"Humph! We've added so much world background! The final setting of magic must make all of this come together."

"I don't believe Su Heng can do it! Let's see if your copy collapses!"

At this moment, the judges of the Sakura Country looked at the proud face of the old man of the Dragon Country and couldn't help but say sourly. It

's ok that the Dragon Country produced one Li Yi, but now there is a big pervert like Su Heng!

On the other hand, they, the Sakura Country, finally had someone willing to make a copy, but he was kicked out of the competition! God is so unfair! Su Heng's copy must not succeed!

At this moment, the judges of other countries heard the speech of the Sakura Country and cast contemptuous eyes.

On the other hand, on Su Heng's side, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to increase wildly, and even the loading screen during the live broadcast became a little stuck.

And all this is because, after adding one background after another, it is time to reveal the magic setting!

[Can't wait to see the magic setting! I hope Su Heng won't mess up this important setting!]

[The previous setting is so wonderful! I feel that the follow-up will be very difficult! Su Heng may not be able to do it!]

[I am more curious about how powerful the magic set by Su Heng is! In such a huge world background, it feels like it might be disappointing!]

[A word of advice awakens the dreamer! After all, the power of magic is directly related to the difficulty of the dungeon! I just hope that Su Heng's design is not too bad! ]

At this moment, the focus of the whole audience is on Su Heng. Everyone is very curious about what decision Su Heng will make in this last crucial step?

And the next second, Su Heng, who was thinking, gave everyone the answer.

[This is a world of magic! And humans who can use magic are called wizards!]

[A wizard needs magic power to cast spells, and magic itself is the materialization of the magic power in the wizard's body and then releasing it!]

[For human wizards, magic power is life, and this magic power is contained in the atmosphere and then absorbed into the body by the wizard!]

[Of course, the magic power that can be stored in each wizard's body is limited, so when the magic power in the body is used up, the body will automatically absorb the magic power in the atmosphere to recover, but the speed will be very slow!]

[Of course, in order to use magic successfully! More importantly, it requires the magician's own power of thought, and magic can only be used successfully with thoughts as the medium!]

[Ding! Congratulations to contestant Su Heng for successfully submitting the world background! ]

After the system prompt sounded, outsiders might not be able to feel it.

But Su Heng, who was standing in the dungeon space, could clearly feel that some different changes had taken place in Lucy and the others' bodies.

Of course, only Su Heng could feel these changes, and the audience who did not feel them, after seeing Su Heng add the settings, the expected scene in their minds did not come, and they could not help but complain.

[To be honest, Su Heng's setting is really good! It's also perfect! If it were any other contestant, I might applaud! But for Su Heng, I can only say it's average!]

[What is this? It's too bland! It's like drinking a glass of ordinary boiled water!]

[Is Su Heng running out of energy? Sigh, although it's a pity, it's understandable!]

[To be honest, I am a little disappointed! But the previous part is already very exciting! Su Heng, please play normally! This will still be a good copy.]

[The idea is really big! But in such an amazing copy, it feels like something is missing!]......

Su Heng, what are you thinking about! Is it true that you have no inspiration as everyone says?

After seeing this scene, the host Lina, who had been watching Su Heng's live broadcast room, couldn't help but think worriedly, and sighed softly.

Lina could only barely cheer herself up, then picked up the microphone and began to introduce

"It can be seen that under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Su Heng finally revealed his final setting, which is the magic that runs through the entire instance!"

"However, judging from the on-site response, everyone seems dissatisfied. So let us ask the judges for their opinions!.....................

"Hahaha! Oh, the copy created by player Su Heng is really wonderful! It's a pity that it still lacks a little bit of heat!"

"But it doesn't matter! There will be another competition! I believe that contestant Su Heng will be able to perform better by then! Bring us more exciting content!"

At this moment, the judge of Sakura Country squinted his eyes and smiled happily. For some reason, he felt extremely comfortable when he saw Su Heng being defeated. His mood now was like when he was struggling to survive in the hot desert, and suddenly someone handed him a bottle of iced fat house water and then drank it into his stomach. That kind of refreshing feeling

"Su Heng's setting is really good! The setting between the wizard, magic power and magic is really perfect!"

"But in such a copy, it seems a bit poor! It can even be said to be the biggest failure of this copy!"

After hearing the comments of the judges of Sakura Country, the judges of Eagle Sauce Country also nodded, and then commented.

On the other side, the old man of Dragon Country rarely spoke at this moment, because even he didn't know what Su Heng's intention was at this moment!

Su Heng, are you really powerless? Is this the limit of your ability?

Even if he didn't watch the scene, Su Heng knew very clearly in his heart that everyone must be very disappointed.

But this is the effect he wants! He just wants to let everyone give them a blow to their souls at the moment they are disappointed in him!!!

Now is the time, so the next second as Su Heng's mind moved, all kinds of magic settings were added to the copy space by him.

[Dragon-killing magic!]

[One of the lost ancient magics, the legendary power used to fight against dragons, the dragon-slaying magic that can freely manipulate fire can turn the body into flames]

[The Dragon Slayer can manipulate destructive super-high-temperature flames to attack, which is a super magic with overwhelming destructive power. The Dragon Slayer can transform his body into the physique of a dragon.]

[Possessing fighting ability and physical strength far beyond that of ordinary people, he can use or eat specific elements to launch powerful magic attacks.]

[You can also quickly restore magic power and physical strength by eating this element!]

[Ding! Congratulations to contestant Su Heng for successfully submitting the Dragon Slayer Magic! ]

As the system's prompt sounded, a screen slowly appeared in the space the next second and began to play the scene..............................................................

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