At this moment, in the Fairy Tail dungeon, the audiences at the scene continued to rush in one after another.

The white light on the field flashed one after another.

It was obvious that the number of eliminated people was increasing.

But after the first person successfully passed the level, the enthusiasm of the crowd was now extremely high, and the pain could not stop them from moving forward!

At this moment, the scene was also broadcasted in real time through the camera.

Looking at this crazy scene in front of them, the barrage exploded in an instant.

[These people are too crazy! They are like mad dogs pouncing on their prey! I am a little scared even through the screen!]

[Isn't this nonsense? If I give you a chance to become a magician, aren't you crazier than them? Do you know the charm of magic?]

[Is this the charm of the dungeon created by Master Su Heng? It actually caused such a sensation! So cool!]

[I have to say, this scene is really super shocking! I have never seen people so crazy! Is this the charm of magic? Is this the attraction of Su Heng's copy!]

[I am only curious about when the next dungeon clearer will appear! And what kind of magic will he use! ]

At this moment, the barrage was in a heated discussion.

And the people on the field were also very curious.

However, in the next moment.

With another flash of white light.

At this moment, a beautiful white-haired girl appeared on the field.

This girl was wearing a slim-fitting dress, and her curvy figure was perfectly set off.

Seeing this scene, the old perverts were a little excited.

"Another person was eliminated? It's a girl!"

"This girl is really pretty! She is very resilient and didn’t cry or make a fuss after being eliminated! She is so brave!"

At this moment, when everyone was discussing, a lot of water vapor suddenly emanated from the girl's body, and then condensed into streams of water that wrapped around her.

""Water Blade Slash!"

With a light shout, a huge water blade flew straight towards the steel plate left by the test.


A loud noise was heard.

The water flow split the steel plate in front of it in half!

It was obvious that the power of this magic was even stronger.

Seeing this scene in front of them, everyone at the scene couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Oh my god, another level clearer is born! Is this water magic? Holy shit, this is awesome!"

"This power is too strong! Much more powerful than the little fireball just now! This girl is also a fierce person!"

"The second person to clear the dungeon! Is Su Heng's dungeon really so amazing? As long as you clear the dungeon, you can get powerful magic?"

"Damn it, why haven't the people in front of me come out yet? The number of people being eliminated is getting smaller and smaller, so I have to wait in line again!"

"I guess they all figured out the pattern! More and more people are passing the level. No, I can't fall behind!"

However, the girl's passing the level was like a signal.

The next moment, white lights flashed.

One by one, contestants with strange visions appeared.

At this moment, everyone's face was filled with excitement.

Just because they had one common feature, the people who passed the level

"Steel Storm...!"

"Fire Blast...!"

"Rhythm of Thunder...!"

At this moment, shouts were heard one after another. Powerful magics were constantly colliding on the field.

Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out.

And the number of people who passed the level was still increasing.

Seeing this scene, the judges on the field could no longer sit still.

"The number of players who pass the level is increasing! If this continues, it won’t be long before tens of thousands of wizards appear on the scene."

"This is amazing! This is incredible!"

At this moment, the judges from the United States could not help but exclaimed in admiration.

"The whole world will change! I didn't expect this to happen at the venue of the second dungeon competition!"

"I think this scene may be recorded in history!"

The judge of the Bear Country muttered to himself.

Water magic, lightning magic, steel magic, control magic.........!

One magic after another was brought out, and all of them possessed extremely powerful power.

And this scene in front of them also made the top leaders of various countries tremble.

At this moment, in the office of the President of Eagle Sauce Country, looking at the powerful magic in front of him, the smile on the president's face became brighter and brighter.

"Good, good, good! I didn't expect that the magic in Su Heng's copy would be so powerful!"

"And the first person to pass the level is a talent from our Eagle Sauce Country!"

"As more and more wizards are added, the strength of our Eagle Sauce Country will also usher in an unprecedented improvement!"

The next moment, the men beside him also began to report the situation.

"According to statistics, there are more than 500 wizards in our country, and each of them is extremely powerful! The number may increase again in the future!"

Hearing this, the president of the United States smiled even more:

"Spread the news! Let other countries know the strength of our Eagle Sauce Country!"

"Hahaha! At this rate, our Eagle Country will become the most powerful wizard empire!"

On the other side,

Prime Minister John Bull was also paying close attention to the development of the competition.

The first person to pass the level appeared in Eagle Country, which made him more and more anxious.

However, when he saw the white-haired girl using magic, and it was even more powerful than the players in Eagle Country, he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Because this white-haired girl is the youngest princess in their country, and she has been a combination of wisdom and beauty since she was a child.

However, the next moment, the men outside brought intelligence

"The Eagle Country has just released news that it has 500 wizards, but we only have more than 300 at present, which is a huge difference!"

Upon hearing this news, Prime Minister John Bull was not panicked, but smiled faintly.

"It's okay! Send a message to the little princess and ask her to work with other players to create a detailed guide as soon as possible!"

"Share these tips with others! This should help you clear the game faster!"

"Humph! This is a real turnaround.���Yes! We, John Bull, will never miss it!"

When the last sentence was finished, Prime Minister John Bull was full of pride.

He must win this battle!

And it is not just these countries that have these ideas at the moment.

This will be a major opportunity to change the situation.

No one will let it go.

At this moment in the players' lounge.

Li Yi, who saw this scene, became more and more worried.

After all, his grandfather is a senior leader of Longguo. In such an environment, she will naturally worry about the safety of Longguo.

"What should we do? Su Heng? We will fall behind if we continue like this!!"

"Why don't you take action? What are you thinking about?"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded, but in this voice there was a hint of urgency and questioning.

Glancing at Li Yi beside him, Su Heng just replied lightly:

"Do you really want to know the answer? You will know it soon! Don't worry!" At this moment, Li Yi looked at this scene and seemed a little confused. She didn't understand what this meant.....

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.............................................

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