At this moment, the judge of Sakura Country spoke the truth.

The contestants on the field were immediately excited.

However, after calming down!

They gradually realized how powerful Su Heng was!

Su Heng had achieved this level in such a copy theme! Such a genius level was beyond their reach.

Then everyone began to be curious!

That is, what kind of mind ability did Su Heng get after conquering such a copy!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but start discussing it.

"What kind of ability do you think Su Heng will get? Damn, I'm really curious!"

"Anyway, the ability should not be weak! According to my guess, will it be Xiaojie's rock-paper-scissors? It feels pretty strong!"

"That makes sense! But I still think the three guards are pretty good! Especially Neferpido, isn't he the most powerful in Nen?"

"In my opinion, it should be President Netero's Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara? Or Zoldyck's Dragon Star Group? There are many powerful ones, now it's up to Su Heng to reveal the secrets!"

At this point, the voice gradually became smaller.

Then everyone looked at Su Heng in the field with anticipation! They were looking forward to the powerful abilities displayed by the other party!

In the contestant seat.

John Bull's little princess also widened her eyes excitedly. She didn't want to miss any of this wonderful scene!

And as a member of the strategy team, Li Yi also revealed a very interested look in her eyes!

As for the abilities that their boss had obtained, they couldn't help but secretly guess in their hearts!

But they still had to wait for him to reveal the secrets!

On the other hand.

Su Heng did not let them down!

After obtaining the new ability, he couldn't help but want to try it out!

In addition, he was exercising this ability from the standpoint of Dragon Country.

The stronger his ability is, the stronger the influence of Dragon Country on the entire world pattern will be!

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, He had to make good use of this ability today!

The next moment, his mind moved! He directly used the newly acquired telepathic ability!

At this moment, a green shadow gradually emerged from his body!

Seeing this scene, everyone on the field became more curious!

A green shadow? They seemed to have never seen this kind of telepathic ability?

However, the next moment, as the shadow continued to solidify, the appearance of the first holy beast was also presented in front of everyone!

The huge body and green scales shone brightly under the sunlight. This is a real blue dragon!

At this moment, the blue dragon stretched out its huge body, and its dragon eyes stared at everyone on the field, making everyone feel chilled!

Then under Su Heng's control.

The blue dragon suddenly soared into the sky!

Then the originally clear sky suddenly became overcast!

Click, click......One or two small raindrops fell down and hit the audience.

But they didn't think much about it.

But then.......!

It suddenly started to rain heavily in the sky!

After everyone was soaked, the dark clouds suddenly dispersed and the sun shone on everyone again.

Raining is one of Qinglong's abilities! The rain contains the power of recovery, so it is actually a treatment given by Su Heng to everyone!

Sure enough, the people who were complaining seemed to have noticed something unusual, and then they began to cheer.

"Holy shit, I feel like my lumbar disc herniation has healed! My waist doesn't hurt anymore, and my legs don't feel sore anymore! This ability is so awesome, it can heal anywhere!"

"Oh my god, last night, I fought with my wife for 100 to 300 rounds, and now I feel so exhausted! I didn’t expect that after taking a shower, I became full of energy again!"

"I didn't expect it to be a healing mind ability! It's really unexpected, but this ability is really strong! The range is ridiculously large!"


Damn, my eyes were 3000 degrees myopic!

And they were cured!!!

That's great, I'm no longer myopic from today!

Big Boss, I love you!

" At this moment, everyone on the field cheered happily because of the heavy rain!

The diseases that had accompanied them for many years were all cured by Su Heng in this day!

However, this was just the beginning!

The next moment, the figure of the green dragon that was originally surrounding the field disappeared.

Then a white tiger suddenly appeared in the air.

It was snow-white all over, its hair was like silver, and its sharp claws flashed with a cold light!

Then the white tiger raised its head and roared, shaking the sky.

Even though he stood there without making any movements!

But its murderous eyes made everyone on the field scared!

Then Su Heng's mind moved.

The white tiger pounced on the ground like lightning.

There was a loud bang.

The test field , which had been reinforced repeatedly by the competition party, was extremely hard!

It suddenly fell into pieces.

Then, the white tiger shook and turned into...

Several afterimages ran around Su Heng quickly.

Every step caused the ground to shake, as if it was going to crush this space.

The next moment, the figure of the white tiger disappeared.

Su Heng's idea moved again.

Suddenly, a crisp bird cry sounded in the air.

A Vermillion Bird with flames wrapped all over its body flapped its wings and flew high.

Its feathers shone with colorful light, which was extremely beautiful.

Just as everyone was amazed, the last sacred beast, the Black Tortoise, slowly emerged from the water.

It carried a heavy tortoise shell on its back, giving people a feeling as steady as a mountain.

Water ripples appeared around the Black Tortoise, forming a shield to protect Su Heng.

The four sacred beasts surrounded Su Heng, showing their respective powers.

At this moment, the originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet!

This shocking scene stunned everyone!

At this time, the excited voices of the judges broke the silence.

"Great! Is this the Four Elephant Sacred Beast? This is the Four Elephant Sacred Beast handed down from ancient times in our Dragon Country! It actually appeared as a telekinetic ability on Su Heng's body!"

"This is a miracle! This is a true miracle! Even among the ancient monuments that have been passed down, there are very few descriptions of them!"

"But the moment I saw these things! I'm sure that these are the four sacred beasts of our Dragon Country, and now they are here to protect Su Heng! And they appear again!"

At this moment, the judge of Dragon Country widened his eyes, trembling with excitement.

He had never felt so excited!

This time Su Heng really brought him a huge surprise!

He liked to study this kind of thing!

As for the four sacred beasts in history!

No matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't think of what they should look like!

But Su Heng did it, he showed the four sacred beasts vividly in front of everyone!

These are the real four sacred beasts!!

This also represents the pride of their Dragon Country!!

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