At this moment, along with the setting of Su Heng's devil fruit, it was officially exposed in front of everyone.

It was a slap in the face of some people.

The audience at the scene immediately set off an uproar.

"Oh my god! Master Su Heng, this is too outrageous! After magic, he came up with such an outrageous setting!"

"It's so strong! It's completely different from magic! How bad are devil fruits?"

"I don't know, but they even specifically noted that it tasted terrible! So it must really taste terrible, right?"

""I'm listening to your words! You speak so well! You have really figured out nonsense literature!"

On the other side

, the judges looked at the devil fruits that were constantly changing on the screen.

Everyone's face subconsciously showed an extremely surprised look.

"It's really amazing! Parahuman, animal, natural, each devil fruit has its own unique ability!"

"And each fruit is unique! This undoubtedly means that this copy will be more valuable!"

"It's really terrible! He thought of so many detailed and complex settings in such a short time! How many surprises can Su Heng bring us!"

At this moment, John Bull's judge said with a shocked face.

Seeing these settings of Su Heng, he was simply astonished!

He simply couldn't understand why Su Heng could come up with so many settings in such a short time!

Is he really a genius among thousands?

"Oh! It is normal for a talented player like Su Heng to be questioned!"

"But if you ask me, everyone should have less doubts and more trust in contestant Su Heng!"

"Otherwise, you will lose all your professionalism as a judge!"

At this moment, the judge from Dragon Country shook his head and said with a leisurely smile.

How could the experienced judges not know that he was secretly mocking someone?

So they all looked serious on the surface, but they were actually laughing in their hearts.

The judge from Eagle Country rarely expressed any opinions.

He just sat there with a gloomy face, dejected like a defeated rooster.

The appearance of this judge at this moment was also broadcasted through the on-site camera.

At this moment, Su Heng's lounge was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"Hahaha! I am dying of laughter! I told you, how can he question Lord Su Heng? He immediately got slapped in the face!"

"I am almost dying of laughter! This judge's face is almost wrinkled! Call him arrogant! Now he is wilted, right?"

At this moment, Zhao Linger was sitting on the sofa and laughing. When she was excited, she even clapped her hands on the table.

The power that was not well controlled and overflowed even made the table gradually crack.

When other people around saw it, they also showed a look of indifference.

After all, this group of people, after all, are all children who have been pampered since childhood!

They all keep that pride and pride in their hearts! Therefore, they usually release their nature without hesitation!

Except in front of Su Heng, of course! After all, you don't have to care about other people's eyes! What's the big deal about losing face in front of your own boss!

"That’s right! That’s right! Our boss has created such an amazing setting, we must let others see it too!"

"Let's go to other people's live broadcast rooms to promote it! Such a great thing! If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

At this moment, Zhao Lin'er's eyes turned, and then she smiled and said to everyone.

Seeing this, the other members of the strategy team also smiled slightly, then took out their mobile phones and sneaked into the live broadcast rooms of other players.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room of the Eagle Sauce player.


With a loud noise, fighter planes were seen flying through the air one after another.

And below the fighter planes, a steel torrent of tanks was seen passing by on the ground.

And in the water, streamlined submarines were seen, like a school of fish.

Then they suddenly rushed to the surface of the sea at the same time, causing a huge storm.

With the improvement of the players from the United States, it is obvious that this copy has great potential.

At this moment, he has completed most of the content and is constantly responding to the flattery of everyone in the live broadcast!

At this moment, the player is almost floating.

He has even proclaimed himself the champion of this competition!!

However, at this moment, a discordant voice sounded in the barrage.

[Ah, no way, what is this? Modern Warfare? No way, what era is this? There are still people playing Iron Torrent?]

[What are you talking about above? If not Iron Torrent, what else can we play in war? Do you understand? Where did this little black man come from?]

[I am so disappointed in you guys, damn it! I won’t say anything more! You guys probably don’t know how valuable Su Heng is!]

[I laughed. It turns out that you are a fan of Su Heng! Come over here to criticize! I have just seen it. There are only 50 warships! The strongest players now are from the United States!]

[How long have you not watched it? What is the steel cannon? Do you know the value of the devil fruit? Let me tell you that it is not that the steel cannon is not affordable, but that the devil fruit is more cost-effective!]

[If you don’t believe me, go check it out! Your jaw will drop!]

[Just go, who’s afraid of who? ]

Facing the quarrel in the live broadcast room at this moment.

The player from the Eagle Sauce Country was full of disdain.

He already knew the situation of each player clearly through the barrage!

What a joke? Didn’t Su Heng just build 50 battleships?

Can he compare with him? What kind of devil fruit? How awesome can it be!

However, driven by curiosity, the player from the Eagle Sauce Country also came to Su Heng’s live broadcast room!

Thanks to the updates during this period, the players can also watch each other’s live broadcasts!

However, when he saw the information submitted by Su Heng!


His mind suddenly went blank!

What the hell is this? Devil Fruit? Superhuman, Animal, Natural!

And each kind of fruit has its own powerful ability!

When he saw the introduction of the ability of the Natural Fruit, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

Natural Fruit: Can it transform itself into an element! So that the opponent can't attack?

Imagine if people successfully conquered the Natural Fruit, then when the Natural Fruit appeared on the battlefield!

His steel torrent will have no effect at all!! He was restrained tightly!

Su Heng is so terrible?

At this moment, the lips of this Eagle Sauce Country player suddenly turned pale.

Then he collapsed to the ground with powerlessness!

How is this possible? There is such a heaven-defying ability?...........................................................

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