The battle was over.

Ougast watched Lakad and the other two return to the Albares Empire with their fleet.

He was not worried that they would pretend to obey but actually attack again. Not to mention that he was still nearby, he was more cautious and left marks on Lakad and Neinhart. As long as Lakad and Neinhart planned to start a war again on their own initiative, he would be able to stop them immediately.

Ougast had not yet figured out what to do. Fortunately, his father, Zeref, was also wavering, so he still had time to think about it.

But there was one thing he was sure of. He could not follow Zeref to snatch the heart now, but he could not disobey his father either. After all, it was Zeref who named him and raised him.

"Is the matter settled? What happened?" Mavis, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground reading a book, looked at Auguste when she saw him coming back.

Auguste didn't explain much just now, and Mavis didn't ask. The magic power just now was very strong, and she also felt it. Since Auguste didn't seem to be in trouble, she asked out of curiosity.

After thinking about it, Auguste decided not to lie to Mavis: "My father's subordinates took the initiative to lead the army to attack the Ishgar continent. The two sides confronted each other on the sea. I felt the magic power of the demon Lakaed Dragneel created by my father, so I asked them to retreat to the Albares Empire. They have retreated, and we can continue our journey, mother."

"Attack Ishgar, again?" Mavis pinched her chin with her little hand and frowned slightly. The last time the Albares Empire attacked the Ishgar continent, Mavis was also in the guild, so she knew it.

But now she didn't know that they were coming for the fairy's heart.


In Ishgar, the Council and the Ten Holy Ones did not relax their vigilance and still had the army guard the border for two days.

They took over the islands again after the wizards who had found out the information sent back the news.

Wait until Speaker Crawford Shim announced the end of the meeting.

The frogs in the Council bowed and thanked: "Thank you for the assistance of the Ten Holy Ones and the Guild Presidents for the work of the Council this time."

Makarov and Uru did not leave the Council immediately, but found a quiet room to report safety to Ross and Urrutia, telling them that the war was over and they did not need to worry.

Urrutia and Erza, who received the news, breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was a war, and they had always heard Ross say that the Albares Empire was much stronger than Ishgar, so they were still worried about Makarov and Uru.

Makarov and Uru took the train and carriage and returned to the guild from Crocus without stopping.

"To celebrate the end of our meeting, let's have a party!!!" Makarov stood at the bar, holding his glass high in his right hand.

"Oh!!!" Natsu and Gray joined the roaring army.

When they returned to the guild, many people asked about their meeting, but Makarov didn't want to worry the people in the guild, so he used the party to change the subject.

Although he himself wanted to have a party...

"Boom--" The guild suddenly began to shake violently.

The people who were happily drinking suddenly staggered, and many people were splashed with wine.

"Magnolia will soon change to Gildarts mode. All citizens please move to the designated location immediately."

More than a dozen winged magic speakers were broadcasting above the town of Magnolia.

"Earthquake? No, what does it feel like?"

"Listen to the radio, Gildarts mode!"

"Gildarts mode, Gildarts is back!" Everyone in the guild was talking about it.

"Gildarts, it's been a long time since you came back, right?" Ross has been in the guild for the past two years, and he has hardly met Gildarts.

Gildarts has only come back once since the last Harvest Festival in X778.

"It seems like it's been almost a year?" Urrutia nodded.

After all, Gildarts is doing ten-year missions, and some of them are very far from the Kingdom of Fiore, and it takes a long time just to travel.

"I'm back! Where's Kana? Where's Kana?" Gildarts pushed open the door with excitement, and quickly turned his head to see if there was any sign of Kana in the guild.

Unfortunately, Kana was not there. Even if Kana was there, it would be difficult to find her. At this moment, the guild was already in a mess because of the wine-throwing incident.

Gildarts was very sad that he could not find Kana, and he was hanging down.

He walked to the bar dejectedly.

"Let's fight it out, Gildarts!" Natsu was very excited since Gildarts came back. He jumped onto the table and swung his iron fist at Gildarts.

Gildarts didn't even raise his head. He relied on muscle reaction and instinct to knock Natsu to the ground, and a big hole was smashed into the guild floor by Natsu.

"Oh, it's Natsu." Gildarts didn't react until Natsu was knocked unconscious.

[You hit him without even looking? ? ? ] Gray was full of complaints.

"How did the mission go?" Makarov asked immediately after taking a sip of wine.

"The SS-level mission and the ten-year mission have been completed." Gildarts raised his thumb with his right hand and smiled happily with his big teeth bared.

"Congratulations." Ross raised his glass to congratulate Gildarts. Although Gildarts looked like he deserved a beating for smiling like that, he was really amazing. He completed the ten-year mission easily, which was really inhuman.

"What are your plans for the future? Will you continue to do the ten-year mission?" Uru also asked. She was quite interested. The guild still has ten-year missions.

Gildarts took a sip of wine first, his expression became serious, and he slowly shook his head: "Maybe I won't do it. I seem to have hit a bottleneck. This ten-year mission doesn't help me much. I want to try the hundred-year mission."

"Hundred-year mission???" Everyone near the bar shouted in unison.

Makarov spit out a mouthful of old wine. Fortunately, there was no one in front of him.

The loud voices of the crowd woke up Natsu who was knocked unconscious.

Everyone who was fighting in the guild also froze, as if they were cast into a fixed spell.

"Mission? What mission???" Natsu only heard the mission, but it didn't stop him from screaming.

It's no wonder that everyone was so surprised. Ishgar's commissioned missions are divided into several levels: below S level, S level, SS level, ten-year mission, and the most difficult hundred-year mission.

Before becoming an S-class wizard, you can only complete tasks below S-class, and after S-class, you can only take SS-class tasks at most.

Ten-year tasks are tasks that only S-class wizards dare to try, after all, those who can become S-class wizards have a certain understanding of tasks.

Hundred-year tasks are even more terrifying. No one has been able to complete them so far, and more importantly, all wizards who have carried out hundred-year tasks have not survived.

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