The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

Rose explained her current situation to Makarov and Uru, and also said that if it wasn't for the demons in the near future, he wouldn't do the mission. Uru immediately decided to let her do it if there were any urgent missions, which was also an explanation to Rose.

Fortunately, there were no urgent missions, and there was no news of demons for more than a month, so Rose stayed in the eastern forest honestly, meditating, and practicing super ancient script magic.

Erza and the others took ten missions at once this time. Before they set off, Rose took a look at them. They were all crusades, escorts, etc. They had been out for more than a month. Rose felt that they should be back soon at their speed. This should be the first time that Rose had been separated from them for so long since they met.

Teleportation magic does not require much practice. Once you learn it, there will not be too much deviation in constructing the magic circle. Of course, if you want to teleport directly to someone's door like Augustus, you still need to practice. The upper limit of magic power determines your teleportation distance and the number of people you teleport.

The practice of super ancient document magic is very simple and rough, which is to search. The person or information you want to find appears in your consciousness, not the database, or the database should be the entire continent, and then find the information you want in countless data. Of course, if you know the approximate location, you can reduce the information you need to search.

Augustus only needs more than ten seconds to find Grammy on a continent with this trick, but Ross can't do it, and it can even be said that it is far behind. Ross seriously suspects that Augustus didn't teach him all the skills. How did he do it so quickly? Otherwise, it's really a talent gap.

There is also a mind link. Augustus used this to transmit two magics to Ross, and it was much faster than 5G. At that time, it was completed instantly in Ross's mind.

The ring is ancient document magic, and Augustus teaches super ancient document magic.

Super Ancient Document Magic also has a good magic, the legendary super magic, one of the ancient magics, Star Map History.

Ross can instill the ancient document information knowledge at one time like the Blue Pegasus's Xiang and let the Star Spirit Wizard use it, just like Lucy did when fighting Angel.

Ross feels that it is easier to go on missions now. Just look at the general idea of ​​the task list. Even if there is information that you don't know, you can search it first, then build a magic circle to directly teleport, and kill people.

"Rose, come back to the guild, there is something to discuss." The messenger bird handed Ross a letter with the mark of Fairy Tail, and Makarov's image appeared on the small magic circle.

"Grandpa doesn't look serious, so it shouldn't be a big deal." Ross had received Makarov's message before. The last time the Albares Empire was preparing to attack, Makarov's expression was solemn.

Rose directly constructed a magic circle and teleported directly into the guild. He casually caught the cup thrown at him and threw it back in the direction. Natsu was knocked unconscious. It turned out to be Natsu. It was okay. It was probably thrown at Gray.

"How did you get into the guild like this?" Gray was surprised. He saw a magic circle appear in the guild before the door was opened.

"Teleportation magic, and clothes." Gray asked Rose and answered. There was nothing to hide.

"Nani!!!" Gray wanted to say where he learned it, but he found that he only had a pair of shorts left. Only he would take off his shorts in such a bad weather.

As expected, it was not a big deal. Makarov would ask Rose to go to the library if there was a big deal. As a result, he was still sitting at the bar, with Uru and Wendy next to him. Wendy was still drinking juice. It didn't look like he was going to talk about big things.

"Grandpa, Uru, why did you suddenly call me back?" Ross walked up to greet the two of them first, then looked at Wendy, "Wendy, good morning."

"Good morning, Ross-san." Wendy replied with a smile, holding a glass of juice in her hand.

"It's not a big deal, the mayor just asked us to have lunch together at noon, and by the way, discuss the venue of the Magnolia Harvest Festival and some general matters of the competition." Makarov surprisingly didn't drink today, probably because he didn't want to meet the mayor drunk.

"The mayor also invited me, so I'll go too." Uru leaned on the bar with his elbows on the counter.

"Just this matter? I thought there was another demon asking me to deal with it." Ross blinked his eyes, even he almost forgot, but he didn't expect the mayor to remember it.

"What do you mean by this matter? This is what the mayor wants to do, and we have to cooperate well." Makarov knocked Ross with his cane and scolded Ross unhappily.

"The mayor handed it in yesterday

"I didn't expect you to not come to the guild yesterday and today, so I had to send a message to ask you to come."

This problem is indeed a big problem for Magnolia. If you were an ordinary town, it would be fine, but this is Magnolia, a town with the Gildarts model. The town is fully covered by the Gildarts model except for the suburbs and small hills like the girls' dormitory. No one can escape. If you want to plan it out in the town, you may even need to consider splitting and merging.

This is definitely a big problem for Ross. He has nothing to do with architecture, and he doesn't know how to do this. He probably just went to listen and eat, but the mayor's face cannot be ignored. Since Ross was called, he has to go.

Gildarts, the big villain!

In the hotel private room--

The five people have finished their greetings and started to discuss while eating, and there is also a mayor's secretary.

"I wonder if you have any suggestions?" The mayor's expression was still quite serious when he talked about business.

"Is land reclamation feasible? "Although I have never studied architecture, Ross knows the term land reclamation. Of course, he has no idea how to do it.

The secretary shook his head and quickly answered Ross. It seems that they have already considered it. "It is not impossible, but it is very expensive because the sea around Magnolia is not shallow."

"In addition, I have discussed with the mayor that if there is a problem with land reclamation, the safety of the audience will not be guaranteed. After all, it is difficult to guarantee the destructive power of powerful wizards like you."

"Is there any way to plan a piece of land in Magnolia?" Makarov frowned slightly and pinched his chin.

The mayor nodded at this suggestion, which was somewhat feasible: "This has been considered. Finding a separate area in the Gildarts mode and reconstructing it after demolition is a method."

"The terrain of our guild's girls' dormitory should be okay, right? "Ulu thinks the terrain of the girls' dormitory is very good. The ground is high enough and it already exists. There is no need to fill it. It only needs to be reinforced and then the venue will be built. I just don't know how big the area is.

"There are several such terrains, but the area is not large enough." They have also considered this problem.

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