At this moment, as the insect theme came out!

Everyone at the scene became dissatisfied!

Lina was also a little overwhelmed when she saw this scene!

However, with her strong professionalism, she still tried her best to stabilize the situation on the field!

At this time, the instructions from the top came through the headset.

Lina also nodded, and then spoke again:

"Ladies and Gentlemen! The rules of the competition are designed to test the players’ ability to perform on the spot!"

"Therefore, the topic had already been approved by the organizer before it was submitted!"

"So please cheer for all the contestants!"

As Lina finished speaking, the crowd was still dissatisfied, but their voices gradually became smaller!

The judges who had just sat down were also a little dumbfounded when they saw this theme!

"Insect theme? It really tests the imagination of the contestants! I'm already looking forward to it! I just hope I won't be disappointed!"

At this moment, the old man of Longguo stroked his beard and said with a smile

"I didn't expect that contestant Su Heng actually drew the insect theme? I think all the contestants should be stopped now!"

"Even if someone can make it, the quality this time may drop a lot!"

At this moment, the judges of John Bull shook their heads with regret!

After all, as judges, they always want to see the most exciting copies!

But since the organizer has made the decision, they can't change it!

On the other side, the newly appointed judge of Sakura Country was surprised when he saw this scene.

He began to sneer again.

Because the theme of this copy was submitted by him as the representative of Sakura Country!

And the original intention of this theme was to make things difficult for the players!

After all, in the recent copy competitions, their country was lagging behind in both making copies and clearing Su Heng's copies!

So they had such an idea!

And this theme is not You can’t make a copy! He once used an insect theme when filming an action movie!

In other words, this theme was randomly picked out by this judge from his many action movies!

After all, he is very good at making action movies that satisfy people!

He really can’t think of how to make a copy, how can he satisfy everyone?

Su Heng, let me see how you make the copy this time!

Thinking that this theme could be picked, the judge from the Sakura Country almost laughed out loud!

On the other side of the field!

Sure enough, as soon as the insect theme came out!

Everyone looked embarrassed! They kept blaming Su Heng in their hearts!

What kind of luck!

They actually picked such a theme?

How can they play like this? ?

Each country has different focuses, but basically, for several major categories of theme making, everyone has been trained in a targeted manner!

However, when this theme came out, everyone was dumbfounded!

Even Su Heng was confused at the moment!

Insect theme? How to make a copy of this?

He really doesn’t know!

I have watched thousands of anime! Half of them are passionate themes!

Insect theme? This is simply embarrassing me, Su Heng!

At this moment, Li Yi, who was not far away, couldn’t help but look at Su Heng with a worried face!

Compared to her own copy, she is more worried about Su Heng’s condition now!

During this time, she has been by Su Heng’s side to help him massage and relax, so she has seen everything Su Heng has done during this period clearly!

You must know I know that the other party has been reading various war-themed materials during this period of time!

Maybe in order to make up for the lack of this aspect, so I supplemented the information in this area!

I want to perform more perfectly next time!

But this time it turned out to be an insect theme?

A completely unrelated theme!

What should I do? Could it be that my boss will really be stuck here!

Thinking of this.

The worry on Li Yi's face increased a little!

At this moment, Su Heng was really stumped!

He scratched his head and couldn't think of how to make a copy!

And Su Heng's anxious look at this moment was also seen by the audience at the scene!

Seeing that even Su Heng looked like this, everyone talked about it!

"It’s over, it’s over. There’s nothing interesting to see in this dungeon contest! How can we make a dungeon like this? No one knows how to make one!"

"I laughed. I wonder how long the organizer can hold on! No one has been able to come up with this theme! Then it can be said that holding this competition is meaningless!"

"I agree with the above comments! It is better to be tactful in this regard! Otherwise, you will be scolded to death! This is an international event!"

"Even Su Heng was stumped! I really can't think of what the insect dungeon can do? Insects fighting? Even if insects fight, what rewards can the system give?"

"That can't be said! For example, ants can lift things that are 10 times higher than their own weight!

For example, fleas can jump more than 100 times higher than their own height. If these are given to humans, they will be invincible!"

At this moment, the people on the field continued to discuss.

And Su Heng, who was originally very distressed!

With his excellent hearing, he also understood the conversation of everyone!

And at this moment, the most critical sentence, like a lightning, hit his mind!

The ability of ants? Give it to humans?

I seem to know what I should do!

At this moment, Su Heng's face was full of excitement!

He wished he could stand in front of the genius and say loudly in his ear!

Damn Gan! You are simply a damn genius! Your damn IQ must be over 160!

Thinking of this, Su Heng couldn't suppress his excitement! Then he took a step directly and walked towards the direction of the copy space!

Before leaving, he glanced at the other people who were scratching their heads at the scene.���hand, and then turned his head with disdain!

Humph! There is no one who can fight!!!

He has decided what to do!

What he is going to do next is to be an insect that can evolve infinitely by devouring different species!

As Su Heng took action, everyone's eyes were focused on him!

And Su Heng's confident eyes were broadcasted by the camera in front of everyone!

Seeing this scene.

The barrage immediately began to roll wildly!

[Oh my god, Master Su Heng has taken action! Master is really awesome! How could he come up with an idea for the insect theme so quickly?]

[Huh? You can do an insect theme? Don't be so arrogant! If you can't do it, ask the organizer to change it! Don't ruin your genius image!]

[What nonsense is the person above talking about! Our Su Heng is a true genius! Is there any need to destroy his character? I believe he can definitely make a super awesome copy!]

[It’s not that I don’t trust Su Heng! It’s just that I have no idea how to make a perfect insect replica! ]

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