The scene turns to Natsu and his group.

Natsu lies weakly on the side of the boat: "Ugh... I feel so bad... I want to vomit..."

At this time, the boatman points to the distance: "I can see it, that's Karna Island!"

Lucy and Happy look in the direction of the finger, and see an island in the distance vaguely visible in the night.

"Gulp~" Lucy swallowed unconsciously: "Is this the legendary Karna Island known as the Devil's Island? I don't know why, but I feel a little creepy..."

The boatman nodded: "Yes, that's the Devil's Island!"

"Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Bobo. I used to be a resident of that island, but later I escaped from that island in the hope that one day a wizard would be able to lift the curse on the island!"

"I see!"

"It's so uncomfortable..."

Suddenly, the harpy's ears moved, as if he heard something: "Lucy, did you hear any strange sounds?"

Lucy: "Really? I didn't hear any strange sounds. Did you hear it wrong?"

The harpy frowned, trying to listen to the inexplicable sound from somewhere, and finally heard it: "Behind! Wow!!"

The harpy turned around instantly after hearing it, but was scared and screamed.

Lucy turned her head after hearing this: "What's wrong? Aaaaa! What a big ship!!!"

Yes, it was Xi who was chasing Natsu and his group.

The voice that Happy heard was also from the pirate ship that Xi was riding.

At this time, Happy also found Xi standing on the bow: "It's Xi! It's over, we've been discovered!"


Xi also found them and shot a laser beam at them, "Swish!"

"Boom!" The golden laser beam shot towards the sea next to the boat, and immediately caused a powerful explosion.




The explosion scared Lucy and Happy so much that they trembled, and then the seawater that rose up from the explosion rained down on their heads, and they instantly became drowned rats.

Happy said with a resigned look on his face: "We must have been discovered stealing the S-level mission, and the president sent Xi to hunt us down. We are doomed! We are going to be killed!"

Lucy was shocked when she heard Happy's words: "No way? We are already so familiar with each other!"

"Swish-boom!" Another golden laser beam flew past the side of the ship.


"Wow! It's not familiar, but almost familiar!" The high temperature generated by the explosion made the sea water a little hot.

"Ugh~" Natsu, who was already uncomfortable because of the boat ride, was even more uncomfortable because of the violent shaking of the boat.

The boatman was also scared: "What a terrible power, did you provoke any enemy?"

"Not an enemy, but a member of our guild."

The boatman was stunned when he heard this. He was hunted by his own guild. It turned out that the people in this guild are so wild! ?

Lucy shouted to the boatman: "Uncle, run quickly! Otherwise we will all be finished!"

"Oh...Oh!" Although the boatman didn't know the reason, he was also very clear about the current situation. He immediately responded and rowed the boat faster.

On the other side, Xi, who was standing on the bow of the pirate ship, saw that Lucy and the others did not stop in the face of his warning, but ran faster!

His brows were slightly frowned. He warned them so much, but they dared to run away. They were very brave! It seems that he hit them too lightly last time, making Natsu and Happy forget how terrifying he was! (Natsu: I... Ugh~)

At this time, Gray walked to Xi and asked: "What's wrong, Xi?"

Xi: "Nothing, I warned them, but they didn't stop. I must teach them a lesson later!"

Gray also nodded: "It took us so long to find them and run so far. I must teach these idiots a lesson!"

This time, Xi didn't plan to use laser beams. He pointed his palm towards Natsu and the others: "Gungnir!"

Several golden spears shot at them, of course not at full strength. Whether it was the number or the speed and power, they were average. At most, they were of A-level strength, but they were enough to deal with them.

After all, his original intention was just to make them stop, not to really kill them.


"Wa ...

I want to go home!"

"Huh?" Although Xi's spear was released at a very fast speed, it was all avoided by the boatman, which made Xi exclaim in amazement.

Just when Xi was about to increase the power, a huge wave suddenly rushed over from a distance.

"Ahhhh! !" The younger brother and the captain on the boat were scared and screamed.

Gray also shouted to Xi: "Xi! There are huge waves!"

Xi looked back and saw that the huge waves in the distance were dozens of meters high. If they hit, even this pirate ship would be overturned and submerged in an instant.

Seeing this, Xi had to retract his attack, "Holy Light Guard! "A huge golden light shield covered the entire pirate ship, preventing it from being overturned by the huge waves. The huge waves also covered the wrapped pirate ship.

Lucy and Habby also found that Xi did not continue to attack them. Did Xi finally give up? They turned their heads and looked back with such thoughts.

When they saw the huge waves behind them, they were also scared and screamed.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! Huge waves!!!"

"We are going to be drowned!!!"


Lucy wanted to ask the boatman for help: "Uncle, think of a way, uncle!"

When she turned around, she found that the uncle who was rowing the boat had disappeared.

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have come!!!" "

With a loud bang, the huge wave swept Lucy and the others' boat in.

When the huge wave ended, the pirate ship where Xi was was safe and sound, but some crew members felt a little uncomfortable because of the turbulence caused by the huge waves.

When Xi looked over, the boat where Lucy and the others were in front had disappeared.

Gray asked: "They are gone, what should we do now?"

Xi said calmly: "Nothing to do, keep moving forward! Speed ​​up and move towards the small boat over there!"

Captain: "Yes! Did you hear me? Speed ​​up! Head towards Karna Island!"


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