After Kageyama fled the Village of the Moon, he did not dare to stay here at all. With an infinite fear of Ah Xing, he fled back to his guild, the dark guild Iron Forest!

“So, you missed it?!” In the Iron Forest Guild, “Shinigami” Erigor with a huge death scythe in his hand floated in the air as if he had no weight, looking at Kageyama with a playful face.

“I met a fairy tail wizard, and I understood what magic he used to defeat him, it was simply terrible!” Kageyama recalled the battle with A-Xing, his eyes were full of fear, as if as long as he thought of that person and that face, it was a matter of great fear.

“It’s so inferior to be so afraid of the flies of the regular guild!”

“Haha, Kageyama, are you scared to pee your pants?”

“Scary? What’s so scary about those guys in the regular guild? ”

“Big Brother Eligor is the most terrifying ‘Grim Reaper!'”

A group of guys from the dark guild followed Elli Goyle’s words in a cacophony.

“You guys… You guys…” Kageyama didn’t know what to say, and at this moment, Eligor suddenly swung the death scythe in his hand and slashed at Kageyama’s body!

“It’s your luck that you didn’t cut you in two…” said Eligor looking at the bloody Kageyama with a terrifying expression.

Kageyama looked stunned, he didn’t expect that he would end up like this. Kageyama looked at Elligoer’s terrifying face and recalled the battle with A-sing…

“Or that guy is more terrible…” thought Kageyama before falling.

“Fairy Tail Magister?” A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Eligole’s mouth.

“Little ones, that goshawk with fairy tail must still be in Ghost Lotus City, go find him for me and take back Lalabai!” With Eli Gaul’s orders, all the members of the dark guild Iron Forest set out to find A-Xing’s figure in Ghost Lotus City!

Ah Xing ended the “Cursed Village” mission and came to Ghost Lotus City, ready to take the train back to Magnolia City, just as he was about to enter the station, he suddenly remembered that Elusha was also passing through this city when she completed the mission. The information about “Lalabai” was obtained by Elusha from the bar where the city’s Magi gathered.

“‘Fairy Queen’ Elusa, you must go around, if you can have another beautiful encounter with Elusa, it will be even better!” Ah Xing turned and left the station and went to the bar where the magic guides gathered in Ghost Lotus City.

What Ah Xing didn’t know was that the station had long been watched by the people of the Iron Forest, of course, there must be more members of the Iron Forest Guild in the bar where the magic guides gathered! I don’t know if Ah Xing’s sudden flash of inspiration is luck or misfortune. Or rather, the misfortune of those Iron Foresters!

As a result, Ah Xing walked out of the bar and did not see Elusa at all.

“It’s too stupid, I don’t know the time, the chance of encountering it is too small…” Ah Xing shook his head at his innocence, but since he came, even if he was here, let’s relax in this world that is both familiar and strange.

“Come out, it’s been so long.” Walking to an uninhabited street, Ah Xing turned his head and looked behind him.

“Gee, I was actually discovered by you fly!”

“Fairy Tail Magister, this time you are dead, hand over Lalabai, let you die quickly.”

A group of Iron Forest Magi walked out and surrounded Ah Xing, and the huge advantage in numbers made them full of confidence!

“It was Kageyama who went back to report the letter, why didn’t you see him coming, was he too scared to come?” Ah Xing implanted infinite fear of himself in Kageyama’s mind, and he really wanted to see if that guy dared to appear in front of him again.

“That useless guy in Kageyama, it’s estimated to be dead now! Don’t worry, you’ll be going to accompany him soon! ”

“Do it!”

A group of Iron Forest Magi shouted and rushed towards Ah Xing, their hands were all kinds of ~ magic.

Change magic, hold magic sword, shadow magic, fire magic, etc….

Ah Xing had guessed that Kageyama would not have good fruit to eat after he returned, but he didn’t expect that he had actually been killed, and the people of the dark guild were really cold-blooded.

“Miscellaneous fish, lie down for me obediently!”

“Scatter, Peach Blossom Blade. Dance among the flowers! “With Ah Xing’s magic, a huge pink ~ magic array formed on the soles of the feet, and countless pink huabans flew around, forming a huaban tornado, incomparably beautiful!

However, the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is!

Under the magic of Ah Xing, these peach blossom huabans have turned into sharp blades, rotating petals, and have strong cutting power!

The Iron Forest Magic Guide who rushed to the front of Ah Xing let out a scream under the contact with Peach Blossom Huaban, causing the people behind him to stop immediately.

“What the hell is this magic!” The people behind saw what happened to their companions in front and shouted in panic.

“Get out of the way in front, ranged attack!” A clever magic guide found that if he wanted to attack Ah Xing closely, he couldn’t pass through the barrier formed by that huaban, and immediately organized a long-range attack!

“You guys don’t have a chance, go!” Ah Xing waved his hand, and the petals that surrounded him were like off-string arrows, shooting towards the magic guides of the Iron Forest Guild!

In the scream, the magic guides of the Iron Forest were knocked down one by one.

“This guy is so strong!”

“Signal Boss Elligore!”

Among this group of magic guides, there were a few who were somewhat capable, and they actually escaped the attack of the dense huaban rain, but at this moment, they were already frightened by Ah Xing, and did not dare to step forward to attack, and began to call the strong in the guild to come.

“All said, you tregred fish!”

“My magic is specifically to remove trash fish!” Countless pink huabans disappeared into the air, and after the raging huaban, they were left with scarred Iron Forest Guild wizards.

Ah Xing is still quite satisfied with his move, although the attack power is not strong, and it is not effective for some people wearing magic armor or special defensive means, but it is still very good to clear the scene and deal with some junior magic guides.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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