The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Then let's go back to the guild first."

After saying that, Ross constructed a teleportation magic circle under his feet, and Erza and the others nodded and walked in.

The location Ross chose was not far from the guild gate, and as soon as he came down, he saw Loki running out while crying.

When Loki saw Erza, he braked suddenly and ran back.

"Oh no! Erza is back!" Loki shouted after pushing open the guild gate.

[I can hear you shouting so loudly from so close...] Erza's mouth twitched.

...Quiet, the guild suddenly became very quiet, including Gray and Natsu who were still fighting.

"Eh? What happened? Why are you all so scared when Erza comes back?" Lucy looked around at the people in the guild as if they were frozen.

"You'll know in a minute." Mira answered with a smile, squinting her eyes. Anyway, she wouldn't be called out, so she was happy to watch the show.

Erza, holding the magic horn, walked into the guild majestically. After putting down the magic horn, she first put her hands on her waist and sighed.

"I'm talking to you, we've heard a lot of rumors along the way, saying that the wizards of Fairy Tail are causing trouble all day long."

"Even if the president forgives you, I won't forgive you."

"Vijita, if you want to dance, go outside, don't always dance on the table."

"Wakaba, the cigarette ash is all over the floor."

"Nob, are you still just watching in front of the bulletin board? Go to work!"

"Macao... Alas..." Erza sighed and touched her forehead helplessly. She also heard that Macao was accepted by Snow Mountain Vulcan.

Forget it, I won't attack him.

"Say something, at least!" Makao said that you might as well scold me directly, otherwise I would feel even worse.

"You are all a bunch of children who never grow up. I think I will forgive you today and not blame you."

"So that's how it is. Erza is the discipline committee member in the guild."

As soon as Lucy spoke, Erza finally noticed her, turned her head and looked at Lucy and said, "Lucy, congratulations on joining Fairy Tail."

"Congratulations, Lucy." Ultear and Kagura also nodded to Lucy.

"Well, thank you, I am very happy to join Fairy Tail!" Lucy answered excitedly with her right fist clenched.

Ultear continued, "We'll treat you to dinner tonight as a welcome."


"Okay, let's get down to business. Are Natsu and Gray here?"

"Erza, we got along very well today..."


Natsu and Gray answered with their arms around each other, trembling in cold sweat.

If Erza had just called them together, they might not have been too scared, but they were afraid that Erza would find them alone.

"How did Natsu become like Happy!" Lucy was stunned. This was the first time she had seen Natsu like this in all the days she had known him. He always looked fearless.

Erza crossed her arms and nodded confidently: "Even good friends will quarrel occasionally, but I like to see you get along well like this, you are doing very well."

"Not so good..."


"Why are Natsu and Gray like this?"

Mira explained with narrowed eyes and a smile: "Because Natsu challenged Erza before and was beaten half to death."

"Gray was often beaten by Erza because he always took off his clothes in the guild. Finally, he was beaten down to his shorts."

"Loki wanted to pursue Erza like Erza did, but Erza didn't dare to do it. "I see." Lucy nodded thoughtfully, holding her chin. She didn't expect Erza to have this side. When Erza was at her house, she gave her the impression of being strong, obsessed with sweets, and innocent...

Rose clapped her hands to attract attention and said, "Natsu, Gray needs your help with something. We will leave tomorrow. You should go back and pack up quickly. Lucy, if you are interested, come with us."

"Eh? Me?" Lucy pointed at herself with her index finger, and was surprised that her name was called.

Urutia smiled and nodded: "Well, come together, Lucy."

Everyone also talked about Rose actually needing someone to help, but soon everyone was relieved..

What does it have to do with me? Let's drink...

Rose and Erza sat at the bar and drank the cocktails made by Mira and Lisanna.

Mira asked while wiping the glass

Ross: "What happened that requires Natsu and Gray to go together?"

"A wizard in the Iron Forest stole a magic item sealed by the Council. It's not clear what it's for. In fact, Urrutia and the others should be able to handle it. I just want Natsu and Gray to try."

In fact, Ross wanted Wendy to go with him if possible, but Wendy and Xia Lulu went out to work and haven't come back yet. Wendy has learned Roaring Iron Fist and Hook Claw from Natsu, so she has no problem protecting herself.

She has a precocious cat by her side, so Wendy won't be fooled. Otherwise, Ross really doesn't trust Wendy, who is so innocent, to go on the mission alone.

Mira nodded slightly. There was nothing to worry about. Since Rose said so, it shouldn't be a big deal. She was more interested in Natsu and Gray teaming up. The destructive power should be good...

"Do you need me to report to the president?"

"Sure, you can write a letter to grandpa later."

The next day-

Yesterday, everyone had agreed to meet at Magnolia Station. Erza and the others came to find Rose early in the morning and came to the station together.

Lucy was awakened by Natsu climbing the window early in the morning... Now she is sitting on a seat at the station to rest.

Natsu and Gray are bickering...

"Why do I have to team up with a guy like you!"

"That's what I want to say. If it's to help Rose and Erza, I can do it alone."

"Then you can go alone."

The two fought fiercely, and pedestrians at the station stopped to watch them.

Lucy covered her face with her hands, looking ashamed.

"Sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?" Rose saw Natsu and Gray bickering with their faces close together from a distance.

"Erusa..." Lucy turned her head to look at Rose and Erza, staring blankly at the big luggage cart that Erza was pulling. Even though she had seen it before, she was always surprised every time she saw such a big cart of luggage.

"We got along well today."


The two changed their faces when they saw Erza.

"It's here, Happy No. 2!" Lucy didn't even know where to start complaining.

"Well, getting along well is the most important thing." Erza nodded with a look of relief.

"Natsu, I'm going to collect copyright fees, ten fish!"

The Happy, who was chewing the fish, protested loudly.

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