At this moment, with the appearance of Whitebeard, it caused a huge response.

Then Su Heng introduced the backbone forces of the other pirates.

This immediately caused more discussion among the people.

"I didn't expect that the Whitebeard Pirates have so many powerful characters! Marco's Phoenix Fruit is really outrageous!"

"Ace's Flame-Flame Fruit is awesome! Really cool, isn't it! The Whitebeard Pirates are really full of hidden talents!"

"In this case, it is really unknown who will win or lose! The trick that Master Su Heng has left is so suspenseful! It is really awesome!"

At this moment, the audience on the field were talking about it.

It was obvious that they all had great expectations for Su Heng's copy.

And at this moment, the judges on the field.

At this moment, the judges from the Eagle Sauce Country looked at Su Heng's perfect character settings one by one, and laughed disdainfully. Seeing this, the old man from the Dragon Country on the side knew that this kid had bad intentions again. Thinking of this, he said:

"What's the matter? Do you have any opinions about Su Heng? As a judge, please be careful when speaking!"

This is a warning.

However, after hearing this, the judges from the Eagle Sauce Country just nodded, and then ignored the old man's warning and directly expressed their opinions:

"Haha, don't bother with that, old man! I'll be frank, Su Heng never understood war from the beginning to the end!"

"From just now till now! Maybe he has done well in other aspects, but there is one thing that is the most fatal!!"

At this point, the judges from the United States paused.

The other audiences at the scene also became curious. Su Heng is so good, is there any shortcoming?

"Since you are so confident! Then I would like to hear your unique insights!"

Seeing this, the judge from Dragon Country just smiled and then spoke.

Seeing this, the judge from Eagle Country just chuckled and then spoke again:

"It's very simple! Su Heng doesn't understand war, and no one knows more about war than me! Therefore, I have discovered his shortcomings!"

"That is the military strength! In ancient times, the scale of a war was often determined by the military strength of both sides! And Su Heng only played these few characters from beginning to end!"

"That is to say, no matter how powerful the characters are, it cannot be called a war! At best, it is just a battle!"

As the voice fell, there was a sudden uproar at the scene.

This was because the judge from the Eagle Sauce Country had a reason and evidence, which made people very convinced!

Even the originally calm judge from the Dragon Country showed a trace of worry after hearing this.

Everyone at the scene also started to discuss with each other.

"Damn, it seems to be true now! Do the judges in the United States really know so much about war? This is too outrageous!"

"You know what, Su Heng hasn't started making content in this area yet! If he forgot, that's fine, but the thing is that he won't do it! That would be the end!"

"I guess he can't do it! He's great at making characters, fruits, and world backgrounds, but now he can't do a military comparison!"

At this moment, the audience began to speculate.

On the other side, in the players' lounge

"What should we do? The boss is slow to act! Could it be that he really can't do it?"

At this moment, Zhao Linger's pretty face was full of worry.

Seeing this, the other members of the strategy team also frowned. Could it be that their boss is really not good at this?

"No, I must remind the boss!"

Thinking of this,

Zhao Linger quickly picked up the phone, and then together with other members of the strategy team, began to remind Su Heng.

At this moment, in the copy production space

, Su Heng was making the last few key figures. After this, he started the next step!

At this time, the barrage suddenly refreshed the screen, and the content was roughly the same!

[Su Heng! The most important thing in war is the comparison of military strength! When can you do it? ]

Seeing this barrage.

In an instant, Su Heng understood the cause and effect.

Then he felt like laughing.

Everyone is a magician, and he has to remind him through barrage!

But this may be the so-called care and confusion!

Thinking of this, Su Heng shook his head.

Then he accelerated to complete the production of several characters.

Then his eyes condensed. He began to arrange the forces of both sides.

First of all, the navy.

As his mind moved.

This Crescent Bay was suddenly filled with dense figures, but despite this, the layout of the scene was extremely neat.

Then on the first floor of Crescent Bay, Su Heng arranged the five Kings of the Seven Warlords of the Sea here. Then came to the second floor, Su Heng placed the Navy Vice Admiral and a large number of marines here. Then came the most critical third floor, and three Navy admirals were placed here by Su Heng! So far, the Navy has 100,000 elite soldiers, plus 50 warships, as well as the Kings of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the three admirals.

It can be said that this is a defense like an iron barrel.

It is strictly guarded and leak-proof. On the other side, the pirates.

Under Su Heng's idea.

Suddenly, huge pirate ships appeared on the calm sea.

And each pirate group was crowded with people.

There are as many as 43 pirate groups, with a total force of more than 50,000.

In just a short moment.

Su Heng completed the deployment of troops on both sides.

And it was extremely detailed.

The people who were originally full of doubts were dumbfounded by Su Heng's operation.

"I was right, wasn't I? In such a short time, Su Heng had managed to deploy his troops to such an extent! If this isn't genius, then what is this?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it! According to the Navy's deployment, it is extremely powerful! This defense is easy to defend but difficult to attack!"

"The navy is too scary. Although the pirates have fewer people, only half as many, they have been fighting on the sea all year round, so they may still be slightly stronger than the navy!"

"Judging from the current situation, it feels like the pirates are at a huge disadvantage, and the navy is really strong! But this is normal, after all, since ancient times, there has been no reason for anyone to be stronger than the official!"

"The arrangement is reasonable! I am convinced!"

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but praise Su Heng's behavior.

The judge from the Eagle Country, who was originally full of confidence, was embarrassed to the extreme in an instant when he saw this scene! He wanted to escape from the scene right now, and he didn't want to be a judge!

The old man from the Dragon Country saw this scene, nodded with satisfaction, and said:

"The Yangtze River's waves behind push the waves ahead! The waves ahead died on the beach! There are always people who question Su Heng with their self-proclaimed professional eyes!"

"Little do we know that the world of geniuses is beyond our imagination!"

After the words fell, the faces of the judges from the United States turned red and purple.

Finally, they remained silent.

At this moment, the Fairy Tail Strategy Group burst into thunderous cheers.

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