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Xi looked at Gerald who was adjusting his condition and asked, "I can see that you are not that weak, why are you trapped by these monsters."

Mistergang smiled modestly, "I My strength is not as strong as you think. My magic actually comes from the magic wands I carry on my back. "

"As for why I was trapped by these monsters..." Mistgang thought of something and smiled ugly. "It was because I had a personal matter just now. Because I had consumed too much magic power and physical strength, I wanted to get out of the forest quickly and find a place to recover.

As a result, I was blocked by this group of monsters that suddenly appeared on the road. , I had to find a way to quickly deal with them, and you know what happened later. "

Xi was thoughtful, and realized that the "private matter" that Mistgang mentioned must be to stop the small "Anima". It seems that " "Anima" is indeed very difficult to deal with, even Mistgang was forced to this point.

Xi did not ask about the so-called "private affairs" of Mistergang in detail. After all, this is someone else's business. If they don't want to tell you, do you still have to force them to ask? When they are willing to tell you, you will naturally know.

You can't say, actually I came to this world through time travel. I know you are actually going to stop "Anima". I can help you.

But then again, Mist was just about to walk out of the forest. Wendy had just been entrusted to that person, and there was still time to take her away.

Although it was fine to just let Wendy stay with that person, Xi, who couldn't bear to see her sister cry, didn't want to wait until the guild coalition defeated the six demons. After the general, Wendy burst into tears, reluctant to leave the "Demon Cat Inn".

At worst, after picking up Wendy this time, I can come here to visit him often.

Thinking of this, Xi asked quickly: "By the way, I came here to look for someone. Have you seen a little girl with blue hair about six or seven years old? I am her brother."

Mister Gang also heard this She asked in surprise: "Are you talking about Wendy? So you are the brother Xi she mentioned!"

Xi quickly agreed: "Yes, it is Wendy. Can you take me to find her? I came out this time for I'm here to take her back!"

Mister Gang certainly wouldn't refuse, after all, he didn't think Xi was a liar, "Well, I just entrusted her to an old man, not far from here, I'll go now I'll take you there."

After saying that, he walked in one direction, and Xi followed him.

At this time, in a small wooden house, an old man with camouflage painted on his face was coaxing the crying girl across the street. "I want my brother, I want to find Gerald" the little girl said.

No matter how the old man coaxed her, he even danced a funny dance to make the little girl stop crying.

He is Robinlu, the leader of the Nebit tribe who created the super magic "Nirvana" 400 years ago! And the little girl who kept crying is Wendy that Xi is looking for!

Who would have thought that such a being would do such a thing? Funny move, just to appease a little girl.

Robinlu, who was already sweating profusely, was about to do something when he suddenly heard a noise not far from the cabin. He had no choice but to let Wendy " "Wuwuwu" cried, walked out of the door and looked at the jungle in front of him, trying to figure out who was there.

Two young men walked out of it, and Robinlu realized that they were the ones who had entrusted the little girl to him. Young man, I don’t know the other one, but since he is with him, he should not be a bad person.

Soon, Mistgang brought Xi to Robinlu and said embarrassedly, "Grandpa Robinlu, I'm so sorry, I came back to see you again." Robinlu smiled and said nonchalantly : "Ha ha ha, it's okay, did you forget to take something when you came back, or is there something else?"

Mister Gang took Xi's hand and introduced: "This is Xi, I met you on the road Yes, he is here to find his sister, Wendy. So I brought her here. "

Hearing this, Robin Lu looked at Xi again, "Oh? Are you Wendy's brother?"

Xi He bent down to show respect: "Yes, Grandpa Robinlu, the purpose of my coming out this time is to find my lost sister Wendy. I heard that she is with you, so I came here to take her back. "

Robinlu did not immediately agree or refuse, but instead blamed Xi: "How can you bear to leave such a small child alone in such a big forest! Such a small child, what if something happens

What should I do! You are such an incompetent brother! Fortunately, the young man next to you sent me here in time. "

Xi did not refute Robinlu's accusation, and humbly accepted his lesson, "Yes, Grandpa Robinlu, you are right. It is my incompetent brother who is careless and careless that makes Wendy alone outside. She must be very panicked and scared. When I take her back this time, I will definitely take good care of her and take care of her."

Seeing Xi's sincere apology, Robinlu was embarrassed to say anything else, and sighed, "Come with me."

As he said, he opened the door behind him, and Xi saw Wendy, whom he had been thinking about.

"Wendy! Look who's here?" Robinlu said gently.

Wendy stopped crying when she heard the words, and looked at the person while wiping her tears.

When she recognized him, she shouted in surprise: "Brother Xi! Gerald! "

Wendy rushed to Xi quickly and couldn't stop crying again, "I thought you didn't want Wendy anymore! I was so scared!"

Xi hugged Wendy with a distressed look on his face and wiped her tears, "Wendy, don't cry, it's my fault that I didn't come to find you in time and left you alone outside. I'm here to take you home now."

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