The time of X778 passed like a painting on the beach, washed away by the sea and gone forever.

This year, Ross did not go out with Urrutia and the others to do missions. He only did a few S-level missions and helped the Council to solve a discrete demon.

On the contrary, Erza and the others sometimes took other members to do missions separately.

Erza took Rebecca, who used three-dimensional text magic, and Urrutia took Lucky, who used wood shape magic, to do their own missions.

It is both protection and training. This is what Ross told them before, to take care of the members of the guild.

Urrutia and Erza also became more and more famous as they completed their missions. Erza's name, Titania, the Fairy Queen, gradually became well-known.

Mira still took Elfman and Lisanna with her. Although many people had persuaded Elfman to try it himself several times, Mira was still worried.

Ross was not the one who persuaded her. Ross could understand Mira. The three siblings had been dependent on each other since childhood. Mira was both a sister and a mother, and their relationship was far better than that of ordinary family members. Anyway, Elfman was not yet an adult, so she took him with her.

Kagura was not famous yet. She spent much more time practicing than doing missions this year. She only went on missions with Urutia and Erza, otherwise she would stay in the eastern forest to practice.

Ross welcomed this. After all, practicing alone was boring. Practicing with Kagura had someone to chat with and they could practice against each other.

Simon came back once during this period. He and his friends came back to visit Kagura and visited the Harvest Festival in Magnolia. Then he left to travel again.

This year, more and more people joined Fairy Tail. Makarov was thinking whether to expand the guild or control the number of members. If Fairy Tail had not been famous in the past two years, there would not be enough tasks to do.

Laxus's Thunder God Guards were all assembled this year. There were three Thunder Gods in total, and they all knew how to use two kinds of magic.

They were Captain Fride Justin, Dark Word Magic and Art, and the weapon he used was a rapier. Both of his magics required the use of a sword.

Dark Words is to write words on the target or yourself with a sword, making the words on the painting become a fact.

Art is to draw rules and ranges with a sword, so that people who step into it fall into a trap. It is a kind of barrier, which imposes a rule on people who step into the barrier. If the target does not comply, they will not be able to leave the barrier, and the target can also lose power through the rules.

The duel between Ross, Laxus and Gildarts used defensive art reinforcement.

Team member Bigusro, Star Map Magic: Puppet Possession and Modeling Eyes, Star Map Magic is the magic that allows wandering souls to attach to puppets or objects for manipulation, Modeling Eyes is the eye magic that manipulates the target soul, so he usually uses a mask to cover it.

Another team member is a girl, Alba Green, who uses the magic of Petrification Eyes and Fairies (Needles), and her dream is to become the Fairy Queen.

Kana sometimes follows Laxus to do missions, but has not joined the Thunder Gods.

The competition venue of Magnolia was built in August. After the mayor consulted with the King of Fiore Kingdom, Thomas E. Fiore, the venue was named Fiore Square Garden, or FSG for short.

No problem, the blame is that Thomas E. Fiore loves flowers too much. Calling it Fiore instead of Magnolia is Thomas's last stubbornness.

Fiore Square Garden is a multi-functional venue for comprehensive competitions, concerts, drama performances and political activities.

In the future, singers will have a good venue for their concert tours.

Inside the Krocas Lantern Palace——

"I want to build a stadium too!!! And it has to be bigger than his!!!" Thomas, with short legs, kept losing his temper while sitting on the throne.

He agreed to build a stadium in Magnolia, but he didn't expect it to be so good. He has visited Fiore Square Garden and he likes to watch the duel of wizards. After coming back, he has been clamoring to build a stadium near Krocas.

"Your Majesty, think twice!!!" Defense Minister Dalton has been blocking Thomas's plan. How much money would it cost to build such a venue? The capital doesn't have a golden signboard like Fairy Tail, so it still needs to be calculated.

"Your Majesty, I have the same opinion. Let's see how the business situation of Fiore Square Garden is before we make plans." The leader of the Sakura Knights, Arcadios, was the same as Dalton.

’s opinion.

That is, Thomas has a good temper. He is always blocked by these two people and just sulks.

If he is more irritable, he will drag me out and chop me.

Although the mayor and Ross had a long talk before the construction.

But this year, there was no formal competition after the venue was completed. Only a famous singer and some dance troupes were invited to warm up the venue.

Ross got a few VIP tickets through the mayor through the back door, and it still cost money.

Of course, it is hard to get a ticket for this thing, so it’s good to be able to buy it.

It can be said that the mayor made a lot of money just from the tickets of this concert, not to mention that the drinks and snacks restaurant are another big income.

Ross did not participate in the civil war of Fairy Tail in this year’s harvest festival. He sat in the audience.

Mira VS Ferid, Urtia VS Erza, Kagura VS Cana are all good to watch.

The duel between Natsu and Gray can only cause fluctuations among foreign tourists. The residents of Magnolia said that the match between Natsu and Gray still needs to be paid? Just watch it on the street, it happens every day.

Every time they fight to the death, without any hesitation.

But the most eye-catching thing is that Uru, one of the Ten Holy Mages of Ishgar, played a game with Laxus.

In the end, Uru was more skilled and maintained the reputation of the Ten Holy Mages.

This time, Magnolia was in the limelight, and a town built such a luxurious venue.

Fiore Square Garden was directly on the cover of Weekly Sosara.

East Forest——

It was the end of the year, and Uru took a large group of girls out for shopping and travel. The lineup was so huge.

The boys didn't dare to get close. If they went, they would probably die just carrying things.

Erza was the kind who pulled a cart to purchase.

Rose had suffered this, and at most times, the three sword spirits had to come out to help carry things, and the tail blade could even be hung.

By the way, a warrior went there. Elfman, who called himself a man, said he would help his sister and younger sister carry things.

May God bless him, Amen, Amitabha, and may you be blessed with infinite happiness.

They said that they make money all year round, and they should spend it at the end of the year.

Rose didn't object to this.

So Rose was practicing alone in the East Forest at this time.

Hobbit and Natsu walked out of the East Forest. Before the Hobbit arrived, the voice accusing Natsu arrived first.

He cried while running.

"Rose!!! Natsu bullied me again!!!"

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