The people followed the map pointed by Rebby.

The Speri Mountains are not far from Magnolia, but rather very close, much closer than the Huckleberry Mountains.

There are many Forest Vulcans living there, and these Forest Vulcans feed on giant strawberries.

The Forest Vulcans in the eastern forest seem to come from there.

Ross has never been to this mountain range, but he knows the town next to it - White Claw Town.

Aybar's territory, where Natsu and Lucy first went to work.

Levi turned the information she had found to that page and placed it on the table. There was also a picture of golden strawberries on this page: "This book says that there is a place in the Sibery Mountains where huge strawberries are grown. Under some huge strawberries, golden strawberries will grow. This kind of strawberry seems to need the shelter of huge strawberries to grow."

"I'll go, Urrutia and Kana follow me." Ross quickly reacted after looking at the picture and looked at Urrutia and Kana in turn.

"Me?" Kana pointed at herself with her index finger, and was very surprised that her name was called.

"Yes, I need your magic. I want to try something." Ross did have some ideas that needed the help of Kana and Urrutia.

"Okay." Kana was a little confused about what Ross said about trying, but she didn't intend to refuse.

"Then I'll continue to look up cake materials." Levi nodded, not caring that Ross took away everything he could find.

"Let's go prepare the supplies for making cakes first." Mira left first with Kagura and Lisana.

Ross brought Urrutia and Kana to the outside of the guild, set up a teleportation magic circle, and prepared to teleport directly to the Speis Mountains.

"Stand still, Kana." Ross remembered that it should be the first time that he used teleportation magic in front of Kana, and reminded her.

Urrutia didn't say anything, but just took Kana's arm.

Somewhere in the Speis Mountains-

"Isn't it too easy for you to do the task like this?" Kana looked around with a little surprise, and suddenly she was in the mountains from the guild gate. Who wouldn't be surprised.

"In fact, there is teleportation magic that you can learn in the guild. If you want, you can actually learn it. Of course, it's not that easy to learn."

Ross had seen the teleportation magic in the guild. It was worse than the one taught to him by August, and it was similar to the one taught by Meister, and it could also be used as a flash.

Ross was telling the truth. That one was not that easy to learn, and it required a lot of magic power.

But Kana had that foundation. At least she had a lot of magic power. After all, she was the daughter of Gildarts.

"Forget it, I'd better concentrate on studying my cards. I don't have that much energy." Cana shook her head firmly. She was not inferior, but she was not arrogant either. She also knew that teleportation magic was not so easy to learn.

"It's okay. You can learn it anytime you want. The underground library welcomes you."

It's not a privilege. The guild's collection of books is open to every member. Mavis set it, and Makarov executed it very well.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's find golden strawberries first." Urutia couldn't help but cast an unpleasant look at Ross, interrupting Ross and Cana's chat.

The focus now is obviously strawberries, don't go off track, okay?

Because she wants to eat it too.

"Don't worry, I can find this place quickly." Ross raised his eyebrows and began to search the entire mountain range with the super ancient book magic.

Ross soon found the large hilly area in the Sibery Mountains.

If you look down from the sky, it will be a large green and red picture.

In addition, Ross also found many forest Vulcans, who were eating at the moment, sitting on the ground and eating huge strawberries with relish.

"Let's go, we found it." Ross pointed in the direction of the hilly area.

There was no need to build a magic circle for short-distance teleportation, and the three of them arrived directly behind the forest Vulcan.

"We're here."

Urrutia and Kana also saw it without Ross's reminder. At a glance, there were huge strawberries and forest Vulcans eating strawberries in front of them.

Kana and Urrutia subdued the group of forest Vulcans with force, but did not kill them all, just asked them to wait.

Kana threw all kinds of cards as if she didn't need magic power, first burning, then pouring water, and hot water! ! ! ! Another freezing.

If the forest Vulcans were not very resistant, they would have been sent directly.

"Okay, what is the attempt you are talking about?" Kana didn't forget the attempt Ross just mentioned, and couldn't wait to ask.

Ross raised a finger and analyzed it in a clear and logical way: "Let's look for golden strawberries first. Urrutia will use the arc of time to see if golden strawberries can be produced from the seeds of golden strawberries. If possible, we will plant them ourselves in the future!"

"What about me? What does this have to do with me?" Kana agreed with Ross's idea, but it had nothing to do with her!

"Your task is to seal the soil suitable for planting in the card and take it back."

There is such a large area here, digging a little will not affect it.

"Good idea!" Kana snapped her fingers excitedly.

The three asked Forest Vulcan to help find them together, and soon found more than ten golden strawberries.

In addition, the three also picked some giant strawberries because they tasted good.

Urrutia buried the seeds of golden strawberries in the soil, and the arc of time was activated. Kana used the card to get some water out, and the strawberry seeds sprouted, grew leaves, bloomed, and bore fruit.

Ross ate the two strawberries, compared them, and quickly came to a conclusion: "The original golden strawberries tasted better. It may be that they are more delicious when grown naturally. Of course, it may also be that they lack fertilizer and sunlight. We can try to grow them ourselves in the future."

Urutia thought for a while and said: "It seems that they can grow without the cover of giant strawberries. It just happens that this golden strawberry grows in the middle of the giant strawberries."

Because she just planted it in a relatively empty piece of soil just now.

"Kana, use the seal to take some soil back." Seeing this, Ross asked Kana to do it quickly.

Kana immediately sealed some soil with the card.

"Urutia, did you lose the flower pots you bought before?" Ross didn't know how to grow strawberries. He just thought that mixing soil might affect the quality of strawberries. It would be better to use the ones here.

"No, it was lost in the warehouse of the girls' dormitory." Urrutia and her friends later bought some flowers. There was nothing else in the warehouse of the girls' dormitory, but a pile of flower pots.

"Then use those flower pots to plant them in my yard first." Ross's previous flower pots had not been thrown away and were also piled in the utility room.

"Okay, you guys continue to eat your strawberries." Ross said to the group of shivering Forest Vulcans.

After that, he took Urrutia and Kana away.

Forest Vulcan felt relieved. It was not a good feeling to be beaten up just now.

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