"Okay, let's announce the champion of this competition!"

Lina, the host standing on the top, was holding the microphone and conducting the final stage.

Now all the contestants' copies have been successfully produced.

The judges present have also entered to experience it.

And the strategy teams of various countries have also successfully completed their tasks.

The competition is finally coming to an end.

Next is the time to announce the champion!

"He is! Player Su Heng! After winning the championship twice in a row, this is his third time to win the championship of our dungeon making competition!"

"I hope he can bring us more exciting copies in the future!"

As the voice fell, the staff on the side pushed the trophy and other rewards, and then Lina handed it to Su Heng.

Looking at the trophy and rewards in front of him,

Su Heng's expression did not fluctuate at all.

He has won the championship many times, so how excited can you make him? The audience at the scene cheered for Su Heng in the first time.

"Su Heng is awesome! He is the real god in the dungeon making competition. No one can stand shoulder to shoulder with him!"

" Such an outrageous copy was made by the big guy, he is so awesome, I admire him so much!"

"I just wonder what kind of strength the big guys will be able to show in the next competition? Come on, big guys!"

"The next competition is still early, and each competition has a different theme, so no one can predict the winner! But in short, keep going, Su Heng!"

The audience kept cheering, sending Su Heng their most sincere blessings.

The judges on the other side also walked down from the judges' seats.

Then they all spoke up and praised Su Heng.

"Good, good, good! Heroes emerge young, you are really great, Su Heng, I am always looking forward to your performance in the future!"

"Keep going forward and strive, you are the pride of our Dragon Country, Su Heng!"

The judges of Dragon Country walked up first and couldn't wait to praise Su Heng.

"It’s very good, whether it’s the production of the copy or the final strategy for the copy, every step is wonderful!"

"No wonder our little princess always praises you. You are indeed a very good young man. Consider coming to visit us in the future!"

Then came the judge John Bull, patted Su Heng on the shoulder, and then laughed heartily.

The other judges also came forward and praised Su Heng.

Under such circumstances, the dungeon production competition officially came to an end.............................................................................................

After a while of the competition, in Su Heng's house, boom boom boom......At this moment , there were loud roars coming from the field.

In front of them, young men and women were using their abilities to fight frantically.

The ground was cracking and dust was flying.

It was obvious that under this powerful force, nothing could stop them.

"That's enough, let's stop here for today's training!"

Su Heng, who was standing on the side, came to the front of the crowd and said

""Yes! Sir!"

Seeing that they could take a break, everyone was excited and quickly agreed.

Su Heng nodded.

Then he looked at the broken scene, and his eyes twitched.

Then he waved his hand, and the magic power in his body surged.

The next moment.

The originally broken training ground was restored to its original state in an instant! The members of the Fairy Tail Strategy Group on the side.

Even though they had seen this scene many times.

They couldn't help but exclaimed.

"The boss is always so strong. Not only did he reinforce the venue, so we can train freely! And he also repaired the broken venue in the blink of an eye!"

"That's right! As our boss, how can he be weak? The boss is always this strong, and only such a person is worthy of being my boss!"

After receiving the order to rest.

Everyone couldn't help but discuss.

Looking at the people in front, Su Heng didn't say much.

Every time they pass a copy, they will gain new power!

Then the running-in and training of this power is necessary!

He also has the top qualifications of the six-series telekinesis, so naturally he keeps training and training!

Of course, Su Heng did not forget the basic training of telekinesis during this period, and of course he did not fall behind in the Fairy Tail Strategy Group.

From the most basic four elements to the combined application

"I just wonder what the theme will be next time?"

Su Heng couldn't help but become curious.....................

In the Dragon Country Conference Room.

At this moment, the top leaders of various countries are sitting here

"We called everyone here this time! It's because the dungeon making competition is about to start again! Let's discuss the theme of this dungeon."

At this moment, the senior officials of Dragon Country sitting at the top spoke first.

"We still hope to give full play to the original characteristics of the players and let them play freely, rather than adding restrictions on themes!"

At this moment, the senior executives of the Eagle Sauce Country took the lead in putting forward their own opinions."

Adding restrictions on themes is essentially to better demonstrate the strength of the players themselves. Only when the players' strength is getting stronger and stronger, the dungeons can get better and better! Rejected"

After thinking for a while, the senior executives of the Dragon Country spoke up

"In this case, can't we just draw directly like last time? I feel like this is okay too!"

At this time, the senior officials of Sakura Country spoke up.

However, as his voice fell, the senior officials of various countries at the scene cast contemptuous eyes!

How dare you say that? If it weren't for you guys messing around, would the players they have cultivated with all their efforts become like this?

If it weren't for you guys messing around, would this meeting still be held? Do they need to sit here so awkwardly? Damn, you senior officials of Sakura Country don't know what's good for you!

Feeling the malice of the crowd, the senior officials of

Sakura Country, knowing that they were in the wrong, immediately touched their noses and stopped talking.

"That's enough! This time, we plan to change to a new strategy, the development of the copy theme!"

"We will be in charge of this event and we will reveal the theme of this dungeon contest during the competition."

"Let's just leave it at that!"

After discussing for a long time without reaching a conclusion, the senior officials of Longguo were all frowning, then waved their hands and spoke directly.

Others did not dare to say anything more. Since the conclusion had been reached, they did not stay any longer and left.

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