At the scene of the dungeon making competition, white lights flashed one after another.

The arena was filled with weeping contestants.

They entered with full confidence.

However, things did not go as planned.

They all died because of some operating errors, and the dungeon strategy failed.

At this moment, some spectators who had not yet entered the arena looked at the shocking scene in front of them.

Their originally excited hearts suddenly felt like a bucket of cold water was poured on them. They even began to be afraid.

"What the hell! What's going on? I saw several people who were quite confident, but they were all eliminated?"

"I'm afraid this copy is not as simple as I imagined! Even with Su Heng's reference, it is still extremely difficult!"

"It must be that some condition needs to be met! Some condition we haven't discovered yet!"

"Damn, so awesome! The boss is the boss! The copy is so detailed!"

"Damn, what should I do? I am a little afraid to go on! After entering, everyone becomes like this! So scary!"

At this moment, the audience in the field looked at this scene and began to back off.

They felt a little scared.

At this moment, looking at this scene,

Lina, the host, was in a daze.

Then she picked up the microphone and said in a shocked tone:

"I didn’t expect that all the contestants who were full of confidence were eliminated now!"

"Su Heng's copy is so difficult! It seems that it is not easy to defeat him easily!"

"Then let's see what kind of comments the judges on the scene will give in this situation?"

After the voice fell

, the camera instantly focused on the judges who had been paying attention to the competition.

At this moment, the judges saw this scene and couldn't help but show surprise on their faces.

They were immersed in watching the game.

Therefore, they didn't notice Lina's question.

At this moment, the shocked expressions of these judges were seen by the audience in the live broadcast room.

So they couldn't help but speak enthusiastically.

[Boss Su Heng's copy is awesome! Apart from him, no one has cleared it yet! There are more than 100,000 people at the scene!]

[Don't be anxious. People come in batches by batches. Sooner or later someone will be able to pass. Or maybe no one will be able to pass?]

[I laughed my ass off. Look at the expressions on the judges' faces! This scene was so shocking!]

[The judges' inner thoughts: We thought we were embarrassed enough! But we didn't expect someone to be more embarrassed than us! Great!]

[I laughed my ass off when I saw the comments above! Do the judges think so? Maybe they envy them!]

[Do you envy others who got chopped? Just look at their expressions and you will know how painful it is! Fortunately, I didn’t go! ]

The teasing in the comments was also noticed by the program team.

So they quickly arranged for the staff to secretly remind them.

Then everyone slowly came to their senses.

The judge from the Bear Country picked up the microphone and began to speak:

"I can only say that contestant Su Heng is really amazing! This is the most amazing copy I have seen in all my years as a judge!"

"None of them can compare to this! Even though there are reference videos of successful clearance, it still blocks everyone from entering the magic gate!"

"It's so terrifying!"

Then the judges from the Eagle Sauce Country said:

"Su Heng is really amazing! He said that the copy he made is indeed very difficult and challenging!"

"However, there are more than 100,000 spectators at the scene! I believe that there will be warriors born in our country of Eagle Sauce! Successfully clear this copy!"

Then several other judges also took the microphone and began to speak.

However, they all agreed with Su Heng's copy.

On the other side.

At this moment, Su Heng was sitting in the player's rest area, and next to him, there was a cold and beautiful girl sitting.

It was Li Yi, the champion of the previous copy making competition. At this moment, the two were watching the live broadcast of the competition.

Watching the players being eliminated one after another.

Su Heng on the side showed an expression of"as expected".

His copy is not so easy to pass.

However, while watching everyone's operation, he gradually noticed the changes in the copy.

The first is the change in the name [Fairy Tail - Phantom Ruler] directly became [Fairy Tail].

Although there are only a few words missing, this also means that the content of his copy has expanded to the entire world.

In other words, the corresponding rewards have become more generous. Now if you pass it again, you can manifest any magic.

At this moment, Li Yi couldn't help but be curious:"Do you think anyone will pass your copy?"

After hearing this question, Su Heng smiled:

"Yes! Just like they said, there are more than 100,000 people on the scene! There will always be one!"

Then the two stopped talking and began to devote themselves to the live broadcast of the arena.

At this moment, people are still being eliminated in the arena.

But correspondingly, once someone is eliminated, more people will rush in excitedly.

Although I am afraid, if I don’t fight once, how can I know if I can succeed!

Anyway, I won’t really die!

But if I win, the rewards I get are unimaginable.

Those who plant trees in the past will enjoy the shade.

The people in front are constantly sacrificing, and the later people who enter can gain more experience.

In this case. At this moment, a contestant also entered Su Heng’s copy.

Under the attention of everyone.

He took one step at a time carefully, by learning from Su Heng’s way of passing the level, and adding the situation when the people in front sacrificed.

Finally, when most of the Fairy Tail people were killed or injured, relying on Makarov’s anger to defeat Joseph, he successfully passed the level!

The next moment the system prompt sounded

[Ding! Congratulations to the contestant! Successfully cleared the dungeon (Fairy Tail)]

[Main quest of the dungeon: Defeat the Phantom Overlord (completed)]

[Knock down at least one opponent of equal strength (completed)]

[Hidden quest: Unfinished]

[Based on the player's performance in the dungeon (Fairy Tail), give a comprehensive evaluation of C-]

[Ding! The system detects that the player is completing the dungeon for the first time! Based on the player's evaluation, a random c-magic will be drawn.]

[Ding! Magic extraction is successful, congratulations on getting the little fireball]

[Fireball: You can use the magic power in your body to generate fireballs and control them! Level: C-]

Then a white light flashed.

The man came to the arena.

Seeing that someone had successfully cleared the dungeon, the scene immediately went wild...................................................

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