Gray woke up from his coma with the help of the village doctor, walked slowly outside, and looked at the chaos in the village.

"Mistress Gray, are you awake?" A villager leaned over.

"This, what?! What's wrong with the village?!" Gray asked hurriedly.

"There was a fire wizard just now... Thanks to your companions, though, no one was hurt. The villager bowed his head.

"Leo, that bastard!" Gray angrily pounded the pillars.

"Don't, don't be angry... Your companion is waiting for you over there..."

The villager reassured, Gray nodded, and walked out, and after a while, Gray walked into the house pointed by the villager, "Hey~ Gray, you're here!".

I saw Igo and Lucy Harpy tied to the pillar, and Elusa sat upright with her legs crossed.

"Ai, Elusa?! Where's Natsu?!" Gray asked.

"I want to know, too," Elusa said.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Gray stepped forward.

"Don't talk about that! Now someone wants to resurrect the demon in the Jelf book here! No, the whole wizarding world is dangerous! We must..."

"Shut up! I know!".

Elusa jerked to her feet and pointed her sword at Gray, "My mission is to take you back!".

Gray paused, gripped Elusa's sword in his hand, and the blood couldn't stop flowing down, "I misjudged you, Elusa."

Elusa drew her sword and looked at Gray in shock, who turned and walked to the door, "I have something I have to do, if I want to cut it, cut it down!"

With that, Gray slammed the door and the female Lusa raised her sword and turned around to cut the rope from their hands.

"Get the job done first!" several people laughed and followed.


At this time, Natsu was making a fuss in the ruins.

"The dragon's iron fist, grappling claws, crushing fangs, roaring!".

The stone pillars of the ruins were broken one by one, and they sank to one side without support. "Then the moon won't shine here!" Bastard!".

Leo gritted his teeth and stood across from Natsu, reaching out to cast his magic.

"Ice Make!".

Natsu also magically retaliates with "Dragon's Wing Strike!".

Bang, boom, bang! The magic of the two of them was ice and fire, constantly colliding and clashing, Leo's shape was fast, but it was always melted by Natsu's flames. But again, the flames didn't hit Leo because of the interference. Just as the two were inseparable, an ice sledgehammer interrupted the two, and the two looked towards the door together, "Gray!?" Why are you here!" Natsu was surprised.

"This is my personal vendetta!" Gray walked up to Natsu and faced Leo "I'm going to beat this guy!" Leo smiled.

"I'm really unrepentant, I'm a senior brother, you're a junior brother, my strength is naturally stronger than yours!" Gray stretched out his arms and crossed them over his chest, "Not necessarily!"

A powerful cold air came out, and a huge blue magic array appeared under Gray's feet.

"Absolutely frozen?! Are you crazy?!".

Leo's eyes widened and he looked at Gray in amazement.

"I won't let you resurrect Dariola!Absolutely not!".

Gray opened his arms, and the cold magic burst out, and the cold air spread all over the room wantonly

Natsu rushed up from behind against the cold and knocked Gray to the ground with a punch, Gray shouted angrily, what are you doing bastard!? I'm ready to die!"

"Can you be a hundred when you die?!".

Natsu yelled.

Gray lowered his head and was silent, "I'm coming...!".

Suddenly, a crystal ball flew out and smashed into Natsu's head, "Bastard!".

Natsu roared and chased after the crystal ball. Gray sighed: stood up and complained "Is this guy completely alive on instinct..."Natsu chased halfway

through, stopped, and turned to look at Gray "Don't die, otherwise I'll be bored in the guild..."

Gray smiled.

"I'll give it back to you as it is!" What a precious friendship. Leo stood there with a blank face, "Are you finished?"

Gray was silent for a moment, making a gesture of modeling magic, and still didn't plan to stop?".

Leo held out his hand impatiently, exclaiming, "Long-winded! Ice Make!Orangutan!"" Ice Make!"

Gray dodged the attack, and an ice longbow appeared in his hand, "Zero's Break." Three

ice arrows flew out, all of them hit Leo, and the next second, Leo's body shattered into ice chips.

"Ice Make!".

"Ice Make!".

Leo rushed out from behind Gray, who immediately turned around, and the two of them unleashed their magic together.

"Ice Make!"

Gray used his magic again, and a large cloud of ice spikes spread across the ground, stabbing Leo, who jumped into the air and dodged the attack.

“Ice Make! White Tiger!".

An ice tiger pounced on Gray.

"Ice make!".

Gray tightened his hands and created a cage to trap the Ice Tiger.

Caged beast, is this what you're looking like? Leo!" Leo gritted his teeth.

"Just a few icicles... Break through it!".

Despite Leo's words, no matter how much the ice tiger bumped or bitten, it didn't hurt the cage in the slightest. With a snap, the ice tiger shattered into ice chips, "How is that possible?"

Leo muttered in disbelief.

"Shapes made with one hand lack stability, Ulu taught you!".

Gray condensed long blades of ice at the elbows of his arms and elbows, and rushed in front of Leo, shouting "Ice Blade Dance!"

Several gorgeous slashes slashed, Leo's body bloomed with blood, and he fell to his knees "Failed

..."Leo lay on the ground and muttered: tears welled down in the corners of his eyes, "I can't surpass Uru again...",

Gray was also tired and sat on the ground looking at Leo

lying on the ground.


I've always made Uru my goal!I swore I'd defeat Uru one day!!It's all your fault!Gray!" Leo cried.

"If you hadn't challenged Daliora ten years ago, Uru wouldn't have died... I've been lost for 10 years, my goal is no longer there... Uru will never come back..."

"So you're going to resurrect Daliora and defeat the only enemy that Uru hasn't defeated?" Gray asked.

"What else would I do?"

"Go join a guild, Leo."

Gray spoke.

Ten years ago, Uru told me that there were many magicians outside the northern continent who were stronger than her, and there were many interesting things, and I did so, and now I see that Uru didn't lie to me. There were a lot of monsters and freaks in my guild, and there I started a new life..."

, Gray burst into tears.

"That impulse ten years ago... I'm sorry for you, and I'm even more sorry for Ulu, but I always believe Ulu is alive... Even if the body dies, her soul will reside in the ice forever.

Gray took a deep breath and walked out.

"Leo... Try to start a new life, because if you die like this, it will increase my guilt. "

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