At this moment, Su Heng in the system space, after thinking for a while, began to act again.

Because what he was going to do this time!

Would be the most powerful enemy of mankind in the entire Chimera Ant Chapter!

The Ant King!

At this moment, he took the time to look at the barrage.

Then he chuckled and announced:

"What I'm going to do next! I will be the most important one in the Chimera Ant Colony! And the one the three guards will be loyal to! The Ant King!

Hearing this, the comments began to look forward to it.

[The Ant King? The one the three guards are loyal to! Oh my god, I'm really looking forward to it! I just don't know how strong he is!]

[The three guards are so powerful! I feel that as the ant king, his strength should be even stronger! Of course, it is also possible that he is weaker! Anyway, there are only these two possibilities!]

[Let's take a look first! I'm really looking forward to it! ]

At this moment, the people in the barrage kept discussing.

The next moment.

Su Heng had already begun to construct the appearance of the ant king.

In just a short while.

The image of the ant king appeared in front of everyone!

There was a crown-shaped head, a pair of blood-red eyes, and a tail as thick as a needle!

It gave people a cold and ruthless feeling!

So far.

The ant king! Meruem! was born!


[The King of Ants! Meruem, who is extremely violent and bloodthirsty, regards life as dirt! He believes that violence is the absolute power to rule everything! He killed his mother when he was born!]

[At this moment , everyone looked at the image of the ant king in front of them.

Then they saw the introduction above!

Suddenly, they lost all their favor and started to curse.

[Oh my god, am I kidding? What kind of a bastard is this? He is so ugly, he looks like a weakling!]

[You still advocate violence. If it weren't for the three guards your mother gave you, I don't know where you would advocate violence! Will Su Heng do it? Is this the image of a king?]

[So disappointed! It's okay to advocate violence! Killing your mother is acceptable, provided you do it with your own strength! Relying on the three guards given by your mother to do these things is disgusting!]

[I am so disappointed with Su Heng! He actually made such a king!]

The barrage was rolling crazily at this moment.

It was obvious that everyone thought that Meruem was doing whatever he wanted with the three guards he would give her in the future!

He was a weakling at first glance! He was not worthy of being a king at all!

Su Heng could not be a real king at all!

Looking at the excitement of the people in the barrage,

Su Heng just smiled.

You say the ant king is weak? Relying on the power of his own mother?

Thinking of this,

Su Heng silently submitted the settings of the ant king.

The next moment the system passed directly.

Then the scene of the ant king began to play in the field!

Whether it was the shocking scene when he was forcibly born from the queen's body!

Or after that, the strength he showed by killing several powerful chimera ant army leaders in succession! It immediately surprised everyone present.

Cold! Violent! Ruthless!

At this moment, the image of the ant king was vividly presented in front of them!

[Damn, I'm scared! This ant king is so scary! This look makes me feel like I'm falling into an ice cave, full of murderous intent! I didn't feel it just now, but now I see, it's scary!]

[This is too outrageous! The ant king is so powerful, is there any room for humans to play? This is a crushing victory!]

[I take back what I said before! Big Brother Su Heng is awesome! This kind of bloodthirsty and violent king, isn't it also an absolute ruling power! ]

At this moment, everyone changed their previous appearance.

They all expressed their admiration for Su Heng!

And at this moment, several judges.

The moment they saw the image of this king.

They were also shocked!

At this moment, the judges of Longguo began to express their opinions from a unique perspective.

"There have been cruel kings since ancient times, and there have been cruel kings in history! But their cruelty is different from this one!"

""Or they are too licentious! Or they are good at using torture! They usually get pleasure from having power over others!"

After saying this, the judge took a sip of water.

Then he spoke in a solemn tone:

"The ant king Meruem created by Su Heng is completely different! The violence he advocates is brought about by his own powerful strength!"

"That is to say, unlike ordinary monarchs, this is a real king! A real emperor!"

After the voice fell, the other judges, while expressing their admiration for the unique insights of the old man from Longguo, also spoke up in agreement.

At this moment, Su Heng saw the reactions of the crowd and just smiled gently!

This is just the beginning? Are you scared by just an ant king? What if I tell you that this is only a part of the Dark Continent?

Thinking of this, Su Heng couldn't help but look forward to it!

So the next moment, he began to present the setting of the Dark Continent in front of everyone.

[ Dark Continent]

[Introduction: In the outer world of the hunters, there live various kinds of aliens, and powerful monsters were originally believed to be born here!

According to statistics, 149 humans have crossed to the outer continent, and only 28 have survived and returned.

The queen of the Chimera Ants also drifted here from the outer world for unknown reasons. In the outer world, the Chimera Ants are only at the B level!]

[Ding! The copy background was submitted successfully! ]

At this moment, as the prompt sound came, everyone on the scene was so surprised that they were speechless.

At this moment, John Bull's judge stood up excitedly, and then said with trembling lips:

"This setting! This setting undoubtedly raises the difficulty of the dungeon to an extremely high level!"

"The powerful Chimera Ant is just a B-level creature from the outside world. It is conceivable that the creatures from the outside world should all have extremely powerful strength!"

"I can't believe it! If those creatures came to the human world, what a terrible disaster it would be!"

As Judge John Bull finished speaking, other judges began to explain this setting from all aspects.

On the other side, the host Lina was holding the microphone with a look of shock in her eyes.

However, the urgent urging voice of the program team coming from the headphones brought her back to her senses, so she quickly began to report:

" Everyone in front of the screen, have you heard it? Now player Su Heng has added an extremely terrifying setting!"

"The original insect-themed instance was raised to an extremely high difficulty level. Even the Chimera Ants, which seemed so terrifying to us, could not survive!"

"I just came to the world of hunters! This setting of contestant Su Heng is really ingenious! It's amazing!"

As the voice fell.

At this moment, Lina's shocked expression did not dissipate for a long time.

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