The first round of the S-level exam ended with only Erza and Urtia passing.

The match between Mira and Urtia ended early, with Mira eventually losing due to lack of magic power.

Starting from the 50th ice wall, Kagura needed to hold her hands tightly and concentrate on each ice wall. Every time she split a wall, it was a new breakthrough.

It took a long time, but no one urged her, and everyone just watched Kagura's challenge quietly.

Kagura fell at the 61st ice wall, and Habby took her to the 60th ice wall. While splitting it with the impact force, she also fell down.

Kagura failed, but her perseverance was recognized by everyone, and everyone spontaneously applauded and congratulated her.

In fact, even Ross was surprised that Kagura could achieve such a result. Ross thought that being able to split in half was good enough, and Kagura added ten to this number.

Makarov announced the results very conscientiously, and then announced the content of the second round of assessment:

"The second round of assessment is very simple. Erza, Urtia, Natsu and Gray will attack Ross together."

"Four to one, isn't it too unfair?" Natsu disagreed with this test content.

"You think too much. The two of us are just making up the numbers. At most, it's two to one." Gray is very self-aware. Natsu and Gray are still far behind now.

Facing the eyes of Urtia and Erza, Ross said: "You don't have to defeat me. As long as you have the strength that I agree with, it's enough."

"Come on, Urtia, Erza, I'm looking forward to your performance." Mavis began to cheer for the two.

"Let's change the venue." Ross snapped his fingers and then teleported everyone to an open area on Tenrou Island.

[Receive Alphamon] After landing, Rose immediately received Alphamon.

The nearly six-meter-tall Alphamon is black in color, with wings on its back and a huge cloak.


The head is invisible, there is no way

"This is the first time I've seen Rose use this form." Although Makarov had seen Rose appear in this form at the Harvest Festival, he had never seen Rose take action.

"I've seen it." Laxus raised his mouth proudly, even though he was beaten up.

After their first participation in the Harvest Festival, Laxus asked Rose to fight him in this form.

Well... Rose didn't even dodge, and directly slapped him into the dirt.

He also tried to challenge him afterwards, and Rose's form gave Laxus the feeling of being comprehensive and powerful.

"Okay, let's go!" Natsu couldn't wait to jump up and swung a fire dragon's iron fist.

Rose raised his left palm to catch the punch and threw Natsu away with a casual wave.

Urtia quickly made a slide with ice shape to catch Natsu and relieve the impact.

"Ugh~~~" Natsu on the slide looked unhappy.

"Is the slide considered a means of transportation?" Gray complained helplessly.

Erza didn't dare to be arrogant, and immediately changed into her strongest [Fairy Armor] and held two swords.

This pink armor named after the guild [Fairy Tail] is extremely powerful and combines the rare materials she has collected over the years.

"Go!" Erza turned her head and looked at Urtia, then stepped forward with Natsu.

"ICE MAKE: Super Freezing Ice Arrow."

"ICE MAKE: Infinite Blade Leaf."

Gray and Urtia formed seals with their hands and launched an attack from a distance.

Rose raised one hand and covered the body with a semicircular protective shield to block the attacks of the two.

"Dang! Dang!"

Erza approached and slashed Rose's right arm with two consecutive swords.

"And me!" Natsu threw another iron fist of the fire dragon from the other side. He was slapped away by a palm just now, but this punch was more powerful than before.

Rose kept blocking the attacks from Erza and Natsu with his left and right hands.

"ICE MAKE: Ice fountain." Gray saw that he couldn't attack from the front, so he attacked from below where Rose was standing.

"You accidentally hurt me!" The ice fountain was a bit big. Not only did it lift Rose up, it also hit Natsu on the side. Erza reacted quickly and dodged it.

"It's too high! How can I fight it?" Natsu looked up at Rose who was lifted up by the ice fountain.

The ice fountain was more than ten meters high.

Rose above was not panicked. As the ice fountain rose, he stood on it steadily.

[Shining of the Gods! ], dozens of crystal balls appeared beside Rose, emitting rays of light one after another

Attack Rose.

Urutia's attack was ready just now, waiting for Gray to use the Ice Spring to push Rose up.

Urutia did not hold back at all, she knew Rose's strength very well.

[Change clothes, Tianlun Armor]

"Tianlun·Dizzy Sword!" Dozens of magic swords were copied from behind Erza and circled in several circles.

Then, the swords flew towards Rose.

As the Ten Thousand Gods Shine and the sword hit Rose, they collided in the air and emitted light.

In the air, Rose did not dodge, but did not resist, but continuously shot beams from his palm to resist.

With a strong step of his left foot, the Ice Spring created by Gray was crushed by Rose, and he slowly landed from the air.

"Continue." He raised his hand and signaled Erza and the others after landing.

In fact, without Ross saying anything, Urtia didn't even wait for Ross to react. The moment Ross landed, she used the arc of time to stimulate the seeds on the ground where Ross was standing. The seeds quickly grew branches and vines to bind Ross.

"Tianlun Pentagram Sword!"

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!"

"ICE MAKE: Super Freezing Ice Arrow."

Eluza and Natsu saw the opportunity and attacked Ross from the left and right.

Ross first shattered the ice arrow that attacked from the front.

Erza took the opportunity to slash with the two long swords in her hands, and quickly dodged Ross's palm beam. The silver-white long sword left a pentagram sword mark on Ross's body.

Natsu was not so lucky. He was knocked away by Ross's punch. According to Ross's estimation, he would lose his combat ability as long as he fell into the sea.

But Urtia and Gray didn't think of giving up on Natsu. Gray used the ice shape to create a large net to catch Natsu.

Urtia created several ice shields, covered with vines, to block the beams fired by Ross.

The five people were fighting fiercely. Urtia used the ice shape and the arc of time together. Erza kept changing clothes and cooperated with Natsu to attack Ross from multiple directions.

Gray was mainly responsible for protecting Urtia for output, and used the ice net to catch Natsu and Erza who were knocked away.

Ross was attacked from three directions at once, and dust flew everywhere. Even he was covered and lost his sight.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" After helping, Natsu punched the end of Erza's Evil Breaking Spear. Erza, who changed into [Giant Armor], also threw the Evil Breaking Spear at Ross quickly.

Urtia and Gray cooperated very well to create several ice chains with ice shapes, and there were giant ice hanging at the end of the ice chains to restrict Ross's movements.

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