At this moment, in the center of the arena, as Su Heng officially entered the dungeon, everyone on the field began to watch with different attitudes.

At this moment, Lina looked at the screen in the live broadcast room, and her palms holding the microphone were already soaked with sweat.

But she could only pray silently in her heart.

"I believe in you, Su Heng! If it were you, you would definitely be able to successfully clear this dungeon!"

On the other side,

Li Yi, who was standing next to the old man, looked at Su Heng's departing back and said softly

"Come on, Su Heng! If you can successfully pass the level! What grandpa said may not be impossible!"

As for the judges of Sakura Country at this moment, they were looking forward to the screen in the live broadcast room.

He was looking forward to Su Heng's failure! He was looking forward to Su Heng's misfortune in the copy! He was looking forward to Su Heng being embarrassed in public like him!

Su Heng, you must not win!

On the other hand.

At this moment, Su Heng has entered the system's production space

"System! Enter the dungeon, Fairy Tail - Phantom Ruler!"

[Ding! It is detected that the player has creator privileges! No consent is required, the dungeon door will be opened for you immediately!]

[Please select the entry method: enter by yourself/select a character]

[Please select a faction: Fairy Tail/Phantom Ruler]

[Please select a character: Natsu, Gray, Erza...../Gajeel, Juvia, and Usagimaru......]

"I choose Fairy Tail! Natsu!"

[Ding! Selection successful! Entering the dungeon! ]

As the system prompt sounded,

Su Heng saw a flash of white light in front of his eyes.

The next second, he came to the dungeon he created, the world of Fairy Tail.

However, as soon as he entered the world, he heard a noisy sound in his ears.

"It's a magic cluster cannon that can blow up the guild!"

"Everybody get down!"

"I won't let you destroy the guild!"

"It's the Diamond Armor! Is Erza going to take it? She'll die!"

After hearing the situation around him, he opened his eyes.

He saw a female wizard whose beautiful figure couldn't even be covered by a bath towel, standing in front of everyone.

In front of them, there was a huge beam of magic power rushing towards them, and at this moment, Erza's bath towel turned into a heavy armor.


A huge explosion sounded.

Erza flew backwards from Su Heng's front, her armor shattered and her body covered with wounds.

This happened right after entering the dungeon, and the barrage of comments started to roll like crazy.

[You're missing a general at the start? It's even harder! It's over, there's no way to win!]

[How can we win? I don't understand why Su Heng chose Fairy Tail! It's obvious that Phantom has the advantage! Now it's over! This situation is bound to lose!]

[No hope! The copy is excellent! But Su Heng is finished! Although Natsu is very strong, he can't use magic, so everything is in vain!]

[Woohoo, my fairy queen Erza! She was killed right after she appeared, and I didn't even have time to take a few glances at her!]

[Sacrificing oneself for a companion is so touching! Damn the Spectre on the opposite side!]

At this moment, the barrage of comments have been made about the loss of a general on their side, and they are not optimistic about Su Heng this time!


Su Heng at this moment can't care about these.

He looked at the scene in front of him, and looked at Erza who fainted there. He only felt a nameless fire rising from Su Heng's heart. It was this body, it was Natsu's body that called him from the depths.

The body doesn't matter anymore! Go and help me get revenge! Go and burn those who dare to invade Fairy Tail to ashes!

The next moment.

Su Heng walked over slowly, helped Erza up, and checked her breath.

After noticing that there was still a trace of rhythm, Su Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he slowly put the other party down, and with a heart full of anger, he turned his head and looked at the ruler of the Spectre.

"How dare you do something to hurt my companions! Don't even think about going back safe and sound today! Everyone will pay the price today!"

At this moment, what Su Heng said was also heard by other members of the guild. Although they were a little confused as to why Natsu would say such a thing, they all responded in unison:

"You guys are prepared to pay the price!"

"You just want Lucy! No way! No guild will hand over its companions!"

"Go back! This is not the place for you!".........

Joseph, the leader of the Ghost Ruler, turned grim after hearing these words.

Veins bulged on his forehead, and he roared loudly:

"You ungrateful fellow! Today you only have two choices! The first is to die under my magic cluster cannon Jupiter, and the second is to die under my army!"After hearing this, everyone in Fairy Tail began to look worried.

"What? Another Jupiter launch?"

"Damn it, I can’t hold on any longer!"

"Erza blocked it the first time, what about the second time!"

At this moment, looking at everyone's worries.

Su Heng took a step forward, and then a large amount of flames began to wrap around his body. At this moment, he was like a monarch who controlled the flames!

""Only 15 minutes! That's enough time! I'm going to destroy it!" As soon as the voice fell, before everyone could react, Su Heng stepped on the ground, and the originally hard ground instantly cracked and collapsed. Su Heng flew out like a rocket, with a long tail of flame behind him, and rushed straight to the base of the Phantom Overlord. At this moment, on the field, everyone who had been watching the live broadcast room saw Su Heng's domineering

���The mentality has undergone subtle changes

"I didn't expect that player Su Heng could use magic so skillfully as soon as he entered the dungeon!"

"Is this why he dared to challenge his copy and bet on it! This power is really shocking!"

Lina, who saw this scene at this moment, instantly picked up the microphone in her hand, and then excitedly began to broadcast

"He must be cheating! How can he use magic right after entering? None of us can use it! How can he use it!"

"He must be cheating! No wonder this brat dared to bet with us, he is a cheater! Quickly punish him!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, the judges of the Bear Country shouted

"My friend, are you questioning the authenticity of the copy system? Although we still don't fully understand the copy system!"

"But one thing is certain, that is, there is absolutely no possibility of cheating in the copy system! Being able to use magic is Su Heng's ability!"

At this moment, the old man from the Dragon Country stroked his beard and then stood up to speak.

The judge from the Bear Country on the side also completely lost his temper when he saw this. How could he not understand these situations? He just wanted to deliberately make trouble...............................................

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