At this moment, as Su Heng successfully passed the level again, the audience at the scene were filled with surprise!

"Oh my god, I am not seeing things! Boss Su Heng, have you cleared another dungeon? The speed is so fast!"

"I recognize Su Heng's ability to purchase goods! When others are still worried about not being able to purchase goods! Su Heng's goods have even filled up the warehouse!"

"The guy above is really a talent! What he said is really sexy! How come I can't think of such sexy words?"

"I'm just curious now! Boss Su Heng, what kind of surprise can you bring us this time?"

At this moment, the audience on the field kept discussing.

They didn't expect Su Heng to pass the dungeon again?

And the speed was so fast!

This was beyond their expectations!

At this moment, Su Heng looked at the curious expressions of the audience on the field!

He looked at Lina who was excited on the side!

He knew that these people wanted it again!

In this case, let's show you a good time!

Thinking of this, Su Heng's mouth curled up a smile!

Then he saw him slowly urging the power in his body!


A crisp sound came!

He snapped his fingers!

And then.

The originally clear sky! Suddenly the color dimmed!

Then an unbearable heat wave hit everyone!

This sudden change immediately made everyone on the field a little panicked!

"Oh my god, what's going on? Why is it so hot all of a sudden? What new gameplay has Su Heng developed?"

"Look at the sky! This is too crazy! It's the end of the world."

"What's going on? Let me take a look! Wonima! This is too scary! Is Su Heng a bit outrageous?"

At this moment, everyone around was shocked!

Because when they looked up at the sky!

They knew that this would be an unforgettable memory! They saw that the originally clear sky had disappeared. Instead, it was hanging in the sky with endless magma?

At this moment, it was like the world was turned upside down, just like the state of the world in the chaos!

Everyone was dumbfounded! They even forgot their current state!

Seeing this scene in front of him, Su Heng also seemed very satisfied!

The power of the magma fruit was originally very powerful! And now he directly possessed the power after awakening!

Obviously, this power is extremely powerful! After the natural fruit awakens, it can directly assimilate the surrounding environment!

And now Su Heng has only revealed the tip of the iceberg!

But even so, the audience cheered!

At this moment, the other contestants who left the field early experienced this hell-like scene! They also widened their eyes in surprise!

"This scene was like the end of the world! Was it just Su Heng who casually snapped his fingers? It was really terrifying!"

"I have no confidence in him at all! But are the fruits in the dungeon so powerful? I'm going to try it later!"

"It's such a terrifying power! It was like being in hell just now! The heat wave that forced people! Plus the scene that was like the world turning upside down!"

At this moment, the other contestants were discussing in surprise!

"Awesome! This should be the magma fruit, right? In Su Heng's hands, it exerted such a powerful force!"

"I am really looking forward to it more and more! The information has been collected almost! Okay, I am going to prepare to enter too!"

At this moment, John Bull's little princess saw this scene and made up her mind to take the chance to enter the copy!

And at this moment, the judges in the field were dumbfounded after experiencing this scene!

After all, the shock that Su Heng brought to them was one wave higher than the other!

It seemed that there would never be an end!

On the other side.

Seeing that Su Heng had brought out such a powerful fruit again!

At this moment, the senior officials of other countries began to get anxious!

After all, they haven't got anything yet!

At this moment in Prime Minister John Bull's office!

Looking at the scene that was like the end of the world!

With a plop.


Prime Minister John Bull was so frightened that he fell off his chair! It took a long time for him to come back to his senses!

Then he slowly stood up and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand!

Then he said with lingering fear:"It's really terrible! This is like the end of the world. Is this scene caused by humans?"

"How is the situation of the Raiders? Is there still no result? How disappointed will I be!"

"This power! We need it very much! There must not be any mistakes!"

In a rage

, Prime Minister John Bull slammed the table and then questioned!

"Don't worry, sir! The little princess is confident enough to lead the team in!"

"I believe there will be good news soon!"

Seeing this, the secretary beside him hurriedly said respectfully.

Only then did Prime Minister John Bull slowly sit back in his chair, and then began to calm down!...............................

On the other side, in the office of the President of the United States, a similar scene was also played out!

With the scene that seemed like the destruction of the world presented in front of everyone!

No one could remain calm!

"The lava fruit actually has such a terrifying power! And this kind of power, our Eagle Sauce Country has not yet possessed it!"

"Are these useless people just eating for nothing? Why hasn't anyone cleared the dungeon yet? Hasn't the guide been completed yet?"

After the initial shock, the president of the Eagle Sauce Country said in a slightly angry tone.

"Sir! It's almost done! The strategy for the dungeon is still missing���Just click it!"

Seeing this, the subordinate beside him hurriedly reported the latest situation and said!

"That's better! Tell them to do it for me quickly!"

Hearing this, the President of the United States nodded with satisfaction!...............................

Not long after, John Bull and the Eagle Sauce Country's attack teams entered Su Heng's dungeon one after another and began the formal attack!

The status quo of other countries was unwilling to lag behind!

They also began to enter and start the attack!

Now the attack teams of all countries have entered the dungeon!

A new round of attack battles has begun!

As time passed by!


A white light flashed!

The members of the Fairy Tail Raiders welcomed their first first-time clearer!

His face was filled with indifference!

The strong chill emanating from the surroundings!

It was Li Yi!

And this was like a switch.

Then, one after another, the members of the Fairy Tail Raiders!

Began to appear at the competition site!

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