Seeing the excitement of the old man from Long Country, the other judges also had their own thoughts.

Wright, you must give some light to our Eagle Country! We can't count on the championship! But we must bring out the Golden Lion! A mosquito leg is also meat!

After seeing Su Heng's performance, the judges from Eagle Country kept muttering in their hearts.

Damn Su Heng! Damn Long Country people! I'll make you pay when the time comes!

The judge from Sakura Country thought with resentment on his face.

Seeing that Su Heng's world background passed again, the host Lina on the field also seemed very happy.

Then, as if remembering the arrogance of some of the previous contestants, he picked up the microphone and said:

"It seems that contestant Su Heng has successfully submitted his world background again! So let us congratulate him first!"

"Some players seemed to have said before that if Su Heng successfully submitted the copy, they would withdraw from the competition. I don't know if he dares to admit it now!"

At this moment, Lina's voice was so clear throughout the entire arena, and at the same time, the other player area was silent.

Because they had ridiculed Su Heng more or less before, and now they were brought up, how could they have the face to talk about it, so they chose to remain silent.

After all, once they opened their mouths to admit it, it would not only be their own face that would be lost, but also the face of the country, so being scolded would be fine.

What a group of cowards who dare to do but not to take responsibility, unable to make a copy, and jealous of others! It's really disgusting!

As a host, she couldn't say a lot of things, so after expressing her contempt for these people in her heart, Lina continued to watch Su Heng's live broadcast.

Well, it's a waste of emotion to entangle with these people! Let's continue to see what new settings Su Heng can make!

What will be after Edras! Ah, I'm really curious!

The audience on the other side booed when they saw the cowardly look of these players!

"I'm dying of laughter, a bunch of cowards!"

"You are just a coward who dares to do things but not to take responsibility! Go home and drink milk!"

"The villains who took advantage of others' misfortunes were all more enthusiastic than the others, but now, why are they silent? Huh?"

"There's not even one person who's going to do a copy yet! What are you doing here? Are you here for show?"..........

The audience above kept shouting and cursing, while the players below looked embarrassed.

Among these players, there was one who stared at Su Heng in the live broadcast room with a face full of resentment.

His name was Yamada, a player from Sakura Country, and he was also the one who mocked Su Heng before.

At this moment, Su Heng lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about some new settings, and the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly began to refresh the screen crazily.

[Su Heng, my husband is so handsome!]

[After thinking about so many settings, can I still add more? I can only say that he is worthy of being called Su Heng!]

[The boss is the boss! Awesome!!]

[Curious what the next setting is!]


Seeing the people in the live broadcast room praising Su Heng, Yamada's face became even darker.

A bunch of vulgar people, what is Su Heng's reason? Isn't it just that the setting is good! In this case, then I will do it too! If he can do it, there is no reason why I can't!

At this moment, Yamada comforted himself in his heart, and then walked out of the crowd, took a confident step, and strode into the space of the copy production system.

When the other players who had not yet chosen to make copies saw this scene, they all looked at Yamada with surprise.

"Who is that contestant?"

"Yamada from the Land of Sakura! Is he ready?"

"Standing shoulder to shoulder with Su Heng and his group of big guys! What courage!".......

Listening to the discussion behind him, Yamada became confident at this moment.

Humph! Just making a copy! Thinking carefully about my previous self, I was really stupid! What is there to hesitate about? Just add some settings and it will pass. With this mood, Yamada began to make the copy under the expectant eyes of everyone.

"Oh, has Yamada from our country finally made a move? He is very powerful! Once he makes a move, he will definitely be the dark horse of this competition!"

At this moment, the judges of Sakura Country noticed this scene and couldn't help laughing, and then began to speak shamelessly.

Seeing this, the other judges did not comment. You can only know whether it is a mule or a horse after pulling it out for a walk. It is not enough to just talk.

Everything depends on strength.

At this moment, Yamada in the production space began to think.

Well, Su Heng's magic can be used as a reference! But now the rules of the competition field must be agreed upon by the person himself! In this case, I will change its name to Dark Energy!

Well, Li Yi's setting can also be used as a reference. I remember that they seem to use something called martial arts to enhance their strength. In this case, mine is called Dark Kung.

Well, there seems to be some weapons in Li Yi's world setting that can cut iron like mud? Copy some of them too.

There seems to be a Black Dragon King in Su Heng's world? By the way, there seems to be a Golden Lion in Wright's world! Are they all powerful creatures?

In that case, I will create a Scorpion King! By the way, there seem to be some good settings for other contestants in the previous competition!

At this moment, Yamada felt that he was a genius, and ideas kept emerging in his mind. He never thought that making a copy was such a simple matter.

So he submitted all the settings borrowed from other contestants to the system. Su Heng could pass it, so it made no sense that he couldn't!

On the other side, as Yamada took action, some viewers also poured into his live broadcast room.

However, when they saw the world settings submitted by Yamada, they couldn't help but start cursing.

[Oh my god! What did I see?���Strange!]

[What is this! I ask you what on earth this is!]

[Good! Good! Good! Today I've really opened my eyes! I've never seen such a shameless person!]

[In Yamada's copy, I seemed to see the shadows of many old friends!]

[Asiba! Yamada, you are a Korean who came to visit the Land of Sakura!].........

At this moment, Yamada also noticed the rolling barrage, but he was dismissive and responded to everyone.

"What do you know! These are my ideas! The lyrics are all my original works! How can this be considered plagiarism! And if Su Heng can pass, there is no reason why I can't!" As soon as the voice fell, the next second the system prompt sound came over.


At this moment, Yamada and everyone in the live broadcast room shut up instantly, and then looked at it curiously. Did it pass? Or did it fail?

[Sorry to inform you!]

["Contestant Yamada, the world backgrounds you submitted in the dungeon space conflict with each other, and the dungeon has now crashed! You have lost your qualification to participate in the competition!"

As the prompt sounded, a flash of white light flashed across Yamada's body, and the next second he was kicked out by the dungeon system. At this moment, Yamada stood in the venue with a confused face.

Ah? I lost!..................................

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