The old man was very happy.

Magnolia, Eastern Forest——

Rose, who had just completed an S-level mission, returned to the guild to hand in the mission and used teleportation magic to teleport back home.

Just happened to see three visitors.

Two of them were old acquaintances, Laxus and Kana, and the other one was the person Laxus said was pestering him.

Fried Justin, with long green hair and lightning-shaped hair on both sides, was very surprising.

The future captain of the Thunder God Guards, he used three-dimensional text like Levy, but his was dark text, and he could also write spells.

Laxus introduced Fried and Ross to each other. Laxus was going to introduce Fried to the guild, and Laxus recognized his strength.

"Laxus, Kana, why are you here?" After the greetings, Ross got straight to the point.

"We just came back from a mission. We have something to ask Kagura, so we came to see if she is here. We just came from the place where you often practice." Kana answered Ross's question.

"What's the matter?" Ross frowned slightly, a little puzzled. Why did he suddenly look for Kagura?

Kana closed her eyes and shook her head slowly: "It's not a big deal. We just met Simon on the way to the mission. Simon is now traveling with a few people, so I wanted to tell Kagura about it."

Ross nodded knowingly. It was indeed not a big deal: "That's good news. I think Kagura should be very happy. Simon sent a letter back a few days ago, but Kagura and the others haven't come back from the mission yet. The letter is here and I haven't opened it yet."

"One of his companions uses a more alternative card magic. I also learned a few tricks from him." Kana said, pinching a card from the card bag on her waist with two fingers and showing it to Ross.

"So what did you learn?" Ross looked at the cards in Cana's hand with a little curiosity.

"One move is called sealing, which can seal things and people in the card. It can be regarded as another type of space magic. Things sealed in the card cannot destroy the card from the inside or outside, unless they have the ability to break the space or they can remove the magic themselves."

"Not bad, it's a very useful magic, congratulations." Ross agreed very much, space magic is good everywhere.

"I've seen it, it's really good." Laxus nodded approvingly. He tried this move of Cana, which can be used for defense.

Laxus was confiscated of lightning magic by her seal. Although he didn't use his full strength, it was not something that could be confiscated casually. In addition, he could also collect other people's magic props.

And magic becomes stronger as the magic power increases, which means that the upper limit of Cana's move is far more than this.

In short, Cana made a lot of money.

After the four of them had lunch together in the restaurant at noon, they officially joined the guild with Fried.

Makarov found another excuse to hold a grand banquet.


Urtia and Erza came back a few days later. Kagura returned to the guild to hand in the task and hurried to the eastern forest lake. She just learned from Uru that Simon sent her a letter, and the letter is now with Ross.

Urtia and Erza did not follow, and stayed in the guild to chat with Uru.

Kagura's movements were still quite loud, and Ross, who was meditating from a distance, found Kagura.

Ross saw Kagura's hurried look and guessed that she was probably here for the letter: "Kagura, wait a minute, I'll go get the letter."

After Ross said that, he teleported back home to get the letter and handed it to Kagura.

Kagura opened it in front of Ross, and did not avoid Ross watching.

Ross had read the previous letter, and Simon did not suddenly run away like Leo. He went out to travel after communicating with Kagura. Simon's magic was not strong, but not weak either. As long as he did not mess around and protected himself, he would be fine.

The letter was not long, and there was nothing special about it. It just told Kagura about his safety and that he had made a few new friends. Simon was helping them find their relatives, and told Kagura to be careful when going out on missions.

If there was anything to say about this envelope, it should be said that there were more photos, mostly photos of Simon traveling, and a photo of Simon and his friends.

Ross confirmed that it was indeed Hugh and Wally Buchanan and the others. In the photo, they were arm in arm and laughing happily.

Cana and Laxus met Hugh, and it was he who taught Cana the seal.


Le slowly read through the photos Simon sent, and a smile that could not be suppressed appeared on her face. As long as her brother had a good trip, it was fine. That was why she did not stop him. Now that her brother had made new friends, she was even happier.

Simon used to send letters back, but most of them were just a few dry sentences. This time, he learned how to do it and sent photos back. Maybe it was advice from a friend.

"You are quite anxious. You usually look so unhurried, which does not seem like your age." Ross looked at Kagura with a little teasing.

Ross felt that Kagura was sometimes calmer than him. Only when it came to Simon and Urrutia would they seem more like people with psychological fluctuations.

Kagura opened her mouth and hesitated for a long time, but still could not find words to refute. Her face flushed slightly, and she could not help but cast an unpleasant look at Ross.

"I was just kidding. As long as you are comfortable, that's fine." Ross looked at her expression and changed his tone, becoming more serious.

"I know." Kagura quickly returned to her usual expressionless calm face.

Although this expression easily gives people a feeling of keeping strangers away, she doesn't want to make many friends. Fairy Tail is enough, and people who are familiar with her know that she is the type of person who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

Kagura, who collected the letter and the photo, followed Rose back to the guild. Just now, she ran over when she heard Simon's letter, and she hadn't had a good chat with Uru and the others.

Rose and Kagura walked back to the guild. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Natsu and Gray being punched by Erza. Rose opened the door at the right time, and Natsu and Gray flew out of the door. Rose and Kagura tacitly avoided the two people on the left and right, and the two flew straight to the street outside, rolling on the ground for more than ten times...

From this point of view, Rose still saved the door, Amen.

And Erza was still angry, and she wanted to rush out and beat them up. Urutia and Kana held her hands on the left and right and kept persuading her.

Rose knew why Erza was so angry. There was a whole piece of strawberry cake on Erza's face. It seemed that the fight between Natsu and Gray had ruined her cake.

"That one is limited!!! I finally got it!!!" Erza used a loud roar.

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