At this moment, two masters of mind power were displayed by Su Heng in front of everyone!

This also made everyone realize the true power of mind power!

At this moment, the judges

"What a powerful ability! I originally thought that with this kind of power, I would not be able to defeat the Chimera Ants!"

"I didn't expect that this kind of energy in the human body, if used, could be so strong! Su Heng is really a genius!"

"And everyone can use it! It's really a terrifying way of practicing!"

At this moment, John Bull's judge stared at the scene with shock on his face, and then muttered to himself.

The judges of Sakura Country were even more shocked at this moment.

The feeling in their hearts was even more mixed.

Are you kidding me? How is this possible?

I drew the copy theme from the action movie I shot.

How the hell can you do it so high-end?

And you came up with so many ways of practicing, this is too perverted!

At this moment, the judges of Sakura Country originally wanted to take a good look at Su Heng's appearance after he made a fool of himself.

At this moment, they already felt sympathetic.

"Will you use the energy that is released? And the more you practice, the stronger your power will be!"

"Moreover, these two are obviously elderly people, but both their experience and strength are so much stronger!"

"It is somewhat similar to the immortal cultivation technique in the Dragon Country legend! It has always been mentioned in ancient books. If there is really an immortal cultivation technique, it is probably like this!"

At this moment, the judge of the Dragon Country stroked his beard!

Then he looked at Su Heng in the field with satisfaction!

He is worthy of being a genius of their Dragon Country. He actually created such a cultivation system!

This made him extremely satisfied!

Seeing this, the other judges also spoke up and expressed their opinions.

This scene was also broadcast to various countries through cameras.

Listening to the judges' explanations from different angles!

The senior officials were shocked!

At this moment, the office of the President of the Eagle Sauce Country

"Telekinesis? Su Heng actually did it! What a perfect power!"

"The versatility is almost the same as the six-style physical skills we have been thinking about before, no, it may even be far beyond the six-style! Genius, this is a real genius! Great!!"

At this moment, the president of the Eagle Sauce Country was full of enthusiasm. He had never felt so excited!

Then he spoke again:

"I didn't expect Su Heng to actually come up with this kind of cultivation method! To save and utilize the energy emitted by the human body! And it has a variety of abilities!"

"Divine skill! This is a true divine skill. If it is used properly, then our Eagle Sauce Country will soar into the sky!"The subordinates beside him, hearing what their master said at this moment, were trembling with excitement!

After all, as a close subordinate, he should naturally have extremely powerful strength! If he performs well, he will have a share of this thing by then!

Wouldn't it be soaring into the sky? Thank you so much, Su Heng! You are the player I really admire!

At this moment, the subordinate couldn't help but think in his heart!

"Pass on my order, and study the contents of the copy from now on. Don't be at a loss like last time!!"

As the president's voice fell

""Yes! I will convey the order right away!"

The subordinate beside him also came back to his senses and replied quickly.

Seeing this, the president nodded with satisfaction.

Then he walked to the window beside him. Looking at the scenery outside, he fell into deep thought!

This time they must take the initiative.

The same situation as last time must not happen again!

Telekinesis! They must get this ability!

I didn't expect that Su Heng could make such a thing for an insect-themed copy! Is this a true genius!.........................................................

Meanwhile, in the office of the Prime Minister of Sakura Country, the Prime Minister was filled with disbelief as he saw that the copy theme they submitted had actually reached this level under Su Heng's performance.

"How is this possible? Someone could actually come up with a copy theme like this? And it's so powerful?"The

Prime Minister was completely confused at the moment. It was just a random theme to vent his anger!

Then it was chosen by mistake! Then, under Su Heng's performance, it became more and more amazing!

After being confused, the Prime Minister couldn't help but fall into thinking.

"Judging from what the judges said, telepathy should be an extremely powerful ability!"

"And can you become stronger through practice? In other words, this is a way to exercise the body's own potential!"

The more he understood, the more excited he became, because he had figured out the interests involved!

"Unlike before, as long as there is one person who can pass the level! As long as there is one! Then this cultivation method may be discovered."

"This is our Sakura Country’s chance to soar to the sky. This is the only chance! We must seize it!"

Thinking of this, the Prime Minister of Sakura Country also hurriedly called his subordinates and began to give orders!

"Yes! We will complete the mission successfully!"

As his subordinates walked further and further away, the Prime Minister gradually withdrew his gaze....................................................

The same thing happened in other countries!

They were extremely sensitive to this! They realized the importance of mind ability in an instant!

Unlike their seriousness. At this moment in the contestant lounge.

With the appearance of a strong mind ability!

The members of the Fairy Tail Raiders began to cheer!

"The boss is the boss, so awesome! Is it a telekinesis? It's another extremely powerful power!"

"I wonder, if I awaken, what kind of ability will I have?"

At this moment, Zhao Linger was excited, and she couldn't help scratching her head and thinking!

"Just be happy! When you get the ability, if you are not strong enough, the boss will beat you to death!"

Wang Xueyao said in a stern voice.

Hearing her words, the other members of the strategy team shuddered!

After all, Su Heng's hellish training method!

They really don't want to endure it again!

On the other side, Su Heng, after finishing many characters in succession, fell into deep thought again.

Now basically all the strong men participating in this battle have done almost everything!

Who will be the next one?

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