The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

Since the S-rank exam at the end of last year, Laxus gave Kana a new suggestion, to add powerful cards.

Kana thought about it and fortunately she had saved some money over the years. In fact, she always felt powerless when she went on a mission alone.

It was always uncomfortable to be approached by a fast opponent, and there was no card that could make the final decision.

This was the case when she challenged Urrutia last year. She tried hard to stop Urrutia from getting close, but she was powerless to stop him. Urrutia's physical skills were not bad, and she was defeated by Urrutia's close-range ice sword slash.

Possession magic originally relies on powerful magic props.

But powerful magic items mean krypton gold, which is too expensive.

Bisca's replacement gun is not cheap.

The same is true for the Celestial Wizard's key. A small dog with no combat power can be sold for 20,000 J.

Erza is like this. Most of the money she has earned in recent years has been spent on armor and weapons.

Now it is estimated that no one except Erza knows how many sets of armor she has. Now there are three dormitories in the girls' dormitory that have been connected and used by her to store armor and clothes for changing.

She contacted Gildarts immediately after the S-class exam last year and asked Gildarts to pay more attention to whether there are any powerful cards during the mission.

After all, he is a father, and it is not shabby to be a tool to help his daughter find props.

Now she is not obsessed with becoming an S-class wizard, just because she is Gildarts's daughter and does not want to embarrass Gildarts. Besides, the big guys in Fairy Tail are so powerful, she will fall behind if she doesn't work hard.

If she wants to become stronger, card magic is not particularly suitable for her, because card magic is not really a powerful magic.

It can even be said that card magic actually drags her down. She has abundant magic power in her body. Her magic power is more than that of Natsu, Gray and Kagura now. Her combat skills are not weak and she is willing to think about the way of fighting.

Celestial magic, which belongs to the holding system, has powerful celestial spirits such as the Zodiac and Ophiuchus. The goal of the celestial wizard is very clear, just to find the zodiac key, unlike her, who is looking for cards aimlessly.

She just thinks that the tarot cards supported her in the early days, so she chose card magic herself, and Gildarts also respected her choice and did not interfere at all.

Gildarts brought her a good card when he came back this time. It is not as good as the ace card, but it is also stronger than her current card set. It is good that Gildarts can find one in such a short time.

Besides, Gildarts had promised her that he would go to places she had never been to on the way to the Hundred Years Quest and help her collect cards.

Cana even asked Ross, Laxus and Urrutia to help her find it. They had grown up together, so it was not a big deal.

Ross used the ancient scripture magic to find it directly. There were not many cards in the Kingdom of Fiore, but there were not a few. However, there was a kingdom in Ishgar - the Kingdom of Kars, which was located in the southeast of the Kingdom of Fiore. It was not too far away, with a straight-line distance of about 3,000 kilometers.

The wizards in this kingdom mainly held cards, and some cards were similar to summoning celestial spirits, sealing monsters or mechanical creations in the cards and summoning them when they were used.

Ross told Cana this information, and Cana immediately decided to set off to find cards.

Erza and Urrutia were very interested, so they took on a few tasks along the way and decided to go together. After all, they had never been to the Kingdom of Kars.

In fact, it would be easier for Ross to take Cana with him using teleportation magic, but Ross thought it would be better to let Cana go by herself. The sense of accomplishment of finding the card she likes in the end is different.

Since Gildarts set out to do the Hundred Years Quest, Cana and Ultia also set out to the Kingdom of Kars to find cards.

In June of X781, Leo of the Zodiac was exiled by the Celestial King and was not allowed to enter the Celestial World because he indirectly killed the Celestial Wizard Kallen. After being depressed for a while, he joined Fairy Tail under the persuasion of Bob, the president of Blue Pegasus.

Fairy Tail has one more Sea King. In just one month, several girls came to the guild.

It made Makarov doubt whether he was right to accept Loki. Gildarts would not be so attractive, right?

East Forest——

Today, Ross and Natsu were fishing with nothing to do, mainly to give Ha

Eating more.

Urtia and Kana and the others had been gone for more than three months, and Ross even suspected that they were just taking the opportunity to travel.

Urtia and the others walked out of the eastern forest slowly.

Ross and Natsu turned their backs to them, concentrating on fishing and not noticing.

"Rose, Natsu, Urrutia and the others are back." The harpy tugged at Natsu's clothes with its claws.

"Back?" Hearing the harpy's voice, Ross turned his head and looked at them.

"Well, the mission is completed, and Kana's card is also found." Erza nodded proudly.

"This time I have spent all my savings, and I still owe a lot of debts." Speaking of the card, Kana shed a bitter tear, smiled bitterly and shook her head. She also borrowed a large sum of money from Urrutia and Erza, and then she had to work hard again.

"It seems that you have gained something, show us?" Ross felt that Kana was showing off, but there was no evidence.

"I want to see it too, hurry up!" Natsu was also very interested in Cana's new card and kept urging Cana.

Cana raised her lips slightly, took out three cards from her bag, and showed the back to Rose and Natsu.

Rose felt like she was watching Cana's evil smile and the crooked-mouthed dragon king possessed her...

"The first one." Cana pinched the card between her fingers and threw it down.

A black panther about three meters long, about 1.2 meters tall at the shoulder, and completely black walked out of the magic circle slowly. If you look closely, there are dark golden spots on the black panther, and blue flames are attached to the connection between the forelimbs and the body.

[It has sharp eyes, no sound when it steps on the ground, and it doesn't cry when it appears. It's pretty good. Except for the flame on the forelimbs, it's quite hidden. I don't know if it can be put away. If it can be put away, it can even be used as an assassin. 】

Rose looked at the black panther and commented silently.

Maybe it's because black makes people look thinner. This black panther gives Rose a light feeling. The muscles are obvious but not big. I haven't felt it in person, but the speed should not be slow. After all, it is a cat.

Without receiving Kana's order, the black panther lay beside Kana to protect her after being summoned.

"COOL!!!" Natsu, who is always late for the supporting role.

"Cat!!!" Happy's eyes soon turned into stars.

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