Where is the Xialu Party! ?

"You are finally here..."

"I am indeed the god of light - Phobos."

Xi asked: "What is your purpose in leading me here?"

Phobos paused for a moment, then said: "...In the war, all the gods had fallen, and I, the only remaining soul, came here relying on the power of fate. There was originally a tribe here, and the area was far larger than the current building, and the population base was naturally not small. . ”

“When I came here, they also knew of my existence. In order to restore my strength, I promised the leader of this tribe that there would be peace and prosperity every year. In return, they must believe in me and hold sacrificial ceremonies every year. . ”

Xi frowned: "You said this place used to be a tribe? Then why is it now But there is no one here? Why are all the other buildings gone?"

Phobus: "Because of war, because of human greed..."

"In the first hundred years, nothing happened here. I regained my strength. The process was also very smooth, but this is the reason why the leader of this tribe still exists. After all, they are just ordinary people. When that human's life came to an end, his grandson inherited his position. "

"But this person is ambitious , since he came to power, he has often launched wars and plundered the resources of other tribes. Because of this, he is not as bright-minded as his grandfather. I can clearly see the darkness in his heart. "

"Therefore, The people of this tribe had a huge impact, and no one believed in me anymore. No, it should be that I gave up on him. I stopped helping them. Although this would slow down my recovery process, I knew that even if I continued to protect them, they would eventually perish. "

"Sure enough, that day has finally come. Because Because of his actions, other nearby tribes united and massacred this tribe. "

"Because of the huge disparity in numbers and strength, destruction was an inevitable result. Before he died, he climbed to my statue and kept praying to me. I hope I I wanted to help them, but I refused. He seemed to finally come to his senses, and instead of asking me to help them, he hoped that I could take their fire and leave with the ruins. "I saw that he finally came to his senses. Although it was too late, I still agreed to his request. Then I took him Their only fire, his offspring broke through the void, that is, the other dimension, and hid here. "

Hearing this, Xi continued to ask: "If that's the case, there shouldn't be no one here?"

"The answer is simple, he The descendant also knew what his father had done. When he grew up, he chose to leave here in order to atone for the sins of his tribe. ”

Xi suddenly realized that this made sense: “I already know the matter, but you still didn’t tell me Why did I let you come here? "

Phobos: "I need you to inherit my power. As a variable in this world, you must become the new god of light and save this world."

Xi frowned and expressed his reluctance. If it was just a simple Inheriting power is fine, but asking me to save the world means you want me to destroy the God of Darkness? How is this possible? How can I do something that even the gods can't do!

Phobos saw through his thoughts and also knew the difficulty of this matter: "I know your concerns, but you must understand that since fate says that you are the variable of this world, then you must represent your own mission. How exactly is it? It's up to you to decide. "

"Also, you don't have to worry about the darkness finding you. As a variable, he can't find your existence, at least not until you have enough strength."

Xi smiled bitterly and said, "To be honest, , I still don't believe that I am a variable or something, and I am a very selfish person. I just want to live a simple life and protect the people who are important to me. I have never thought about saving the world. "

Phobos "If you don't inherit my power, when darkness falls, the end of the world will come, and all living things will be destroyed. You and your important people will not survive. Even so, will you refuse? And , according to the prediction given by fate, it will be not long before this happens. "

Hearing this, Xi's eyes became sharp: "I will never let this happen! If you want their lives, you must first kill them from my body. Step over it!"

"In that case, you must also

Isn't it enough strength?"

"...I know, what should I do?"

Phobos's expressionless face showed a smile: "That's right, if you want to protect your important people, you must have enough strength. At the same time, this is your inevitable mission."

"Next, I need you to relax your mind, I will merge with you, my consciousness will dissipate, you will slowly absorb my soul and accept my power. Of course, this process will be very long and not overnight."

Hearing this, Xi suddenly became alert: "Merge with me, then, will I still be me?"

"Of course, when I merge with you, I will completely disappear, leaving only my power. Don't worry that I will take over your body. There is no need for this, and I don't bother to do so. "

Xi thought about it carefully, after all, as the God of Light, he is not a person who uses dirty means.

Took a deep breath, "I'm ready..."

Phobos nodded, "Don't resist..."

Phobos dispersed his illusory body, turned back into a ball of light, and flew into Xi's chest.

When the ball of light entered Xi's body, Xi closed his eyes unconsciously. When his soul merged with it, it was also constantly washing his soul.

Xi's soul kept feeling swollen and unbearable tearing. Xi felt that his brain was about to explode.

After an unknown amount of time, Xi, who was soaked in sweat, slowly opened his eyes and felt his powerful strength and hard body.

If Xi could look inward, he would find that his magic power had a hint of divinity, and the capacity was still rising. When the magic power in his body completely turned into divine power, that was when Xi became the new God of Light.

Xi called softly: "Phobos? Are you still there? "

After waiting for a long time, I didn't hear his reply. It seems that his consciousness has dissipated. As he said before, he has completely become one with him.

Xi stood there, not knowing what he was thinking. Facing his future, Xi felt a lot of pressure, but he had to accept it.

Ten minutes later, Xi didn't think about it anymore: "Well, it's time to go..."

Then Xi turned into light and appeared in front of the people who were waiting in the hall in just a moment.

"Hey, everyone, I'm back!"

"Xi (Your Excellency)! You're back!" Everyone was very surprised by Xi's sudden appearance. They didn't see how Xi appeared silently.

Xi also saw the expressions of several people and knew what they were thinking, but didn't explain too much. If this matter was told out, the consequences would be too great, and they couldn't know it.

Xi smiled and said, "It's over, we should leave."

Laxus asked, "Are you okay? Have you solved the things inside?"

"Ah, it's solved, let's go quickly, this place will disappear soon. "

Xi, who merged with the God of Light, also inherited his memory, and also knew that this alien space was maintained by him. Now that he has disappeared, this space without his maintenance will naturally dissipate and be exiled to the void.

Everyone also knew the seriousness of the matter. There was no time to ask Xi about the whole story. They fled out of the cave and rushed to the magic attack boat outside the ruins.

Finally, after everyone got on the magic attack boat and left, the ruins also dissipated with the disappearance of the alien space.

Everyone looked at the disappeared ruins and took a deep breath, but they quickly adjusted themselves and asked Xi what happened inside.

Xi did not tell the truth, but just said that there was a remnant soul inside, and that alien space also existed because of the remnant soul, and he saw the remnant soul and promised that the remnant soul needed to help him fulfill a wish.

"I see, but this remnant soul must have been a very powerful existence when he was alive. It is really admirable that he can maintain an alien space for so long! "Jura clasped his hands together and said with admiration.

After a long time, the group finally returned to the villa of the blue Pegasus. Everyone rested well for a night and left one by one the next day.

In the end, only Xi, Laxus and Yukino were left.

Xi looked at the two and said, "Let's go too!"



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