In just a blink of an eye,

Su Heng pulled out a unique setting!


At this moment, the barrage of comments started to roll like crazy!

[What did I say? Doubt Big Boss Su Heng? Who gave you the courage? Don't you know the value of our Big Boss Su Heng?]

[Damn, the boss is really awesome! In such a short time, he came up with a completely different setting and slapped those little black guys in the face!]

[I'm so f*cking awesome! How can this be so awesome? This new setting was just released, and it's already been perfected not long after? This is outrageous!]

[I am convinced. I am completely convinced! From today on! I will turn from hater to fan! We, the Hengha brothers! We are the most loyal fans of Su Heng! I will apologize on the live broadcast later!]

[Fuck the Hengha brothers? The two who have started many online quarrels? Awesome! Boss Su Heng, your personality is so charming!]

At this moment, the comments were rolling, expressing their admiration for Su Heng.

Seeing this, Su Heng just smiled slightly.

He didn't say much.

At this moment, in the dim rental house

""Brother! Su Heng is really strong!"

At this moment, the greasy fat man pushed his glasses and stared at the screen with a fanatical look on his face.

"Hey! That's Su Heng! From today on, I will never allow anyone to smear him again! Brother! Let's do our best brothers!"

After the two brothers looked at each other, they nodded fiercely.

From today on, they will be one of Su Heng's many fans!

On the other side.

At the scene of the copy production competition.

Seeing that Su Heng had added a new setting in such a short time.

At this moment, the host Lina, holding the microphone, was shocked:

"Facing the doubts from the Internet, I didn’t expect that contestant Su Heng would actually win in such a short time!"

"He easily proved his strength! A new design that is completely different from the Devil Fruit! That is Haki!"

"So for the domineering setting, I hope the judges can give some pertinent opinions?" After the voice fell

, the camera turned and pointed at the judges on the field.

At this moment, the judges' faces were no less shocked than the audience.

After a while, everyone slowly came back to their senses.

"There is no doubt that there are many ways to use Haki! It can be used in all aspects of war!"

"This is extremely valuable! Whether it is the observation Haki used to detect the enemy's breath, or the armament Haki used to strengthen oneself, they are both extremely powerful!"

"As for the Conqueror's Haki! It only appears once in a million people! It's too rare, I can't give a good evaluation! But its power should be far beyond the first two!"

At this moment, the judge of the Bear Country slapped the table and said enthusiastically.

Such an amazing setting! He couldn't help it!

He wished he could enter Su Heng's copy right now and experience it! It didn't matter even if he couldn't pass it!

"Not bad, contestant Su Heng, I am very satisfied with this guy's settings! Especially the settings of the Conqueror's Haki!"

"To be honest, this is what a true overlord should be like! One out of a million people! And the stronger he is, the more domineering he is!"

"Very good! Great!"

At this moment, the old man of Longguo was also full of excitement. He didn't expect Su Heng to have made such a unique innovation!

"Unexpected! It is indeed unexpected! Is Su Heng really so amazing!"

At this moment, the judge from the Eagle Sauce Country said this with some disappointment, and then collapsed on the chair with powerlessness.

Seeing this scene, the judge from the Sakura Country who had just taken office felt a little fortunate.

Just now, he also wanted to agree, but fortunately! He didn't do it!

Otherwise, he would be embarrassed now!

Seeing Su Heng exerting force again, the other judges also echoed and expressed their agreement!

At this moment, on the other side.

In Su Heng's live broadcast room.

With one new setting after another being added.

Everyone cheered.

[To be honest, you are really strong! I admire you so much!]

[So many settings have been added! The world background and story seem to have not appeared yet? Is the boss not good at this?]

[Now that you put it that way, it seems to be true! Boss Su Heng? Why don't you have a world background? This is also very important!]

[The world background may need to be carefully considered! So I haven't thought of it yet? Let's be considerate of the boss!]

[Asiba! Stop calling him a big boss all the time! He is just a contestant now! A contestant should act like a contestant! I just want to ask, why is there no world background yet?]

[The haters from the Korean country are here too? Get off my feet!]

At this moment, there was another new black spot.

It was found by the haters and they wouldn't let it go!

And Su Heng also successfully noticed this!

And then he suddenly realized it!

It seems to be true! How can you make a copy without making the world background first!

Thinking of this, Su Heng just smiled slightly!

"Sorry! The background has been thought of!"

After the voice fell,

Su Heng immediately began to perfect the background of the first world.

[World background: One Piece, Gol·D·Roger is a man who has everything in the world! Huge wealth, household name, and top power!]

[However, when he was caught and about to be executed, he said his last words,"Do you want my treasure? Go to the sea to find it. Everything you want is there!"]

[From this moment on, the world was shaken! And what followed was the Great Pirate Era!!!]

[Ding! World background submitted successfully! ]

As the system prompt sounded, it seemed that Su Heng had upgraded his permissions.

A virtual screen suddenly appeared in the space in the field, and what was projected on it was the words that Roger, the Pirate King, said at the execution ground, and the vibrations around him were played out.

Looking at the scene in front of him, even Su Heng felt a little surprised for a moment!

He didn't expect that the upgraded permissions would reach this point!

The audience was even more crazy at this moment.

[Oh my god, what did I see! I have never seen such a shocking world background! My blood is boiling!]

[I'm on fire! No, no one can stop me! I'm setting sail now!]

[I can't stand it anymore! Don't say anything! I'm going to be a pirate! I'm going to spend a huge amount of money to go to sea right now!]

[This world background is beyond my expectation! I can only say, Master Su Heng, don’t be too omnipotent! The world background is so outrageous! I have to fall in love with you! ]

The barrage at this moment fell into a frenzy.

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