After the carnival, Raven accompanied Cana, Mira and Lisanna to the girls' dormitory of Fairy Tail, followed by an angry Erza. After explaining the situation to the dormitory supervisor, Granny Hilda, the two sisters were assigned to the same dormitory.

Elfman followed Natsu and Gray to the boys' dormitory. Because the last member who joined before him was Natsu, he lived in the same room with Natsu.

The dormitory of Fairy Tail is prepared for those children who have not started a family or have no parents, such as Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Cana in the past all lived in the dormitory.

Last time Raven asked Cana to take care of Wendy, Cana has been living there since she moved into Raven's house. Raven did not ask Cana to move out, and Cana has not taken the initiative to move back to the dormitory. The two of them tacitly understood. Before leaving, Raven gave Mira 100,000 J and asked her to take her younger brother and sister to buy some clothes and use them for daily life.

Mira covered her chest with her hands and looked at Raven with suspicion:"You are so mean to me, do you have any thoughts about me?"

Raven felt wronged. He admitted that he was indeed a little moved when he first met Mira. But Mira is only 13 years old now, he can't do it at all, okay? At least wait until they are a little older.

No, he, Raven, is not that kind of person.

It's because he brought Mira and her three siblings back to the guild, and when they first arrived here, he should give them some help. Yes, that's it! Thinking of this, he felt justified, so he said unhappily:"What are you thinking, there is no way I can do anything to a little brat like you. I'll lend you this 100,000 J. Buy some new clothes for Lisanna, Elfman and yourself, and replenish your nutrition. Look how thin you have become."

""Hmph!" Mira glared at Raven and snorted,"Let's just leave it at that! Goodbye!"

After saying that, she slammed the door shut, blocking Lisanna who wanted to say goodbye to Raven in the room.

""Alas." Raven sighed, and suddenly he felt two suspicious eyes looking at him, and hurriedly explained:"I really don't think so!"

"That's the best!" Erza turned and walked towards her own dormitory, leaving Raven with her back, her pigtails swinging as she walked.

Kana just looked at him silently, which made him feel very stressed.

Wendy raised her head, looking at Raven for a while, and then at Kana. Her eyes were confused, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Isn't it right? Raven suddenly realized what he was feeling guilty about. He did have a good impression of these girls, but he didn't mean anything like that. Especially Kana. If Gildarts, a daughter slave, knew that his lovely daughter was kidnapped by Raven when she was so young, he would have to eat a"Destroy Evil and Reveal Good·One Day"

"Ahem!"Raven coughed to eliminate his embarrassment, and smiled at Kana and Wendy,"Let's go home, I'm tired."

Kana still said nothing, but silently led Wendy to the door, and Raven hurriedly followed.

There was no conversation all night.


Today, Leibi came to the guild early in the morning with full energy. She had finished reading the books she brought back from the guild yesterday, and today she came to the guild's library to find a book to read.

When she went down to the library, she saw a person who had never appeared here before. So she doubted whether she had not woken up, and greeted him with a little bit of uncertainty:"Raven?"

Raven, who was originally concentrating on reading a book and traveling in the sea of magic, heard a girl's voice calling him, and he turned back immediately.

"Hey! It's Lebi! Good morning!" Raven raised his head and gave Lebi a big smile. Lebi felt a little dizzy at the sight of his white teeth.

"It's really you! Raven." Leibi suddenly became excited and said excitedly:"I didn't expect you can read books!"

Leibi knew she had said something wrong as soon as she said it, and quickly explained:"No, I meant that I thought you couldn't read books."

"Ah!"Levy felt so embarrassed that she covered her red face and squatted on the ground, wanting to cry.

Levy actually admired Raven, who was only a few years older than her. After all, Raven became the youngest S-class wizard in the history of Fairy Tail at the age of 13, and became the youngest Holy Ten Wizard in the history of the Kingdom of Fiore at the age of 14. In the same guild, many children admired Raven.

However, because Raven was away on missions all year round, and occasionally returned to the guild only to stay with Cana and the others, these little fans had little chance to talk to Raven. Therefore, Raven didn't know that he had captured a large number of little fans in the guild.

"This is so embarrassing, Raven must have a very bad impression of me." Levi squatted on the ground, covering her face, trying to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Suddenly, Levi felt Raven leaning towards her, and thought timidly:"Is he going to get hit on the head?"

She remembered the painful looks of Natsu and Gray who always got hit on the head, and closed her eyes tightly.

"Eh?" I felt a warm and comfortable sensation on my head, not the brain-shaking sensation I had imagined.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Raven stroked Leibi's hair and counseled Leibi:"Everyone says something wrong sometimes, as long as there is no malice, it can be forgiven, not to mention a cute girl like Leibi?"

"He praised me for being cute!" Leibi didn't pay attention to the point at all. She just felt her face burning up. It was so hot that if she put a pot of water on her forehead, it would boil.

"I heard from others that Lei is more proficient in many languages than you. It happens that there are some words in this book that I don’t recognize. Can you teach me?"



PS: I can't tell Raven and Lei apart.

A reader in the comment area pointed out a mistake. Natsu and Gray should be one year younger than Erza! My mistake! Sorry!

I don't know where I saw that Natsu and Gray are older. I apologize again!

Thomas triple spin carp kneeling!

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