The ground behind Lucy suddenly bulged, and a short and fat middle-aged man came out of the hole, his height only reaching Lucy's chest.

"Are you calling me now?" Abar touched his beard coquettishly.

"Master, please give me more advice." Lucy held her cheek and bent down slightly.

"I stare..."

"No need, go back, dinosaur girl."


"Listen carefully, a great and outstanding man like me, only beautiful women are suitable for me."

After Abar said this, four "beauties" whose looks did not meet the aesthetic standards of ordinary people came out from behind him.

Like four "old onions" that hurt the eyes.

"Dinosaur girl, go back quickly, don't embarrass yourself here."

They didn't forget to add insult to injury, and then went back underground.

"It's useless..."

"No, it's because Abar's aesthetic taste is too weird!"

"That's an excuse!" Happy complained mercilessly.

[The blonde maid failed in the operation! ]

Seeing that the operation failed, Natsu decided to change to a surprise attack. Happy took Natsu and Lucy to the rooftop one by one, broke the glass and entered Abar's mansion, and came to the corridor from the storage room.

"Intruders found!" Four "old onion" maids came out with brooms.

"We must expel them!" Then a heavyweight pink-haired maid contestant appeared.

"It's so noisy!" Natsu knocked the four maids away with a fire dragon's iron fist.

"Flying man Barugo hits!" Barugo jumped high and pressed down Natsu with a heavy pressure in a flying posture.

"What's the weight!" Natsu lifted Baruga up and kicked her away with the claws of the fire dragon.

After defeating several maids, Natsu and Lucy "sneaked" into Abar's study.

"This is full of books."

"I didn't know that old man was a book collector."

"It's too difficult to find a specific book from so many books?" Lucy climbed up the ladder and started looking. She thought Abar should put these important books higher.

"I found an incredible book!" Natsu raised a book and shouted.

"I found a golden book!"


"Please, both of you, look for it carefully! Eh?" Lucy glanced at the cover while complaining. DAYBREAK.

"Sunrise? It says Sunrise!"

"I found it."

"It's so easy to get 200WJ, let's burn it!"

"Wait a minute, the author is... Kem Sareo! I'm a big fan of him!"

"I see, I see, you came here for this book "Sunrise." Aybar said as he crawled out from under the floor.

"What's wrong with the floor of this room..." Habby didn't know where to start complaining.

"I've been wondering what the wizards are looking for, it turns out they are looking for this crappy book!"

"Since it's a crappy book, how about giving it to me?"

"No, my things are always my things!"

"Stingy!" Lucy protested in a low voice.

"Nutty dinosaur girl." Aybar picked his nose and looked at Lucy with disdain.

"How dare you touch my things? Come out, Panichou brother!"

The bookshelves behind Natsu and Lucy moved sideways to the left and right, and two men, one tall and one short, appeared behind them.

"This kid is actually a wizard from Fairy Tail."

"That badge, they are from the mercenary union South Wolf." Happy pointed at the emblem on their clothes.

"Natsu, give me some time, I always feel that there is a secret hidden in this book." Lucy said and left the library with the book.

[There is a secret, how come we don't know, is there a treasure map hidden in that book? 】

"Let us catch the girl, and leave him to you."

In the melee, Natsu was hit by a large frying pan and flew out, standing on the tongue of the large statue of Ebar.

"Do you know where the wizard's weakness is?"

"Are you afraid of taking public transportation?"

"No... that should be your personal problem..."

"The weakness lies in the body. The so-called magic can only be obtained by training the spirit desperately."

"The result is that in order to obtain magic power, the muscles will not be trained enough."

"In other words, compared with us who exercise every day, the strength and speed are far behind.


"How scary." Natsu replied with a look of disdain.

You call his muscles "muscle exercise" because you are not exercising enough. Natsu thinks they should go to the ophthalmologist.

What a hell he lived in the guild. Exercise, exercise every day, okay!

He was still vividly remembered being chased by Rose and being chased and chopped by Erza.

"Hiss, can't think about it, can't think about it, it's too scary."

Natsu shook his head vigorously and touched his arms, feeling goose bumps all over his arms.

"Hmph, let me show you our ultimate move."

"Heaven and Earth Destroying Killing Method!"

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!"

Natsu was too lazy to waste time with them. He destroyed a house and defeated two people by the way...


"There is such a secret in this book!" Lucy read quickly with the help of the Wind Song glasses.

"Tell the secret in the book quickly! "Aibar crawled out of the wall behind Lucy and grabbed one of Lucy's hands.

"Open, Capricorn Gate, Capricho!"

Capricho picked up Lucy and jumped away from Aibar as soon as he appeared.

"Goat!" Habib drooled with his paws on his cheeks.

"Miss Lucy, what do you want?" Capricho, who was wearing a suit, put Lucy down and put his right palm on his chest and bowed.

"Help me defeat him, Capricho!"

"It turned out to be a star magic, we can't defeat it easily."

Aibar relied on earth escape and Capricho's various melees. Aibar's strength was not bad, and he could chat with Lucy during the period.

[What is the secret? Is it about the dark side of our many businesses? This is not okay. If she gives it to the investigation wizard of the Council, we will have nothing.]

"Open, Virgo Gate, Baruge! "

Baruga did come out, and brought someone with him...


"How did you come out with Baruga!"

"Could it be that you, a human, actually passed through the Celestial Spirit World? How is that possible!!!" Lucy scratched her hair with a question mark on her face.

"Never mind, Natsu, I'll leave that to you. I'll deal with Abar!"

"Leave it to me! Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

Caprico kicked Abar away with one foot, and Lucy took off the long whip from her waist and tied Abar up with one swing.


Lucy and Natsu met the client Kirby again.

"You are the son of Kaim Saleo, right?"

When Kirby was about to burn the book, the magic on the book finally started.

"He cast a spell on this book at the time. The real name of this book is "To Dear Kirby." "

"The content inside is the same, the reason why he gave up being a writer.

It could be the worst thing you ever wrote, or it could be the best thing you ever wrote.”

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