The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

December 10, X780

Except for Gildarts who went on a long journey to perform a mission, and Mistgang who rarely appeared in the guild.

Everyone who had been busy completing individual missions in the past few months gathered together.

Last year, Urrutia and Erza got a wrong message from Ross.

Ross promised them solemnly that Makarov would probably not reopen the S-level exam until they came of age, so they often teamed up to complete missions.

Then Ross was slapped in the face by Makarov.

There is a clear rule in the S-class exam that one must perform tasks alone in the last three months to qualify for the S-class exam. Therefore, last year, based on the comprehensive strength and regulations, only Kana and Mest qualified for the S-class exam.

After defeating Mest, Kana encountered a big boss, Laxus, in a situation of choosing between two.

A man who doesn't know how to let go, Kana tried her best, although she was very unwilling, but still failed.

However, Ross also agreed with Laxus's approach. If the strength is not enough to do S-class tasks, it is still too dangerous.

Kana's first S-class assessment was declared a failure.

Makarov was not as playful as usual. He stood at the bar and prepared to announce the participants of this year's S-class wizard assessment.

"Makarov clenched his right fist and coughed twice to attract everyone's attention.

"Everyone, in the past year, I have carefully observed your abilities, minds and souls. According to the rules of Fairy Tail, I now officially announce the list of participants in this year's S-class wizard assessment."

"Oh! ! !"

"I'm burning!" Natsu bumped his fists together, his fighting spirit high. Natsu has failed every year, but I'm burning every year.

"This year's exam will still be held in our guild's holy land - Tenrou Island, and there are a total of five participants."

"There are five people this year? This is the first time I've seen this."

"So many? Wasn't there always two people in previous years?"

"Eluza and Ultear will definitely be there, right?"

"Kana got in last year, so she must be there this year, right?"

"Will I be there?" The people in the guild began to whisper to each other, and the discussion never stopped.

"Be quiet, listen to the president's announcement first. "Rose, who was standing next to Makarov, stopped the discussion. Laxus was wearing a sound pot and lying on a recliner on the second floor, watching the show. He had no desire to stop it.

After everyone quieted down, Makarov cleared his throat and continued to announce:

First place, Erza Belserion!

Second place, Urrutia Milkovich!

Third place, Mirajane Strauss!

Fourth place, Kana Alperona!

Fifth place, Kagura Mikaziki!

All girls. This year, Meister was injured in a single mission, and it was quite serious. He was unable to complete the mission and failed to meet the requirements.

Mistergang was also injured this year. He intended to take the S-class exam, but he was injured when he stopped a small super-subspace magic, [Anima], so he simply told Makarov that he would not participate in the competition this year.

The three Thunder Gods have been following Laxus to complete the mission and are not qualified. Natsu and Gray are barely strong enough to take the S-class exam, but they are too irritable. Makarov intends to temper their tempers and not take them for the time being.

Kagura is actually just barely qualified to take the exam, but she has worked hard in the last few months, and her personality is relatively calm, so Makarov thinks he can make an exception and let her try.

Besides, with so many people participating, Kagura is unlikely to pass.

"Why am I not there!!!" Natsu jumped up and down and protested to Makarov.

"I didn't even get in, so why are you going in? Do you have any self-knowledge?" Gray, who had taken off his clothes unconsciously, crossed his arms and looked at Natsu with contempt.

"What did you say, bastard, drooping eyes! ”

“Whoever takes the blame is talking about who, you bastard!”

Then the two started fighting without considering the occasion.

“Isn’t it normal without you guys?” Looking at the two fighting, Happy turned his back and spread his paws indifferently.

“Eluza, please teach me.” Mira smiled with narrowed eyes. This was one of the few times she felt she needed to compete with Erza.

The tone was quite flat, but Rose clearly smelled gunpowder.

Eluza met Mira’s eyes when she heard the words, and there seemed to be a gap between their eyes.

It seemed as if there was an electric current constantly beating.

"Is it bad to forget about me?" A green crystal ball appeared in Ultia's hand, and she watched them join the battle with full fighting spirit.

"I will not admit defeat, even if the opponent is you." Kagura clenched [Resentful Blade·Fearless], and the magic power surged around her body, and her purple hair was blown up.

"I feel that I have no hope this year..." Kana looked at this group of people and a drop of cold sweat flowed from her forehead, then quickly shook her head, clenched her fists and rekindled her fighting spirit and said: "No, I am the daughter of Gildarts, and I can't admit defeat."

She worked hard for several months to complete the single-player mission, not to admit defeat.

The five people formed a circle and looked at each other with surging fighting spirit, and each followed a large number of supporters behind them.

These five people, including Kana, not only have supporters in the guild, but are also famous in the Kingdom of Fiore, and each has a large number of fans.

They all have strength, and more importantly, they are good-looking. They often appear on Weekly Sosara, but they are all about fighting.

For example, there are many photos of Erza killing powerful monsters alone, holding the trophy.

Last year, Urrutia used the ice shape to create a large rose garden in an instant at the Harvest Festival, and was directly on the cover of Weekly Sosara.

"Wait... the president has clearly not announced the content of the exam yet!" Ross told them this cruel fact after watching the show.

Makarov said that he also liked to watch women fight the most, so he didn't say anything just now.

Urrutia and the others' fighting spirit instantly became like a deflated ball, and then they all tacitly began to look at Ross and Makarov with contempt.

"Hahaha, hahaha." Makarov and Ross were sweating on their foreheads, touching their heads and smiling awkwardly.

Makarov, who had long been thick-skinned, quickly recovered and said:

"There are three examiners in total, Uru Mirkovich! Ross Soros! Laxus Dolea!"

"The exam will be held in a week. You can find a teammate within this week. Then you can form a team of two to take the exam. Gather at Harugeon Port in the morning 7 days later. The exam content and rules will be announced on the guild's ship."

Uru stood up as a representative of the three and said, "Be prepared! We will not show mercy."

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