The first time, the emperor was in trouble.

February X781, Western Continent - Araquitacia

In the Parliament Hall of the Royal Palace of the Albares Empire -

A meeting is being held in the Parliament Hall at this moment.

Only members of the Twelve Shields of the Holy Guard can attend this meeting. Although they are called the Twelve Shields of the Holy Guard, this title is exactly the same as the Ten Holy Mages of Ishgar, and none of them have been gathered...

Ougast has been away for a long time because he is looking for a magician who is suitable to become a member of the Twelve Shields of the Holy Guard for the emperor.

A round table stands in the center of the parliament hall, but there are only a few people sitting on a dozen chairs.

There are not many people, but the magic power in each person is vast and beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Anyone who can become a member of the Holy Shield has the ability to defeat a country alone.

But the three seats at the top are empty.

Because the people who can sit in these three positions are not here at the moment.

Emperor - Spriggin

Scarlet Despair - Irene Belserion

Magic King - August

The Albares Empire was founded by Emperor Spriggin, the world-famous black magician - Zeref. At this moment, he is still wandering outside, sometimes only coming back once every few years.

He is not worried about his rule. Although he is often away from the empire, the Albares Empire was founded by him and relied on force.

There are also loyal imperial staff and consuls in the empire - General Winter, Inbel Yura.

August also traveled outside with the emperor's pace, but he could still be contacted if he wanted to, but Lakaide didn't want to contact him. If August was not in the empire, this meeting would probably not be held.

Irene Belserion was still in the empire, but she had no interest in this meeting and did not want to attend. If it was not for Zeref looking for her, she would not attend these meetings.

This meeting was convened by Rakede Dragneel, who claimed to be the son of Zeref and the future heir of the empire.

The content of the meeting was very simple:

[Whether to launch an attack on the eastern continent of Ishgar again. ]

It had been planned to launch once before, but due to the tip-off from spies, the continent of Ishgar responded quickly.

That time was also Rakede Dragneel's own decision, without the emperor's clear order. In fact, Rakede also planned to force the attack, but under the strong opposition of other ministers and shield members, the attack ended hastily.

The smell of gunpowder in this meeting became stronger and stronger.

The boy with short platinum hair, a white robe, and a white cross tattooed on his forehead, was not as handsome as his face, and his words were very fierce: "I emphasize again, this is the best time. We have cleaned up the spies in the empire. The gap between Ishgar's strength and the Albares Empire is like a chasm. I don't know what you are hesitating about?"

As he questioned, the magic power emanating from him became stronger. He was in the forefront among the two walls. The only one who could compete with him in the Twelve Shields was the later war concubine Dimalia Yesta.

Inbel Yura pushed his glasses and said firmly: "I don't agree. The Empire is your Majesty's Empire. As long as your Majesty doesn't give a clear order, I won't agree. Rashly launching a war will damage the Empire's strength. Soldiers and wizards are also your Majesty's property."

Neinhart was very disdainful: "Are those also worthy of being considered property? Death is also a contribution to the Empire. After death, can't I help them materialize it?"

He even hopes to see more dead people. Neinhart's magic and the history of corpses can materialize the dead.

Judge Val Ishit also stood on the side of Lakad. After all, Lakad has the surname Dragneel: "I don't care. Anyway, if I take action, I don't know how long Ishgar can last."

Inbel was not angry when he was besieged by many people. He put down the book in his hand, and a large square appeared on the round table.

"The Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar are not weak. As far as I know, the Magic Council ERA has two secret weapons. One is super magic: Magic Spirit Power, which also has the power to destroy a country."

"This is just one of them. The other one is still unknown."

Neinhart and Val had some hesitation in hearing about Magic Spirit Power.

Lakaide smiled disdainfully: "Do they dare to use it? If they dare to use it, I dare to take it."

He is very confident in his own strength. He is the son of the emperor.

"I agree with His Excellency Inbel. This kind of thing without His Majesty's consent is not allowed.

I will not agree to a meaningless war." Jacob Leocho shook his head.

Although Jacob is an assassin, he is very gentlemanly and also admires August. August told him last time that if Lacade decides to start a war again, he must not agree.

Currently, it is three to two, and Lacade has the upper hand in the vote.

The god of death Bradman did not express his opinion throughout the whole process, and he was as silent as if he had not attended the meeting.

Lacade did not want to quarrel with Inbel anymore, it would be fruitless. "There is no point in quarreling like this. We use our own troops, so you can't control it, right?"

Inbel stood up and slapped the table: "What do you mean by your troops? The empire's troops belong only to His Majesty! I also want to take over the Ishgar continent for His Majesty, but I will not act on my own without His Majesty's order!"

Lacade stared at Inbel's eyes with a cold face: "It belongs to His Majesty, but I also have the last name of Dragneel! As the guardian of the Holy Shield, you have no right to control me! "

The meeting ended in a bad mood. Laquette Dragneel got the result he wanted and dragged Neinhart and Val into the war. Inbel expressed his loyalty and at the same time distanced himself from the matter.

Three magic fleets lined up and flew over the Albares Empire.

The three giant magic warships at the head were flying the flags of three members of the Holy Shield.

Before departure, Laquette made a pre-war mobilization. With his ability, he made the soldiers and wizards more eager to fight.

Laquette was ready to launch a blitzkrieg and suddenly attack the Ishgar continent with the speed advantage of the magic warships.

"Let's go! "

Accompanied by the shouts of the soldiers, Laquette issued the order to attack.

One after another, the magic warships took off immediately, following closely behind the giant warship.

Only the troops of the three shield members set out, but there were already a lot of warships, soldiers and wizards, which made it difficult for any kingdom in Ishgar to mobilize such a scale.

This is the foundation of the empire, so Laquette looked down on Ishgar so much. In his opinion, Ishgar was like a pile of loose sand. The Magic Council seemed to be managing the entire continent, but many guilds did not listen to the orders of the Council.

Unlike the Albareth Empire, the imperial soldiers and guilds were brainwashed and worshipped their emperor mindlessly.

Laquette wanted to attack the Ishgar continent several times. It was indeed for Zeref to seize the secret weapon, but he also wanted to show Ishgar that you are vulnerable in front of the Albareth Empire.

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