At this moment, as Su Heng introduced the first setting, the scene was immediately shaken!

Li Yi, who was still in the contestant seat, was shocked when he saw this scene!

Then he said in a lost voice:

"He's obviously the boss! He's been reading all about war, I thought he couldn't do it!"

"I didn't expect that in such a short time, an insect-themed copy was successfully made! This is too powerful!"

At this moment, as the voice fell, the information in it was also keenly captured by other players!

Then, the players on the scene also became agitated!

Then they all showed unbelievable expressions!

"In other words, he had no preparation in this regard before! He did not have any relevant knowledge in his head!!"

"He actually figured out the setting of insects in such a short time! He actually did it so quickly?"

After hearing this, John Bull's little princess covered her mouth in surprise.

She couldn't even think of such a thing! It was even harder than her developing a devil fruit!

And Su Heng actually did it so easily?

Well, he really deserves to be Su Heng! He's really amazing!

Thinking of this, John Bull's little princess couldn't help but blush again!

"Damn it, how could this be possible! How could such a person appear! Unless it was a subject that he was very good at!"

"Otherwise, how could someone go from production to one-step synthesis so quickly! This is impossible!"

Yingjiangguo Wright's face was full of disbelief again!

During this period, he has strengthened his training in many aspects! He was originally full of confidence when he went on stage!

But he was given a Zerg copy!

You let him rack his brains, but he couldn't come up with any inspiration!

As a result, Su Heng actually made it so easily?

It's out of the ordinary!

Not only them!

The other players on the field were also shocked!

It was precisely because they were also players!

They understood how amazing the theme of this copy was!

They thought about it for a long time, but they couldn't think of any breakthrough!

But what about Su Heng?

Without any prior preparation! He was able to think about how to make the copy so quickly!

And gave the first setting!

If this is not a true genius, then what is it!

At this moment, the discussion of the players was getting louder and louder!

Gradually spread to the entire venue!

After hearing the truth of the matter.

The audience on the scene also kept discussing it for a while!

"This means that Master Su Heng had created such a copy without any prior preparation! This is fucking too awesome!"

"I admire the boss for having such strength! If this isn't a genius, then what is it! And the first setting he gave is so attractive! I fucking love the boss!"

"The boss is always the boss, so awesome! When other players haven't figured it out, the boss stands out! Now he has directly launched the setting in a very short time!"

"From entering the dungeon to perfecting the settings, it was actually done by Master Su Heng in such a short time! This strength is so terrifying!"

At this moment, everyone on the palm expressed shock at Su Heng's behavior!

There is actually such a powerful player!

The master is worthy of being the master!

Really strong!

On the other side, the host Lina, who was originally standing in the center of the venue, was already extremely shocked when she saw Su Heng launch the settings!

However, at this time, the program team actually told her that Su Heng had not made any preparations in this regard before!

And asked her to spread the news quickly!

This couldn't help but shock her even more!

Indeed, every move of Su Heng is a huge explosion point!

And now it is even more so. The previous research was completely other things, but now he has done such a powerful thing!

This will be a bigger explosion point!

Thinking of this!

Lina quickly picked up the microphone and began to introduce

:"I just received the news! I didn't expect that before the game started, Su Heng has been adding relevant settings for the war!!"

"However, he has now made such a powerful setting for the Zerg! He has achieved such a degree under two completely different circumstances! It is really amazing!"

"Then please let the judges give their comments!"

As the voice fell, the camera began to move!

It was aimed at the ten judges on the judges' bench!

At this moment, for the news given by Lina!

Several judges also had expressions of disbelief on their faces!

"To be honest, when I got the news, I couldn't think of any words to describe it except shock!"

"Su Heng's behavior is equivalent to getting involved in a profession that he is not good at at all! And he did it very well! This is simply a miracle that cannot happen!"

At this moment, the judges of John Bull have not recovered from their shock, but just sighed from the bottom of their hearts.

"Su Heng's behavior was indeed surprising! This was a miracle that spanned multiple fields!"

"You know, there is a saying that everyone has their own specialty! You are like me, I am only interested in oil extraction!"

If you let me extract other things, then I may be completely clueless and have no idea how to operate. Therefore, contestant Su Heng's behavior is very strong!"

The judges from the United States were also surprised.

"Su Heng's action was indeed surprising! For example, if it were placed in ancient times!"

"The master gave you two books of skills, boxing and kicking! Then you started to practice boxing hard, but the master asked you to show your kicking skills! But you did very well unexpectedly!"

"It's the same here! It's something he's not good at at all, but he unexpectedly did it! Maybe this is the world of geniuses!"

Other judges saw this and began to talk from their own professional perspectives!

And the meaning of their expressions was very simple!

That is, Su Heng is really awesome!

For a while, everyone talked about Su Heng's behavior!

The whole arena seemed lively!

On the other side, after giving the latest settings!

Su Heng entered a state of thinking!

Since the theme is insects, he plans to change the previous way!

Next, with the actions of the chimera ants, he will continue to supplement the settings!

This method can not only make people on the scene better accept it! It will not make the rules when he submits the settings messy!

First of all, he has to make it clear!

That is, what he wants to make is not an ordinary insect!

But a very scary monster!

They can not only evolve by swallowing different species infinitely!

What's more terrifying is that in the later period, they even have the ability of mind and become more powerful!

Thinking of this, Su Heng began to look forward to it!


Let's show the appearance of the chimera ant queen to everyone!!

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