bitter cold wind...

There are people running away on the ground, and people kneeling on the ground crying and praying...

They don't know what they are saying, they pray and look at the sky.

Xi looked at the people's sight, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a large group of dragons appear in the sky in the distance. Looking more carefully, you can see that there seems to be a figure on the back of those dragons. No...are they really people?

A group of dragons split into two factions, constantly colliding, and all kinds of powerful roars are constantly spewing out like they are free.

The power of light...the power of darkness...and even the power of space...

The people on the back (?) also showed their magical powers. Xi didn't know how strong they were, but it was obvious that because of their collision, the environment on the ground became worse, and the sky...broken...

Cracks spread wildly everywhere, swallowing everything, and the spread speed was extremely fast. It took only one breath to reach where Xi was.

Xi had no time to escape. He instinctively protected his head with his hands, closed his eyes tightly, and waited for death to come.

After waiting for a long time, Xi found that he was still intact and did not seem to be hurt.

Xi opened his eyes, and after confirming that he was fine, Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the battlefield in the distance again.

Under Xi's witness, many dragons died and fell to the ground, and the vast but extremely tragic land was divided into several pieces. Those who escaped and prayed disappeared, leaving only a river of blood.

The people (?) who were originally on the back of the dragon also fell one after another, and in the end only a figure surrounded by black fog stood in the broken sky.

Seeing this tragic scene, Xi swallowed unconsciously.

It is unbelievable that how strong is this to achieve such a degree, so tragic.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him disappeared again, returning to the familiar darkness of Xi. The difference is that there is a light spot floating in front of Xi.

"This is the age of the gods... the war of the gods... and the end of the gods..."

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