At this moment.

In the copy of Fairy Tail.

After Su Heng defeated Usagi Maru.

Looking at the huge magic crystal in front of him, he calmed down and then took a stance. A large amount of flames began to wrap around his fist.

The next second

"The Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!!"

Crack, crack!"....

At this moment, as Su Heng's fist hit the magic crystal firmly, spider-web-like cracks suddenly spread out.

Boom!....The next moment, the magic crystal shattered instantly and exploded into slag.

"This way, Jupiter won't be able to launch! The mission is halfway done!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Heng clapped his hands, and then said with a smile.

At the moment when the magic crystal was destroyed, Joseph also received the news:

"Makarov's group of brats! They actually destroyed Jupiter from the inside! Damn it!"

""Start that for me!!!"

Joseph looked at the scene in front of him and ordered his subordinates with anger.

As the order was issued, the next moment, the inside of the Phantom Ruler began to vibrate instantly.

From the perspective of the Fairy Tail people standing outside, the Phantom Ruler was constantly transforming and reorganizing.

Then it turned into a robot body.

On the other side, Su Heng, who possessed the power of the Dragon Slayer, felt a dizzy feeling the moment he felt the vibration.

"It's broken! I forgot that the Dragon Slayer has this feature!"

At this moment, Su Heng said this sadly, and suddenly felt that his body lost balance, and then collapsed to one side.

Then a feeling of nausea came over him, and Su Heng felt that he was about to vomit. Things that he had never experienced in his previous life, he experienced in this life.

Fortunately, the shock disappeared not long after.

At this moment, Tutuwan, who was lying on the side, couldn't help but laugh wildly after seeing this scene:

"Hahaha! You're dead! This is Phantom's secret weapon! The Super Magic Giant!"

" He is equipped with forbidden magic, Purgatory Shattering! The powerful force is enough to destroy half of this town! Fairy Tail is doomed to be destroyed!"

But after hearing what Usagi Maru said, Su Heng did not seem too surprised, but said lightly:

"So what! As long as I completely defeat the four elements! Then this magic will be completely destroyed! I defeated you! There should be three more!"

After saying that,

Su Heng turned and left, leaving only his back to Tutuwan. Lina, who had been staring at the live broadcast room outside the venue, saw this scene and couldn't help but start to worry about Su Heng's safety.

The magic that was enough to destroy half a town! It was about to be launched, and a mistake might ruin all the previous efforts! Can Su Heng really turn danger into safety!

But at this moment, no matter what, Su Heng had to move forward.

Sure enough, he had just walked a short distance.

He met another opponent again.

""How sad! The wings of fire are decaying! Are the remains of the dragon only?" As the words fell, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the open space in front of Su Heng, and then a tall man with his eyes covered by a cloth appeared out of thin air.

At this moment, looking at Su Heng in front of him, the man spoke again.:

"My name is Aria! I am the strongest of the four elements! Come and hunt dragons now!"

As his voice fell, although they were indoors, the wind around them became stronger and stronger, as if responding to what Aria said.

Seeing that Su Heng had encountered such a high-level enemy again, the overwhelming barrage of comments instantly appeared.

[Damn it, Aria, the leader of the four elements! It's over, it's over, Su Heng is in danger! There's no way to play anymore!]

[I just checked! The president of Fairy Tail was seriously injured by Aliya! Su Heng may not be his opponent at all!]

[This character's appearance is too cool! After defeating one, there are still two like this? How to play this!]

[The difficulty of the dungeon designed by Su Heng is too high! As of now, even he himself can't pass it! This can be regarded as a self-defeating trick!]

[And don't forget! The forbidden magic is about to be activated! He must defeat three enemies within the time limit! Too difficult! ]

Obviously, the barrage of comments expressed pessimism about the enemy who appeared again. No one thought that Su Heng could win again!

Miracles are not so easy to create!

But obviously, Su Heng did not have this awareness. Looking at the enemy who appeared again in front of him, he did not speak. He just took a stance for a moment, and then hooked his finger at Alia.

Seeing this scene, Alia was instantly angry and veins popped up on his face:"Little ghost, are you looking down on me! Prepare to die!" As soon as the voice fell.

Alia moved and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

When he appeared again, he had come in front of Su Heng. He stretched out his palm and pushed it towards Su Heng's door.

Instantly, a large amount of wind magic power was released, compressed into gas bombs, and rushed towards him.

"Not good!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Heng's eyes condensed, and then he crossed his hands in front of him.

The next second.

Boom!....There was a loud bang, and Su Heng was instantly knocked away by this huge force.

"Fire Dragon, you are too arrogant! I won't end it so easily! Prepare to die!"

Seeing that the attack was successful, Alia was unwilling to give up. She raised her hand again, frantically compressed the air bomb, and attacked Su Heng.

At this moment, Alia's attack was like a storm, and the compressed air bomb had no shape or color and could not be observed.

Su Heng was dodging frantically by relying on his own sense, and at the same time he was always observing the opportunity! He kept approaching Alia. Once he succeeded,���Seize that opportunity, and the outcome of this battle will be decided in an instant.

The next moment.

Su Heng took the initiative to attack.

Suddenly, a large amount of flames began to emerge from his body, and the temperature was extremely high. Soon the space in the room began to distort.

And Alia's moves also began to become clearly visible.

And Su Heng also saw this opportunity and rushed up in an instant:"I've been waiting for this moment! Die! You are just like this! You are no match for me!"

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

A large amount of flames began to wrap around his hands, and then blasted towards Alia's abdomen. The powerful force knocked Alia's huge body away.

Boom!.......After the loud noise, Alia fell to the ground and passed out.

"Whoosh...."The second one!"

Looking at this scene, Su Heng took a breath and then said softly.

At this moment, watching Su Heng use his wisdom again to defeat the strongest of the four elements, the barrage instantly went crazy

[Wow, you are awesome! You can play like this! This is the correct way to attack a dungeon!]

[Unfortunately, I am uneducated, and I can only say"wow" to everyone! After watching the battle of Master Su Heng, I finally understood what a true master is!]

[I kneel down to the boss, this is too awesome! It turns out that the previous judges lost for a reason! It’s not unfair!]

[The invisible air bomb was cracked! The master's strategy copy is to play! He countered the moves!]................................................................................................

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