At this moment, with the appearance of 50 warships, the audience at the scene expressed their feelings.

They did not expect Su Heng to have such strength!

Not only the audience, but also the judges began to evaluate

"50 warships? Although it is not that shocking! But after all, this is an area where Su Heng is not good at!"

"I think this is pretty good! Whether it's the terrain of the Navy Headquarters or the strategic layout, it can be considered excellent!"

Looking at the scene in front of them, the judges of the Bear Country gave a fair evaluation.

After all, the dungeon competition has been held several times, and everyone has seen a lot of military dungeons.

Therefore, Su Heng's dungeon can only get such an evaluation.

"No, no! Just 50 warships, nothing at all, right? Why do we have to do this?"

"As a judge, I have to give the most honest evaluation! To be honest, I think Su Heng's copy is very average!"

At this moment, the judge from Sakura Country curled his lips and said disdainfully

"Haha! Player Su Heng is not good at this field! We still have to give him some face! After all, he is the champion of the previous session!"

"But in this regard! Our Eagle Country contestants are more capable! If you don't believe me, you can go and have a look!"

At this moment, the Eagle Country judges changed their minds and successfully drew everyone's attention to their own contestants.

At this moment, the barrage also became curious

[Are the players from the United States really that good? I think Su Heng did a really good job!]

[Don't talk about that, just take a look and you'll know! Come on, Su Heng is also perfecting those warships now! Let's go take a look!]

[That's true! How can we know who is the best without looking at a few contestants? After all, this is a new theme!]

[Let’s go! The target is the live broadcast room of the United States!]


After hearing the evaluation of their own players by the judges of the United States, the audience in Su Heng's live broadcast room was immediately attracted.

However, a shocking scene happened.

On the map of the United States players, cold tanks were seen passing by.

In front of this torrent of steel, it seemed that all obstacles would be swept away.

And where they passed, even the most rugged roads would be instantly crushed and flattened under this force.

A rough estimate is that there are at least tens of thousands of these tanks.

At this moment, the barrage exploded in an instant.

[Oh my god, this is too outrageous! The players from the United States are really talented! I thought it was a joke!]

[It's over! The strength of the contestants this time is too terrifying! Su Heng is really going to lose this time! How can we play this game!]

[This torrent of tanks is too terrifying! In the face of this force, I feel like I am starting to get scared!]

[It’s over! My brother Su Heng won’t win the championship this time! There’s no way to play!]

Seeing this scene, most of the Dragon Country people felt depressed.

After all, in front of this force, they didn’t think Su Heng had no chance of winning!

As if to confirm what they thought in their hearts.

At this moment, a hill blocked the tanks.

Faced with such an obstacle, the black barrels of the tanks suddenly raised at the same time.

At the same time, they fired at a hill in front.

Boom boom boom.....!

After the loud noise

, a small hill was flattened in an instant.

Seeing this scene, even Lina, who was used to big scenes as a host, was a little surprised:

"I didn't expect that the first dark horse would appear in this instance! The steel torrents were chilling!"

"In this case, can Su Heng still win the championship of this competition like last time?"

After the voice fell, the camera automatically turned to the judges' seats.

At this moment, the judges all looked solemn.

"So strong! I didn't expect that there are actually such talented contestants! It's amazing!"

"But the original intention of our design theme is for this! It also tests the contestants' ability to adapt to changes! At the same time, it also depends on luck!"

At this moment, the old man of Longguo also showed a surprised look, but then he returned to normal.

Because he believed that Su Heng could definitely bring him a stronger shock than this!

"Luck? Hahaha! No way! It was destiny!"

"It is destined that our Eagle Sauce Country will rise from this point! Otherwise, how could we have chosen this theme?"

"Su Heng is going to be eliminated! Hahaha!"

At this moment, the judges from the Eagle Sauce Country were all smiling brightly and couldn't control themselves.

The other judges also shook their heads at this moment.

They agreed with the viewpoints of the judges from the Eagle Sauce Country. Although it was hard to hear, it might be true.

On the other hand, in the live broadcast rooms of many contestants, after browsing, they returned to Su Heng again.

Looking at the 50 warships in front of them, everyone just felt bored!

[I just watched Su Heng's copy, I think it's pretty good! I even think he might be the first! But there are still too many geniuses! I can only say that I'm unlucky!]

[Oh, I am so disappointed! I didn't expect that there would be a theme this time, which completely restricted Su Heng's performance!]

[Su Heng's copy is too ordinary! I have no desire to enter it at all! It is completely incomparable to the one in the United States!]

[To be honest, I'm really disappointed! It seems that this is the end for Su Heng! I think the champion of this session should be the one from the United States!]

[I think John Bull's Little Princess is pretty good! Her fighting frenzy makes my blood boil! ]

At this moment, everyone in the barrage began to discuss their favorite players.

It was obvious���Yu Suheng and the others had already lost confidence.

However, the next moment,

Su Heng took action.

He also read some of the information on the barrage.

Looking at the discussion of the crowd, he did not say much, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

War copy, who said he would use hot weapons?

Who said that he was competing for this?

This thing is just an embellishment!

Next is the time to shock everyone!

Thinking of this,

Su Heng's mind moved.

Then a world background was submitted by him.

The system immediately approved it and sent a prompt.

[Ding! World background submitted successfully!]

[Devil Fruit: After eating, it can give the eater various super powers. The stronger the user's own strength and the higher the proficiency, the stronger the ability of the fruit! ]

At this moment, as the world background was successfully submitted, mysterious fruits with spiral patterns suddenly appeared one after another in the field.

Even if you watch it outside the screen, it seems to suck people's souls in.

Seeing this scene, even if the devil fruit did not show any abnormality or ability, but everyone who saw this scene, at this moment, began to feel extremely shocked!........................................................

Dong Dong Dong, I kowtow to all the readers!

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