With the death of Youpi and Pufu.

Neferpido, who was treating Xiaomai in the palace, had a solemn face!

She was only loyal to the Ant King, and he didn't have much feelings for these two people!

But she also recognized their strength. How long has it been since Su Heng left here?

Both of them died!

In addition to her surrender to Su Heng just now!

Have all three guards been defeated by Su Heng!

Could he really defeat the king?

No, this is impossible. The king is so powerful that no one can defeat it! Neferpido couldn't help thinking so in his heart at this moment!

On the other side.

Su Heng's footsteps have not stopped yet!

At this moment, he is running towards a certain direction at a very fast speed!

This will be his last goal! It is also the battle he is least sure of!

The battle with the Ant King Meruem!

And at this moment.

When he really arrived at the scene.

The scene in front of him made everyone completely dumbfounded!

Isaac Netero!

The president of the Hunter's Guild! The strength was extremely strong, and coupled with the Hundred Styles of Guanyin that had been demonstrated in front of everyone before!

It made everyone think!

No matter how powerful the Ant King was, as long as Su Heng helped!

The two of them joined forces, they could definitely kill the Ant King!

But the scene before them completely overturned their thoughts!

Because at this moment, Netero's hands and feet were all cut off! The whole person was in extreme embarrassment! On the other side, the Ant King had a stable breath and a calm expression! As if nothing had happened!

The sharp contrast immediately made everyone realize the gap!

[The ant king is so strong? This is too outrageous! It's bad, it's completely bad! How can we win? We've completely lost! There is no hope for the hunters!]

[I was thinking that the two of us would be invincible together! We would definitely be able to defeat the ant king, but it turns out that he has lost his hands? Ah! Is Su Heng going to lose? There is no way to play!]

[Judging from the current situation, when strategizing for the dungeon, it is still better to choose the Chimera Ant side as much as possible to have a chance of winning. The Hunter side is simply the most difficult mode among the difficult modes!]

[I can't win! How can I say this? It's too difficult, there's no way to win! It seems that Su Heng was completely wrong this time. He didn't expect the gap between the Ant King and Netero to be so big! ]

At this moment, the barrage was rolling frantically.

It was obvious that the outcome of this battle!

In their eyes, the result was already determined!

And at this moment, Lina's face was also full of worry.

The hand holding the microphone was also inadvertently covered with sweat.

""Su Heng, can you really win?"

On the other side, in the Hunter x Hunter dungeon, the two of them were surprised by

Su Heng's arrival! Because they hadn't felt any thoughts from Su Heng until now! Even though they were focused on the battle! But generally speaking, as long as they were close, they could feel it! But it didn't work with Su Heng.

""Why are you here? Get out of here!"

Netero shouted loudly at this moment.

He was already exhausted! He could only use his last hidden move and die together with the ant king!

He didn't expect Su Heng to come here. Netero didn't want to hurt him, so he stopped him loudly. But Su Heng shook his head. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

""President! Leave it to me next!"

As the words fell,

Su Heng began to walk towards the ant king step by step in the air.

With every step he took, his mind became stronger! Boom!...




When he walked to the side of the ant king!

The telekinesis in his body spread out completely!

This is an extremely powerful force, which can even compete with the telekinesis of the ant king!

Seeing this moment, Nilott's face was suddenly filled with horror.

The ant king showed a hint of interest, and then he said:

"Interesting! As a human being, your power is so strong! Even stronger than that person just now!"

"But logically, I should be able to sense it! Now what is the reason for this?


The only one who responded was Su Heng, with a fist that was powerful enough to cut through the air!

The ant king immediately stretched out a hand, ready to catch Su Heng's attack!


, the ant king underestimated Su Heng's strength!

In just a moment, he was smashed away.

"How is this possible? This is not a telekinetic attack! This is the power of the flesh? You are just a human! How could this happen?"

A look of shock appeared on the face of the ant king for the first time!

It couldn't figure it out. It was clearly sensing that it could block the telekinesis contained in this move!

But it didn't expect that telekinesis was just a cover, and it was Su Heng's physical strength that really knocked it away?

How is this possible? Even if it is Netero, no matter how powerful his telekinesis is, his flesh is vulnerable in his eyes!

But Su Heng is completely different!

On the other side, Su Heng just smiled and didn't say much!

Even if the ant king racked his brains, he wouldn't know!

This is the sixth style in One Piece! It is specially used to enhance physical strength, and Su Heng has deeply engraved these things in his mind.

Other abilities may not be used, but moves!

He can use them at will!

Thinking of this.

Su Heng didn't say much.

One of the six styles is shaving!

As he stepped on his foot.

In an instant, he rushed out like a cannonball!

Boom!.....The hard ground was crushed to pieces.

The ant king in front had no time to resist and was smashed away by Su Heng again.

Su Heng knew that the ant king had a strong learning ability!

Therefore, he had to defeat it in a very short time!

Boom boom boom....!

Explosions continued to sound from the front.

The once powerful Ant King was like a toy in Su Heng's hands, being beaten away at will!

In Netero's surprised eyes.

Time passed by minute by minute!

The injuries on the Ant King's body continued to worsen. Facing Su Heng's attack, he was simply unable to resist!

Even if he found the right opportunity and launched a counterattack!

But when he hit Su Heng, not even a white mark was left! It was as if nothing had happened.

This was the most devastating part for the Ant King!


With a sound of bone breaking, the ant king was lying on the ground in a mess, and Su Heng stretched out a foot and broke the other's arm. Then

, he put his foot on the other's chest.......!

With the last step, green blood splattered everywhere!

And this also meant that Su Heng's last mission was completed!

The next moment

[Damn, witnessing a historic moment! Master Su Heng, this is too awesome! This is outrageous, he actually killed the ant king with physical skills in the world of telekinesis?]

[Is this something that one person can do? Oh, this was done by Boss Su Heng, so it’s okay! Boss Su Heng is really awesome!]

[From today on, whatever the boss says is what it is! I have never seen anything so outrageous, this is too outrageous, he actually used the six styles? But there is still a trace of reason in the outrageous part! ]

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