The two of them sat on a small stool by the lake, and the two looked at the lake quietly.

Mira didn't speak for a long time, maybe she was thinking, so Ross didn't disturb her.

"Do you have any wine?" Ross almost fell off the stool when Mira opened her mouth.

"Yes, wait for me." Ross nodded helplessly, used teleportation magic to go home to get some beer and then came back.

Ross opened the beer and handed it to Mira. She couldn't use too much force with her hands now, so she opened another bottle for herself.

After Mira thanked him, she clinked the bottle with Ross and drank the wine.

She had been wanting to drink these days, but Polyusica didn't allow her to drink, so Lisanna kept staring at her and didn't let her drink.

Ross raised his eyebrows. Forget it. Since she didn't want to talk, Ross wouldn't speak first. He followed her and started drinking.

Mira drank four bottles of beer in a row. She rarely drank, but she was depressed recently. She couldn't feel happy without drinking, and it was hard to say without drinking.

Sometimes I really feel that people's mood is like a little monster running rampant in their hearts.

When they are happy, they are very obedient. When they are unhappy, they don't listen to them. Mira has been like this recently. She can't cheer up no matter what.

The lake surface is still rippling with the breeze during the day. Mira put down the finished bottle.

"Thank you this time. I didn't have the chance to thank you before." Mira first raised her hand to gather the hair on her cheeks, and then covered her hot cheeks with her hands. She didn't even need to look in the mirror. She knew that her cheeks must be red now.

Ross was a qualified listener waiting for her next words. In this case, Ross felt that listening to her was the best way.

Mira turned her head and looked into Ross's eyes, with a little relief and a little uneasiness in her eyes: "Fortunately you followed me at that time, otherwise I dare not think about the consequences. Will I lose Lisanna or Elfman? I can't imagine my life after losing either one. Thank you, thank you very much."

"I may not plan to do any crusade missions in the future. This mission seems to have wiped out all my motivation. I am still quite interested in being a waiter. In addition to doing some simple tasks, I may develop in this direction."

"Also, I haven't paid you back for the medical expenses yet. I will pay you back the money another day."

"You can't use magic?" Ross frowned, thinking quickly in his mind. [She should be unable to use magic because she saw Lisanna "die" in front of her. Lisanna was obviously fine, shouldn't it be? This time it was so serious? 】

"No, it can be used. Why do you ask?" Mira turned her head to look at Ross in a daze, revealing surprise and strangeness in her eyes. Why did he suddenly say that I can't use magic?

Mira was afraid that Ross would not believe it, so she immediately received part of Satan's soul and showed it to Ross.

Ross calmed down a little and breathed a sigh of relief. He really thought Mira couldn't use magic again: "Because I heard you say you don't plan to do the crusade mission, I thought it was a bit serious."

Mira nodded thoughtfully: "I can still use it, but I don't want to do it. Just think I'm tired. Maybe when I can completely control the soul of Satan, I will rekindle my fighting spirit to do the mission."

Ross shook his head: "Grandpa said he would pay for the medical expenses. Besides, I was deceived by the Beast King and caused you to be injured. I feel very sorry. Don't worry about this little money. As for what you said about wanting to be a waiter or a poster girl, that's your personal choice. As long as you are happy, it's enough. I won't interfere."

"But I hope you don't give up your practice. Demon Mira is very good, isn't she?"

Mira blinked and looked at him with a smile: "I won't give up my practice, but I don't want to do the mission anymore."

"Is this the decision you made after rational thinking?" Ross asked, looking into Mira's eyes.

"Yes." Mira looked into Mira's eyes and nodded firmly.

Looking into Mira's eyes, Ross felt relieved. Mira had drunk wine, but at least she made this decision after thinking about it.

Sometimes people always make decisions impulsively, but that may not be your intention.

Isn't there such a situation? In a certain atmosphere, situation, and emotion, you can't help but make a decision.

However, this kind of involuntary feeling is not rational, and it may not be a decision made after serious thinking.

Ross was afraid that this was a decision made by Mira after she got drunk.

Since it was not, it was obvious that she had thought about it seriously, so Ross nodded indifferently: "That's enough."

Mira looked at Ross with a little surprise: "I thought you would persuade me not to give up the mission."

Ross looked puzzled: "Why do you say that?"

Mira pursed her lips slightly, bit her lower lip with her teeth, and kept tapping her chin with her index finger. Then she rolled her eyes at Ross unhappily: "Because you kept telling me that the Soul of Satan was very strong and told me not to give up. You took me to Karna Island, persuaded me, and helped me train. Based on these reasons, I was still worried about how to tell you."

Ross smiled unhappily and then tried to hold back his smile and said: "First of all, you belong to yourself. I really want you to accept that the Soul of Satan is a demon, and I have made some efforts and attempts for this."

"But you know what? Even if you still don't accept this fact after your trip to Karna Island, I agree."

"Because people Everyone has their own ideas. If you can't accept it, I can't force you. "

"Since you made the decision after rational thinking, I support your decision."

"There are many people doing tasks in the guild now. It's not a big problem if you don't do it. I don't do many tasks now, right?"

"Besides, it's not bad to have more poster girls in the guild, right? At least it's pleasing to the eyes."

"But I have another thing to say. You can't protect Elfman so much anymore. How he wants to practice and how to do tasks, let him make his own decisions, for the same reason as above."

Mira stared at Ross with her eyes, hit Ross's arm lightly, and muttered in retort: ​​"I know, isn't it because I'm used to taking care of Elfman and Lisanna since I was a child..."

It was obviously a rebuttal, but the tone of arguing gave people a cute feeling inexplicably.

Of course she agreed with Ross's opinion. Since Elfman stood firmly in front of her, she knew that Elfman had grown up and truly became a man.

Ross looked at Mira's expression, and the corners of his mouth naturally rose again: "You have been a parent for so long, so think more about yourself in the future, and do whatever you want."

Mira reached out and hit him again, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise with him.

In fact, Mira has never appeared in front of others like this.

Including Elfman and Lisanna, this is the first time.

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