On the other side,

"Lord Eligore!" After a long train ride, a black-haired man with a pineapple-like head finally arrived at the station. As soon as he got off the train, he saw Eligore and hurried forward.

"How is the matter going, Kagayama?" Eligore asked coldly.

Upon hearing this, Kagayama quickly took out something, which was an ugly flute with a skull on it, and said proudly: "Here, I have successfully unlocked the seal on the flute!"

Eligor grinned: "Well done, Kagayama!"

Kagayama said again: "By the way, it seems that there are flies that will stop us, it seems to be the Fairy Tail."

Eligor frowned: "Flies? Who are they? Have they discovered our purpose?" Eligore seemed to remember a figure who easily defeated their guild a few years ago. The other party was Xi. Even now, he did not dare to guarantee that he could defeat that terrifying power.

The other party shook his head: "I don't know, and I didn't see them on the train."

Eligor snorted: "As long as Lalabai is in my hands, even if they are found, they are just a few flies, just slap them all to death! Even if it is that person, he must not be my opponent! No one can stop my plan!"

"Oh? Really? We are here!"

Hearing the sound that seemed to come from high in the sky, the two looked up.

I saw a huge UFO in the sky, and there seemed to be several people standing on its back.

Take a closer look, damn! Why does this UFO look so much like the legendary dragon! ? No, it should not be a real dragon, it is most likely a subspecies!

But even if it is a subspecies, it is scary enough! Hey! The people who came were Erza and her group, and soon they came to the front of several people on Kat's carrier.

"Eligor! Finally found you! Surrender!" As soon as Erza landed, she jumped down and pointed her sword at Eligo and said.

However, Eligore's attention was not on Erza at all, but on the sub-dragon that Kat had turned into.

Fortunately for him, after everyone jumped off the dragon's back, the other party quickly turned into a cat again, and it seemed that it was not a real dragon!

After a deep sigh of relief, Eligore smiled conceitedly at Erza: "Humph, you really came, flies from Fairy Tail!"

Everyone almost went berserk when they heard Eligore's insult to their guild, even the always gentle and lovely Wendy.

Natsu couldn't help but shout: "What did you say!? Who are you calling a bug!? I must knock you away!"

After saying that, he rushed over alone. When Natsu's flaming fist was about to hit Eligore's face, the other party dodged Natsu's attack at a very fast speed and actually floated in the air!

"Nani!?" Natsu shouted in surprise.

Eligore floated in the air leisurely: "Don't worry, flies! Since you are here, I will definitely treat you well!"

After saying that, he flew to the train station behind him. Pineapple Head, no, Kagayama also laughed sinisterly and followed Eligore to run behind him.

Natsu hurriedly chased after him: "Don't run!"

The people who didn't have time to stop Natsu also looked at each other. Erza said: "Let's hurry up and catch up! Wendy, the other party seems to be a wind wizard. It seems that you will be needed later!"

Wendy nodded firmly: "I know, sister Erza!"

Then everyone chased after the train station.

When everyone entered the train station, it was already crowded with people. There is no doubt that they are all wizards of the Iron Forest Guild.

Eligore was also flying over everyone's heads at this time: "You really followed me in!"

Eluza shouted at Eligore: "What is your purpose? Answer me! Otherwise, I will never let you go!"

"Don't you understand? There is something in this station." Eligore said this and flew to a big speaker and knocked on it.

Erza's face suddenly became gloomy: "Do you want to play a curse song here!?"

When she came, after Lucy's hard thinking, she finally remembered what kind of magic Lalabai was, and also knew how terrifying this magic was!

"Nani!?" The faces of the others also changed when they heard the words, showing an ugly expression.

"Hahahaha! There are thousands of unknown people around this station who are joining in the fun.

Ordinary people who are sensible! As long as it is played through this loud speaker... then everyone in the town will hear it! Hahahaha!"

Eluza said with an ugly face: "Are you going to start a massacre? !"

"This is a purge! For those stupid scums who don't know that their rights have been taken away, and are still loudly advocating rights to preserve their lives!"

"Living in this unfair world without knowing the sin, let me, the 'God of Death', judge them!"

Lucy: "Even so, rights can't be restored! And your behavior is wrong!"

Eligor didn't care, raised his hands above his head and shouted: "At this point, what I want is no longer 'rights', but 'power'! As long as I have power, I can erase the past and dominate the future!"

Eluza has a long sword in her hand: "We will never let you do this! We will definitely stop you! "

Others also took fighting stances, ready to go.

Eligor laughed grimly: "Humph, then you can try to stop me!"

The battle was about to start.

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