After a while, many villagers turned back into human form because of the banquet.

Gray was sitting at the table tasting the food. A little demon girl always poured him wine. Gray asked in confusion: "Haven't you recovered your memories? Why don't you return to your original appearance?"

The little demon girl covered her mouth and laughed: "Ah, I was originally like this!"

Gray laughed awkwardly: "Ahahaha..."

"Hehe... I'm kidding. We have been used to the appearance of humans for three years and regard ourselves as humans. Although we have recovered our memories now, the memories of three years of hybridization have not disappeared. The most important thing is, don't you think I look beautiful like this?"

Gray still smiled awkwardly. It was difficult for him to say anything if he thought so. What's more, humans always look better than demons, and it's comfortable to look at. Otherwise, it always feels weird to drink and chat with a group of demons.

In order to change the subject, Gray turned around and asked Natsu: "Xi, why didn't you see him?"

Natsu was only busy eating the big meal. When he heard Gray calling him, he looked at Gray in confusion.

Gray looked at Natsu's clear and stupid eyes, and cursed himself inwardly. What on earth was wrong with him to ask this guy?

Lucy came over and answered: "Xi said he had something to do. He didn't say where he went specifically, but he said he would be back soon."

Gray nodded. Since Xi said so, it must be something important, but there should be no danger. After all, Xi said so. In addition, with his strength, if even he felt it was difficult, then it would be useless for them to go there. It would be better to wait for him to come back here.

On the other side, Xi returned to the ruins, or more precisely, a few hundred meters below the ruins.

As early as when he came to this island, Xi heard a voice calling him somewhere on the island, especially after he arrived at the ruins, the voice became clearer and clearer.

If Lucy was there, she would find that Xi was in a gorgeous palace at this time. The entire palace was supported by twelve thick golden pillars, and there was a statue in front of each pillar. That was the golden twelve star spirits.

In addition, each pillar is also carved with the appearance of many other star spirits.

If you are careful, you will find that their eyes seem to be fixed on one place, that is, the seat in the front. Unlike the other gorgeous ones, this seat looks very ordinary, just an ordinary stone chair carved with stone. The only difference is that it is carved with a moon pattern.

But even such an ordinary pattern will give people a noble and untouchable emotion.

There are several images on the walls on both sides.

The first one is a colorful-haired woman wearing a gorgeous night dress. She is sitting on a stone chair and touching a blue-skinned child. Xi thinks it looks a bit like the Star Spirit King. Could it be that this is what the Star Spirit King looked like when he was a child?

Xi felt a little familiar with the second one, because he not only saw the colorful-haired woman, but also the figure of the God of Light. In addition, there are other people, who should be other gods.

In other words, this colorful-haired woman is also a god? Thinking of the name of this relic, is she the Moon God?

Xi continued to look at it. The painting showed that the gods stood side by side with serious expressions, as if they were fighting against some enemy. Xi looked to the side and found that there was no one (god), only a black shadow appeared in the painting.

Xi, who knew the history of the War of the Gods, immediately understood that this black shadow should be the god born from the first law of the world mentioned by the God of Light - the God of Darkness.

In the third painting, the gods paid a huge price, suffered heavy casualties, and only a man with black and white hair was left to survive.

Fortunately, the black shadow disappeared, or to be more precise, it was sealed by the gods.

In the fourth painting, all the gods disappeared, and the suspected adult Star King stood on a star and looked into the distance, with tears on his painful face.

Behind him were many star spirits, including the twelve golden star spirits, but they were not the twelve golden stars that Xi knew in the original work, and the twelve golden stars at that time were the first generation.

The above is the complete content of the four paintings. After seeing the end, Xi probably guessed what happened. The only thing he couldn't understand was the relationship between the Star Spirit King and these Star Spirits and the Moon God.

Soon, his doubts were answered.

The pattern engraved with the moon emitted a dazzling and soft light.

Attracted Xi's attention.

Xi did not squint because of the dazzling light, but just looked straight at the light, trying to see what was inside.

Not long after waiting, the light gradually dissipated and formed a female figure. Xi immediately recognized her (Him) as the colorful-haired woman in the painting, that is to say, the Moon Goddess.

Xi: "You have been calling me, the Moon Goddess - Aofeidina."

The Moon Goddess: "Outsider, I didn't see your doubts. It seems that you have seen the God of Light, and you don't need me to explain anything. The origin of light has also merged deeply with you. Soon you will be the new God of Light."

Xi nodded and did not deny: "In fact, I still have something to ask you, Aofeidina."

The Moon Goddess was not angry because Xi called out his real name. After all, strictly speaking, Xi, who is about to become the new God of Light, is equal to him, so there is nothing wrong.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"What's your relationship with the Celestial Spirit King? Why are you calling me? You can't possibly want me to come and inherit your power? Logically, I have already merged with the origin of light, and I can't accept your power anymore."

The Moon God chuckled and said, "Let me answer your first question first. It's actually very simple. If you have seen the murals on the wall, you should know that the Celestial Spirits were created by me, and Roronoa was the first Celestial Spirit I created."

Xi nodded to show that he understood. Obviously, that was the first generation Celestial Spirit King.

But... Roronoa? What the hell, is he still holding a sword in each hand and another in his mouth? Will he use some three-sword style secrets - the world! Such sword skills! Xi complained in his heart speechlessly.

The Moon God continued, "I called you here, not to let you accept my power, but I hope you can pass this star essence to the right person."

Xi asked doubtfully, "Why don't you find the right person yourself, and still trust me so much?"

The Moon God shook her head, "I am just the residual image of my original body attached to the essence. The real me died ten thousand years ago and has no ability to move freely. I can only wait here alone."

"I also called you here because I felt the light essence in your body. You who have the essence are more suitable to find someone who can accommodate this star essence."

Xi thought secretly. Since the star spirit was created by the Moon God, the person she is looking for is naturally someone who can use star spirit magic, and the most suitable person is undoubtedly Lucy, after all, she can be said to have the max affinity with the star spirit.

"It seems that you already have a suitable candidate in your heart." The Moon God seemed to see Xi's thoughts.

"In that case, I'll leave it to you." Before Xi could reply, the Moon God disappeared, and the star essence floated into Xi's body.

Xi could feel that he could take out the origin at any time if he wanted to.

Xi smiled bitterly and shook his head. What kind of thing is this? I haven't said anything yet, and he ran into someone's body without asking me? This is too casual!

Xi quickly calmed down and looked around, wondering whether to erase the traces here.

But then he thought, forget it, this is also a historical site. It would be a pity to erase it like this, so he should keep it. It's time to go back and reunite with everyone.

Shaking his head, Xi turned into a golden light and disappeared on the spot.

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