At this moment, in the space of the copy system, all the judges stood there waiting for Su Heng to open the permissions! The next second, they received a notification from the system! They could already enter!

So they couldn't help but show joy on their faces! Su Heng built such a powerful copy! Now he has to prepare wedding clothes for them!

"Su Heng made the task so simple, but in the end it was still a bargain for me! I must win!"

At this moment, a judge laughed and said

"Humph! Strike first and gain the upper hand! I am destined to win this copy!"

At this moment, a voice came, and before everyone could see clearly, they saw a black shadow quickly enter Su Heng's copy.

"It's broken! We can't let him succeed! Come on, come on!"

"This damn guy is so despicable and shameless! He actually wants to monopolize Su Heng's copy!"

"I won't let you guys succeed! This is a copy of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Seeing the judge just now entering the copy so quickly, the other judges were afraid of being beaten to the punch, so they also entered.

At this moment, the screen on the system was playing the judge who had just entered the copy, and the barrage of comments surged for a while.

[I was wondering why he looked so familiar! This is the speed runner in the previous contest! I didn't expect him to be so fast this time! Su Heng's dungeon is in danger!]

[Speedrunner! The one who can quickly pass multiple players' dungeons in less than half an hour?]

[That's right! But he only takes action on the copies he is confident in! If he finds it difficult, he usually won't take action!]

[Does that mean Su Heng's copy is too easy? Then the other judges may not be able to beat him at all! Danger!]

At this moment, the barrage kept flashing, and it was obvious that everyone had a deep impression of this judge who was known as the speed king.

On the other side, as the judges officially entered Su Heng's copy, the system also sent a prompt

[Ding! Congratulations on entering the Fairy Tail 1 Phantom Ruler Chapter!]

[Players can choose to join any faction, Fairy Tail/Phantom Ruler!]

[Ding! After selecting the corresponding faction to join, you can select the characters of the corresponding faction to conduct a copy strategy! ]

Fairy Tail: Natsu (Fire Dragon Slayer Magic) Current Status: Good!

Gray (Ice Shape Magic) Current Status: Good!

Mirajane: (Receive Magic; Demon Soul) Current Status: Normal! (Because she hasn't used magic for many years, she is unfamiliar with magic and her magic power has decreased)

Erza: (Clothes Change Magic; Knight) Current Status: Good!...........

President Makarov (cannot be selected) [excels in light magic, and can also use many other magics!]

Current status: seriously injured! (He was seriously injured by the airspace"annihilation" sneak attack of Aria, the leader of the"Four Elements" of the Phantom)............

Phantom Ruler: Gajeel (Iron Dragon Slayer Magic) Current Status: Good!

Aliya: (Wind Magic) Current Status: Good!

Juvia: (Water Flow Magic) Current Status: Good!

Thor: (Earth Magic) Current Status: Good!

Usagi Maru: (Fire Magic) Current Status: Good!.........

President Joseph: (Not selectable) [Best at dark magic! And also knows many other kinds of magic] Current status: Good!........

Looking at the information given by the system, the barrage of comments began to scroll frantically.

[Oh my god, Fairy Tail's President Makarov is seriously injured! How can we play this?]

[Anyone who is smart will definitely choose the Spectre Overlord! The opposing boss is seriously injured, so choosing the Spectre Overlord instantly reduces the difficulty!]

[This is not necessarily the case! In terms of the excellence of wizards, from the introduction given by the system, it can be seen that Fairy Tail has more.]

[What's the use of having strong subordinates? If someone gives you a big move to kill them all, it still depends on the boss's hard power! ]

At this moment, the barrage of people was discussing frantically.

It is obvious that everyone is not optimistic about the victory of Fairy Tail and thinks that there is little hope.

At this moment, Su Heng, as the creator of the copy, is observing everyone's every move in the system space. Of course, he is also taking care of the barrage.

Seeing the topic discussed by everyone at this moment, Su Heng smiled slightly. He did all this on purpose.

Phantom Ruler, this battle was extremely fierce! As a copy, Su Heng directly adjusted the timeline to the end.

That is, Makarov's magic power was deprived, and at this juncture, the Phantom Ruler invaded again.

On the other side, many judges who entered the copy space at this moment smiled slightly when they saw the news given by the system.

The president of Fairy Tail was seriously injured! And the president of the Phantom Ruler was in his prime.

Even a fool knows which one to choose! This must be a special treatment for his own countrymen, but as everyone knows, no one is a fool! So they all decisively joined the Phantom at the beginning.

On the other side, the judge who was known as the Speed King had already chosen Gajeel who possessed the Dragon Slaying Magic.

The next second he was teleported to the town of Magnolia.

This was where the original Gajeel was, and now he was preparing to kidnap Lucy, but the Speed King who traveled through time and space obviously didn't know about these things.

At this moment he opened his eyes and looked at the houses around him. This was an architectural style that was completely different from his world.

Not far away from him, there seemed to be two Fairy Tail wizards, who were talking about certain topics with their arms around each other.

"Did you see that woman yesterday? Her legs and plump breasts were incredible!"

"Yes, yes! Young girls nowadays are really amazing! And they are wearing such thin clothes, I really want to go up and warm her up!"

The two of them talked more and more, and soon it became more and more indescribable.

"Su Heng is a real capable guy! I didn't expect the copy here to be so real.���"It's totally different from the previous dungeon!"

Looking at the surrounding environment and the conversation between the two at this moment,

Speed Pass King couldn't help but sighed. Compared with Su Heng's dungeon environment, the dungeons he had cleared before were nothing!

The audience in the live broadcast room on the other side also went crazy after hearing Speed Pass King's sigh and combining it with the live broadcast room screen.

[The conversation was so exciting right away? This copy of Su Heng is too real! I love it!]

[This can be considered a real world! Don't be too surprised, the better the copy, the more real it is!]

[Holy shit, this guy is awesome! Compared to this, the other players' dungeons are nothing compared to this! It's just a bunch of shit]

[The key is that he also got the personal recognition from the speed runner. He has completed so many copies, and he felt that the copies of Boss Su Heng were real. He can only say that Boss is awesome!]

[I just want to ask, can you come closer? I don't mean anything else, I just want to see how realistic the dialogues of the dungeon characters designed by Su Heng are.]

[Damn it, you kid! The abacus beads fell on my face!].............................................

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